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GIM Beerus

Member Since 12 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active May 28 2019 04:19 AM

Topics I've Started

GIM Inactivity

20 January 2019 - 09:56 PM

Hello, here's a long shot suggestion but hey, gotta try!! 

I am suggesting making us GIM able to appeal someone if they are inactive. I'm not saying for a ban but for a kick from GIM and demotion to regular status. GIM is already difficult and to pick such a role and join a team i feel like it's a huge let down if someone becomes inactive and you're a man down. It's less fun. So, I am suggesting maybe making it so if someone is a week inactive we can make an appeal on them, you can look into if and if they've been inactive for awhile then you could kick and demote them to regular status as kind of like "you don't deserve gim" lol.

Again, it's a long shot but hey i thought id try.