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Member Since 29 Dec 2018
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2019 05:35 PM

Topics I've Started

Where to go from here

02 February 2019 - 01:18 AM

Sorry if this is the wrong section. 


So this is the first time im getting back in RS/Private Servers since when OSRS first came out. I just finished getting 99 slayer and I am trying to figure out where to go from here. There is alot of new monsters and items that have came out since i stopped playing and most of them are must haves.  Currently, the only notable items i have are a whip, elite void, slayer helm and d boots and some other regular items like barrows gloves. Where should i go from here? Don't really know what are must have these days and what isn't, and what I should kill.


Thanks for the help!

Couple Questions on Points

28 January 2019 - 12:55 AM

Hey Everyone,


Can you guys give me some ideas on what I should be spending my points on for a couple different things. Slayer points, vote points, and donor tokens. Is there anything worth getting with my points or something that is worth saving for? 


Thanks for the help!