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Cunt Crusher

Member Since 12 Jan 2019
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Offline Last Active Oct 16 2024 10:13 AM

#420315 Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 27 December 2021 - 09:03 PM

Username: Cunt Crusher
Discord Name: AlexTerrible#4510
Game Mode: GIM
Playtime: https://prnt.sc/24vwh38
Proof of Combat/Skills: https://prnt.sc/24vwior
Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes
Reason for applying to Paragon?: Just came back to the server and looking for gamers to interact with
Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): Enslaving

#379470 Development Blog #12: Arceuus Library, Windertodt, Skilling Interface and mor...

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 04 November 2020 - 08:45 AM

Looking forward to the next update!

#379269 The Alora Times 11/01/2020

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 02 November 2020 - 12:12 PM

Feels like I'm getting old and waking up in the morning to read my newspaper haha. That was a nice read, Thanks Dk!

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#375029 Automatic process for Coconut half and empty vials

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 30 September 2020 - 06:02 PM



What is your suggestion?: Making the process automatic for mixing Coconut half and empty vials (ex: https://prnt.sc/uqwxl0 ) . Also make the NPC Zahur able to do it for you like Unf. potions.


Is this in OSRS?: I do not know.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Haven't seen anything on this topic.


How would this benefit Alora?: It would make our lifes easier as we need to click for every single one of them to turn them into coconut water.

Thanks, Alex


#375025 Adding empty vials to the Ironman/herblore stores

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 30 September 2020 - 05:24 PM

What is your suggestion?: Adding empty vials to Ironman and herblore stores.


Is this in OSRS?: Yes there is packs of 100 empty vials in various stores.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Looked real quick and haven't seen anything on this topic.


How would this benefit Alora?: As I mentioned above, there is some stores in OSRS where you can buy empty vials for various things to do. I think it would benefit the community to add this as the old method for doing antidote is using vials of water with coconut to create coconut milk.
This technique is not impossible to do with some of the change that have been made and now requires empty vials to do so and we only have decanting potions to get empty vials.

Thanks, Alex

#363335 All Cape Perks

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 13 July 2020 - 01:11 PM

Nice guide brother, thanks for all of this!

  • Dab likes this

#362323 Immortal Dynasty Clan

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 06 July 2020 - 02:38 PM

Account Name(s): Watto94
Account Type(s): Normal
Discord: Watto

Playtime (Screenshot):

Game Stats (Screenshot):

Efficient hours spent bossing (More info can be found in Clan Requirements) (Screenshot):

PVM Gear (Screenshot): No gear atm as im just returning to the game from a long break. will be selling custom to get money for gear

Are you affiliated with any other clans? No
Reason for joining: PVMing and playing with older/mature people
Recruited by: ZPH

Your application has been declined for the moment. Your application is missing the screenshots of : Playtime, Game stats, Efficient hours spent bossing and Pvm gear.

Please feel free to re apply when you met all requirements.

#360480 Immortal Dynasty Clan

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 24 June 2020 - 11:07 AM

Discord: began#5906


Account Name(s):Began. Gim Beggs

Account Type(s): Began is Ironman and Beggs is GIM

Playtime (Screenshot)
Game Stats (Screenshot)

Efficient hours spent bossing (More info can be found in Clan Requirements) (Screenshot):
PVM Gear (Screenshot):

Are you affiliated with any other clans? ICE but do not really use the CC ever.
Reason for joining: Looking for more active/experienced players to play with. These guys seem to do more raids also.
Recruited by: No one. Just always wanted to join

Your application have been Accepted. Welcome to #Dynasty, I will send you a link to our Discord in your forum pms

#360146 [Summer '20] Community Awards

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 22 June 2020 - 10:23 AM




Best Event Manager: Moe


Best Administrator: Mack


Best Global Moderator: Champ


Best Forum Moderator: Adex


Best Server Moderator: Classic


Best Server Support: 11


Most active on Discord: Elite


Most active In-game: gim deathkid


Most active on Forums: Champ


Most Respected: Code 002


Most Potential Promotion: Champ


Funniest Staff Member: 11


Overall Best Staff Member: Code 002






Most Active In-game: Gimslaving


Most Active on Forums: keviin iron


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall: Joey


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling: Roofy


Most Friendly: Elite


Most Respected: Chicken be


Coolest Veteran: Extremedanny


Best Helper: keviin iron


Best Edgeville Pker: Fiji


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer: Noa


Best Raider: Vespina


Best Skiller: keviin iron


Best Clan: #Dynasty


Best Ironman: 2 Ridiculous


Best Hardcore Ironman: Hardcore


Best Ultimate Ironman: Fou


Best Elite Ironman: Elite


Best Group ironman (Team): SFG


Best Group Ironman (Player): gim deathkid


Best Realism Player: Realism mode


Best Classic Player: Classic


Best GFX Designer: gim deathkid


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall: keviin iron

#359100 How to buy/sell custom donations guide

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 13 June 2020 - 12:20 PM

Great Guide Up to date and very well made i would add the fact you can do ::payment in game instead of omicron sending a link 

Thanks Chuckoramma1, I will add it to the topic!

