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Member Since 02 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2022 01:54 PM

Topics I've Started

GIM Ticket Further Suggestion

02 March 2019 - 08:39 AM

Hi all,

With the release of the ticket today and thankful some form of escape has been arranged from bad groups this is good for all those with more than 1 person active in the group.
I however twice have been in groups where all of my other teammates have stopped playing the game mode or altogether. I refuse to spend 35 dollars on a ticket that actually won't allow me to leave due to nobody voting on it.

My suggestion.

For those in a group of 5 with 4 inactive players should be able to custom donate 35 dollars similar to EIM in which you automatically are kicked from the group. The difference between this and other similar suggestions? Every account only gets one of these custom donations meaning that the second group you join you need to be smart about. Only because those still playing the mode are enjoying it, at release it was hype and people don't like 6x grind.

Many Thanks

[SUGGESTION] Dusk Mystic Robes

22 January 2019 - 07:15 AM

What is your suggestion?: Dusk Mystic Robes

Is this in OSRS?: yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: don't think so

How would this benefit Alora?: just gives people another variant of mystic robes maybe fashionscape

Massive thank you to DB Aspect

14 January 2019 - 04:39 PM

Just want you all to check this guy out, made me a solid avatar, eventhough he ripped me with 'the worst'. You can find his shop at the following; https://www.alora.io...ct´s-gfx-store/



GroupIronman's GIM Progress Thread

13 January 2019 - 06:20 AM

Hey Alora and welcome to my G&A thread. I will be updating this as we go a long and I Hope you enjoy the ride haha.

Goals being worked on:
99 Slayer

GroupIronman / @OneFalseStep