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Posted by Angier on 26 September 2021 - 09:14 PM
Username: Angier
Discord Name: Envidia#9144
Game Mode: EIM
Playtime: 30d
Proof of Combat/Skills: https://imgur.com/a/F0eaYpk
Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes
Reason for applying to Paragon?: Same reasons as Kieran -- looking for an active community & many friends are in Para already :-)
Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): Melcw
Posted by Angier on 16 June 2021 - 12:48 PM
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Most Potential Promotion: @Amica
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Most Active Overall: @Gimslaving
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Best Group Ironman (Player): @Gimslaving
Best Realism Player: @King Daz
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Top Overall: @
Posted by Angier on 03 March 2021 - 04:19 PM
please revert to the old combat system, the way it works right now is not nice.
and like people said above. if we want to play osrs we would've been there.
i feel sorry for all the time invested in coding this, but this just turned out wrong.
tbh if the combat system stays like this i'm probably quitting since this is no fun at all. and im probably not the only one thinking this.
skilling it is for now!
This resonates with me as well -- I find Alora more enjoyable than OSRS because of the PvM system, not in spite of it. If the PvM system is changed to match OSRS, as a fairly low XP gamemode I'd feel more inclined to just go play the main game, or stop playing rs-related servers (main or private) altogether.
(First post, woo)