Glad people are enjoying them and actually think they’re good though
- Lunar Spell likes this
Posted by Olmost
on 17 January 2021 - 08:22 PM
Posted by Olmost
on 17 January 2021 - 07:13 PM
Not exactly GFX, but some stuff I'd like to share with everyone. I'm still a beginner, but here are some photos I've taken in Georgia while I've been working.
My insta is @silosnaps if anyone wants to see more. How am I doing for being a beginner? Any tips?
Posted by Olmost
on 31 December 2018 - 07:20 PM
So I haven't got a chance to do this yet, but hello. Server has been wonderful so far, and I'm only just getting to the good content.
I feel like I should at least tell you guys one thing about myself, so here goes.
There's a main philosophy I live by.
Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason ever, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever.
Posted by Olmost
on 29 December 2018 - 06:43 PM
I like the idea of trading items for points
I think if items or sets were traded for points we should less than 1k per piece to not jack the economy up much
I don't see how it would effect the economy. When trading an item, you're getting less points than it costs, so no matter what, there's no influx of items entering the server.
For every item you trade in, you're actually taking an item out, while still having to earn another.
Posted by Olmost
on 29 December 2018 - 06:35 PM
What is your suggestion?:
It would be wonderful if you could exchange barrows pieces for points. I feel like 2-3k per piece would be decent, but no overkill.
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
How would this benefit Alora?:
It would benefit everyone. Mainly the ironmen, but even the regular players who just want to grind barrows instead of buying. And even with the 15k for a random set, you'd still have to do more runs if you decided to trade that whole set in. You'd get 8-12k points, based off 2-3k per piece, so I really don't see a way of abusing this for free pieces either.