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daddy shar

Member Since 26 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2018 11:15 AM

Topics I've Started


30 November 2018 - 10:43 AM

I just started out on this game and found out pretty quickly that PVM is really easy. I think that it should be much harder because that's the challenge of PVM. Currently, pvming is really easy and not a challenge at all. I looked at Lowkey's stream on youtube and found out that he was doing the Theatre of Blood. After looking at his stream, I seen that Theatre of Blood is not even a challenge, in fact it's much easier than the GWD bosses on 07. Theatre of Blood provides the best weapons and items in-game therefore, I think that it should at least have some sort of challenge. For people who think it's hard, OSRS ToB is 100x harder. I'm not saying that it should be the EXACT SAME as OSRS, but it should at least be similar. TOB is just an example of PVM being really easy. Nearly every boss on Alora is piss easy. 


I suggest making the bosses slightly harder so it at least has some sort of challenge. Thank you for reading my post.