#359099 Staff Update 6/13/20

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 13 June 2020 - 12:17 PM

Gratz @Elite and @Classic super happy for y'all, Well deserved promotions! I guess Gratz to J boogs too? ;) <3

#358998 How to buy/sell custom donations guide

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 12 June 2020 - 08:23 PM

How to buy/sell custom donation


Here's a little guide on how to buy and sell custom donations.

As someone with a high donator rank I've been asked a few times in the past how I got there and replied that I bought custom donations.

A few question came along with that.


Q - What is a custom donation?

A - A custom donation is a donation that goes towards your donator rank or to buy various items through a special shop on the Forums.

Here a list on the available items. https://www.alora.io...ith-osrs-gpbtc/


Q - What perks does Custom donation have towards your donator rank that bonds doesn't have?

A - Custom donations that are higher than $100 USD will count towards your donator rank and also multiply it by 4 .

Example : $100 USD donated will count as $400 USD towars your rank.


Q - How can I buy a custom donation?

A - You need to get in contact with Omicron through the Forums via a private message. (More Details in the "buying custom donations" section.)


Q - Am I allowed to sell custom donations for In game GP?

A- Of course! Whenever you decide to sell a custom donation you'll need to find a buyer and go through formality with Omicron (More details in the "Selling custom donations" section.)


Buying custom donations.


To start buying a custom donation, you will need to create a conversation with Omicron on the Forums.


The following message should have :

- The total amount of donation you're wishing to buy

- What the donation will be towards (Donator rank or items.)


Omicron will then send you a link with all the options available. You can also do ;;payment in game to access the custom donations options. (If you don't find the amount that you want you can add multiples options)



Example: For a $250, add $200 and $50 for your total.


After completing your transaction, you will then need to provide a proof of the transaction being completed.

- The receipt you receive once you've completed your payment will be your proof.


Omicron will then confirm that the transaction have been completed on his side and Voila, you have bought a custom donation!


Side note, you can also buy custom donations from other players. (More details in “selling a custom donation.”)


Selling a custom donation.


To start the process of selling your custom donation, you will need to start advertising it either in game, through the Official Alora Discord in #Market or in the Market section in the forum.


Once you find a buyer, you will also need to find a Middle man (staff member.)

The job of the Middleman is to collect the payment of the buyer and hold on to it until Omicron confirmed that the custom donation have been transferred to the buyer. (More information below.)


Once the buyer and the Middleman have been found, you will need to create a Forum pm including Omicron, the Buyer, the Middle man and Your self called "Selling custom donation."

(Side note, If you haven't bought the custom donation you have to do so before completing the sale. More information in "Buying a custom donation.")


In the forum pm Including Omicron, the Buyer, The Middleman and your self, you will specify that the custom donation is sold to (Buyer's name) for (Amount of alora gp or items.)



The Middleman will then confirm that the Buyer's payment have been made with a screenshot of the transaction.


The buyer will then confirm that the custom donation will be going either to his donator rank or buying an item in the custom forum store. (More information in the "Questions/Answers part of the topic.)


Once Omicron confirms that the custom donation has been transferred to the buyer, the Middleman will then give you the buyer's payment in game and Voila, you have sold a custom donation!



Omicron is the only person who is allowed to monetary profit from Selling/Buying custom donation. Any failure to do so will result in a punishment for the Buyer or the Seller. (More information in the Rules section of the forum, Article 3 of In-Game rules)



Thank you very much for reading my guide and I hope I helped a few person and new member of our community with this guide.


Every feedback is appreciated to help this guide to be as accurate as possible.


Best regards, Alex.


#358532 [9/6/20] Darkmeyer, ToB Drop rate buff, CoX updates, Achievement diary change...

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 10 June 2020 - 01:14 AM

Holy fuck that just made me nut... I fucking love this update! Keep up the good work!!

#348782 11's / Wheat Bread's EIM Progress Part 6?..

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 14 April 2020 - 01:31 AM

Nice looking bank! Keep up the good work. Also Nice ancestral legs! <3

  • 11 likes this

#343192 [March] Community Awards

Posted by Cunt Crusher on 19 March 2020 - 09:39 PM




Best Event Manager:


Best Administrator: God


Best Global Moderator: Kharyrll


Best Forum Moderator: gim deathkid


Best Server Moderator: Vape Tricks


Best Server Support: A BJ


Most active on Discord: iron champie


Most active In-game: gim deathkid


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected: Code 002


Most Potential Promotion: A BJ


Funniest Staff Member: Code 002


Overall Best Staff Member:  Code 002






Most Active In-game: arcadus


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord: 11


Most Active Overall:  11


Most Wealthy:  Enslaving


Most Addicted to Gambling: Ra


Most Friendly: Jisoo


Most Respected: Fear Nothing


Coolest Veteran: arcadus


Best Helper: iron champie


Best Edgeville Pker: Foundational


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker: Foundational


Best PvMer: elite yin


Best Raider: Fake Swaggy


Best Skiller: Kharyrll


Best Clan: #Dynasty


Best Ironman: iron champie


Best Hardcore Ironman: sleepwalkers


Best Ultimate Ironman: UIM Goofy


Best Elite Ironman: 11


Best Group ironman (Team): Dynasty big boys


Best Group Ironman (Player): gim deathkid


Best Realism Player: realtartarus


Best Classic Player: No


Best GFX Designer: Gatsby


Best Youtuber: Roofy


Best Streamer: Roofy


Top Overall: gim deathkid