- Alora
- → Viewing Profile: Awards: God
About Me
Someone hecked up my about me so now it's gonna be just this.
Community Stats
- Group Group Ironman
- Active Posts 49
- Profile Views 5,752
- Time Online45d 12h 17m 51s
- Member Title Veteran
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Not Telling
Game Activity
God has completed their entire Achievement diary!
Jun 13, 2021 7:47 pmGod has completed their entire Achievement diary!
Jul 5, 2020 4:59 pmLatest Visitors
User's Awards
$500 GIM Tournament Champion :: $500 GIM Tournament Champion
Given on 09 March 2020 - 02:33 PM by Mack Stayin' Alive :: Achieved by maxing a Hardcore Ironman
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:52 PM by God Group Ironman PvP Champion :: Winner of the Official GIM PvP Tournament
Winner of the Official GIM PvP Tournament
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:52 PM by GodGroup Chief :: Awarded to those who maxed out their Group Ironman
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:52 PM by God Infernal Cape :: Achieved Infernal Cape
Achieved Infernal Cape
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:51 PM by GodElitist :: Awarded to those who have maxed out their Elite Ironman
Awarded to those who have maxed out their Elite Ironman
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:51 PM by GodTest of Time :: Given to people who have a bunch of hours logged on the Alora forums.
Given to people who have a bunch of hours logged on the Alora forums.
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:51 PM by GodVeteran :: Given to those who have been part of Alora for a long time, and those who have stuck around.
Given to those who have been part of Alora for a long time, and those who have stuck around.
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:51 PM by GodVocal :: You speak your mind, and back it up with evidence. You always get some controversy, but are always civil in discussions.
You speak your mind, and back it up with evidence. You always get some controversy, but are always civil in discussions.
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:50 PM by GodStar :: You're well known, and respected in the community.
You're well known, and respected in the community.
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:50 PM by GodGrammar Nazi :: You constantly correct other people's mistakes, and have excellent grammar on your posts.
You constantly correct other people's mistakes, and have excellent grammar on your posts.
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:50 PM by GodJudge Dredd :: You've reached the level of Admin, and always enforced the rules.
You've reached the level of Admin, and always enforced the rules. A true example of what a staff member should be like.
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:50 PM by GodStaff :: Awarded if you are a staff member on our server.
Awarded if you are a staff member on our server.
Given on 03 March 2019 - 01:50 PM by God