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Not Swagy

Member Since 11 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2024 02:01 AM

User's Awards

Star :: You're well known, and respected in the community.

You're well known, and respected in the community.

Given on 16 February 2019 - 01:09 PM by Dante

Unforgiven :: Awarded to those with over 1000 kills on 3 different non-wildy bosses.

Awarded to those with over 1000 kills on 3 different non-wildy bosses.

Given on 16 February 2019 - 01:09 PM by Dante

Staff :: Awarded if you are a staff member on our server.

Awarded if you are a staff member on our server.

Given on 16 February 2019 - 01:09 PM by Dante

Big Spender :: You've spent a ton of money supporting Alora. Thanks for the contributions!

Awarded to those who've reached legendary donator.

Given on 16 February 2019 - 01:09 PM by Dante

Chamber of Xeric :: Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 1 / Chambers of Xeric.

Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 1 / Chambers of Xeric.

Given on 16 February 2019 - 01:09 PM by Dante

Infernal Cape :: Achieved Infernal Cape

Achieved Infernal Cape

Given on 16 February 2019 - 01:09 PM by Dante

Asskisser :: Do we really need to explain this one?

Do we really need to explain this one?

Given on 16 February 2019 - 01:08 PM by Dante