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GIM Y0m0pk

Member Since 12 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2023 06:29 PM

#294214 Total experience counter

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 13 May 2019 - 09:06 AM

Yeah I think it goes to 'Lots' at 500m now. I would also rather see it say 'Lots' after max total just for a little achievement, but not totally fussed either way. 

#294195 Clue Casket Opening

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 13 May 2019 - 08:24 AM

Didn't see the music is very loud part, R.I.P.

Some good rewards though, I like the little parrot the most :P

#293175 Reclaim Lost Holiday Event Items

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 08 May 2019 - 06:09 AM

Support. No reason not to add the option. Also, very beneficial for UIM that want to keep the items.

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#293068 2K Total/ Max Account/ Completionist Cape

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 07 May 2019 - 11:49 AM

Good luck! Maybe all of us hardcores who need these wildy achievements can team up one day :P

#293050 ICE Raids Loot: Week 3

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 07 May 2019 - 10:35 AM

Nice drops this week! I like that t bow the most though ;)

#293020 Pubstomp's Ironman Progress Thread

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 07 May 2019 - 06:48 AM

Keep up the good progress :)

#292179 RSPS 2.0, Bringing a new experience to the RSPS, Integrating AI and natural l...

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 03 May 2019 - 11:18 AM

No support.

1. Adding a bot is a way to slowly ruin the community. With everyone 'new' talking to bots, they're less like to have player to player communication and in turn just slowly taking away the 'community' aspect from alora. Also, when I was new I met many people through asking questions about the server (Which I'm still friends with now). Asking questions allows for easy conversation and is one way to make some great friends on here.

2. It just really isn't needed. We have a huge amount of staff, I do not remember that last time I logged in and their wasn't at least two staff online. Maybe this is just my timezone? Either way their is about 3 active CC's (Help, Ice, Dynasty) which will happily answer new people's questions - All frequently advertised on yell for new players to see. 

3. It will take a huge amount of time dedicated to inputting every single answer/question. You have to remember, with 6 game modes each question can have up to 6 answers (Depending on the question) which adds even more time that would have to be spent on this update. Personally, I would rather see a lot more bugs/new updates that bring content than something people will rarely use.

4. sentiment analysis - Not really needed once again. Polls are created every so often which people can vote on what they want - Aka, what they like/do not like as they can vote against what is on the poll. Also, if people do not like something they have the option to write a suggestion (Like yourself) on the forums. HOWEVER, I do agree that a possible survey or something similar could be useful as this would not take as long to make.

For example; 1. What do you not like on alora          2. If you could change something on alora what would it be....

Could easily make a tally of similar points that come up.

5. Price checking bot - Something like this could be useful, just once again I think it would take up to much time. With the TP, you can simply check what the lowest price of an item is and ask in a CC if that is the price, many people reply to price checks. 

#291967 Destroying emblems etc for ether

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 02 May 2019 - 10:05 AM

This could work, but it would also bring some problems.

As an iron player myself, I would love to see something to make ether easy to get as I rarely ever had a big stack of it. 

Looking at it from a pking stance (Pesky pkers!), it could make the rev caves a lot more quiet, in result making the wilderness in general more quiet since this is one of the only hot spots. Normally when I have been in there, the majority of players are irons as well since revs is just not that liable for cash anymore. 

When I go, I normally get at least a couple rare drops per inv - So whilst it could work, the limits should be fairly low - A couple of hundred maybe? Of course their would have to be more thought

So I do SUPPORT, but it would definitely have to be thought about more in detail so the rev caves don't end up more dead (Won't ever be completely dead of course)

#291868 Suggestion For Music Tab

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 01 May 2019 - 04:49 PM

Support, don't see why this would be an issue 

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#291323 What’s The Meaning Behind Your Username?

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 29 April 2019 - 06:14 AM

First RSPS I played back around 2010? (Not exactly sure what year) I found a random skiller called 'Dark Y0m0pk'. Decided to make a little clan, so I was 'Light Y0m0pk'. After I left that server, one of the next big servers I played was NR which I got staff on with just the name 'Y0m0pk' and then decided to carry on the name to ikov which I also got mod on. Decided to stick with the name since then as once in a blue moon I get a message asking if it is the same 'Y0m0pk' from .... It is nice to have stuck with the name for so long as meeting old friends that I played with from years ago is a good feeling. 

#291319 Dynasty's First Month of CoX and ToB Loot

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 29 April 2019 - 06:11 AM

Should bunch up some items such as all of the ancest under one preview, clicking preview for every single item does get a bit annoying.

Other than that, good loot and made hella money between all you guys :)

#291318 kraken grind over

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 29 April 2019 - 06:06 AM

Nice work but it's not done until you get that pet ;)

#289517 Filter Ground item overlay

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 21 April 2019 - 04:06 AM

I do believe this has been suggested before and talked about in the Q and A which omi agreed would be a good update (Memory may be wrong)

Of course it would be a good update as not many people use the item overlay right now just because all the crap items take up the whole screen.

#261840 almost hit that 95x10 @gamble

Posted by GIM Y0m0pk on 27 January 2019 - 05:28 AM

Well that was close!

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