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A Loner

Member Since 29 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2019 06:05 AM

#251081 Classic boosters

Posted by A Loner on 03 January 2019 - 02:09 AM

Alright, Alright.. I'll SUPPORT it.. But only because your frog is CRYING!

#251078 Christmas Giveaway Winners

Posted by A Loner on 03 January 2019 - 02:04 AM

Lowkey LOC?


Congratulations the rest of you

#249887 Fastest Inferno times with different donator ranks - Suggestion

Posted by A Loner on 31 December 2018 - 04:53 AM

Decent idea - I think it would open up the competition alittle more.


Instead of putting up "Donator status"-bracket. How about you will be given the option to start at diffrent waves (according to what your Donator rank allows you to)

Example: A Master donator can join the competition with Extreme donator simply by choosing to start at the respective wave that Extreme donators are allowed to (25). This would add a various picture of who's really the "BEST OVERALL"-Inferno raider. You will still have the advantage as Uber/Master donator etc as you can join more brackets to show your skills in Inferno from scratch or wave 45.



#249885 Elf EIM Progress #1 - Taking Suggestions

Posted by A Loner on 31 December 2018 - 04:46 AM

Welcome to the community.


First off I'd suggest you to join 'ICE' clan chat, this is due to expertise knowledge of Ironman progress and skilling advice.

Next thing I'd suggest you to do is go mine some Pure essence. As @7ashkal suggested this is the freeway to a solid damage for a low effort.


As you have build up a decent amount of Chaos runes you might want to start doing Slayer to achieve atleast level 58 (Cave Horrors = Black mask) you might also want to kill Baby blue dragons to get an inventory or so of baby bones which should leave you at around 45 Prayer (decent for overheads + Magic boost prayer)


Last but not the least I'd suggest (as others have done aswell) to pickpocket master farmer now and then to earn yourself some Herb seeds as you might want your Herblore level to sustain the brewing of Super Attack + Super Strength potions before you start the Melee grind.


If you have any questions according to this post feel free to PM me or as I stated in the top: Join 'ICE' for support.


Best of luck - and remember if things gets tough. You're supposed to be an ELITE Ironman *kisses*

#248666 What’s The Meaning Behind Your Username?

Posted by A Loner on 28 December 2018 - 07:00 AM

I am a part of something huge.


I am a part of something unique.


I am a part of this universal creation.


Yet I am A Loner. Hooraa!


Really - I am just A Loner. rawwRR

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#244709 Some RC shop changes so it will be more useful

Posted by A Loner on 17 December 2018 - 04:37 AM

Great idea. The Runecrafting shop needs something useful added.


I'd suggest maybe a Runecrafting scroll.

- When active you will have a chance of 10% to make double runes for an hour. This would help making runes and keep people doing RC