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Member Since 16 Nov 2018
Previous Username: Iron Champie
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2025 02:28 PM

#436343 New YouTube Ranks

Posted by Champ on 24 July 2022 - 08:09 AM

No support.


Although I like the idea of rewarding YouTuber's for creating content for Alora and helping Alora grow, this simply requires too much micromanaging in my opinion. Currently there is some milestones you'll need to hit and you'll be granted the YouTuber Rank which is so much easier to manage. I believe Moe handles the content creaters and this would mean that Moe would have to personally look through the videos to make sure they're up to both him and Omicron's quality standards.


With the current rank, there is a requirement for an amount of videos you would have to make but also a requirement for how long you would have had to be making content for Alora. If new YouTuber ranks were to be added these would need increased requirements to ensure quality and consistency, in my opinion.


Maybe a few different YouTuber ranks with different milestones and requirements is an idea, but as mentioned previously I don't think this is the solution due to the amount of micromanaging required.

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#402053 Staff Update 7/4/2021

Posted by Champ on 04 July 2021 - 08:25 PM

@Ky So happy to see you reach Administration. That EM rank has not been used in a while. As long as you enjoy just half as much as I did you'll have a phenomenal time. Alora is really lucky to have such a powerhouse as yourself and I wish the best of luck with both Administrative duties but also the Event Management side of things. You'll be in good hands with @Moe.


@99 Congratulations on reaching Administration and best of luck with the duties and responsibitilies that comes with it.


@Livn Country Congratulations, I'm glad to see you're moving further up the chain.


@Fiji You've changed a lot since Server Mod and I'm glad to see it's paying off and you've moved up to the green club. Congratulations and best of luck in your new position.


@Amica Congratulations and best of luck in your new position.


@To gain Glad to see you're slowly moving back to where you came from, congratulations.


@J oshh Congratulations and best of luck in your new position.


@hc ashley Congratulations Miss Ashley, best of luck in your new position.


@Arosa Congratulations and best of luck in your new position.


@Stone Thank you for the time and effort.


@9 Thank you for the time and effort.

#399287 Staff Update 6/6/2021

Posted by Champ on 06 June 2021 - 12:48 PM

Even though myself and others doesn't agree with the decision I still respect it and can to an extend understand why it was made. I only wish the Staff Team the best and I hope they keep doing what they do best without me being present. No bad blood or hard feelings towards anyone that had a saying regarding my demotion.


@To gain Congratulations, glad to see you're climbing back fast. Keep killing it brother.


@Amica Congratulations, best of luck in your new position.


@Arosa Congratulations, best of luck in your new position.


@eal Xico Congratulations, best of luck in your new position.

#398398 Clans

Posted by Champ on 27 May 2021 - 07:25 AM

What is your suggestion?: Add the new Clan system that has just be released on OSRS.

Is this in OSRS?: Yes.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.

How would this benefit Alora?: There is quite a few large clans on Alora so I think this would be very convenient. More settings, more customization, more specific permissions, events, recruitment board etc.


Maybe also add ;;clans to teleport players to the Clan Hall area for drop parties, gatherings, etc


Link to the new Clans system:




#397759 Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by Champ on 19 May 2021 - 10:44 AM

Username: Champ

Discord Name: Champ#9782

Game Mode: Ironman


Proof of Combat/Skillshttps://gyazo.com/92...7378459c0ce2227

Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes.

Reason for applying to Paragon?: I can down more chicken nuggets than anyone in Paragon and also #Ex-Founder

Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): I've been told to apply by quite a few individuals.

#397736 Dzone Upgrade

Posted by Champ on 18 May 2021 - 07:03 PM

As others have said always make sure to read previous suggestions before suggesting.


The whole reasoning behind declining this suggestion is simply because a large portion of the player base holds a donator rank of some sort. If Omicron were to add a teleport wizard to the Donator Zone it would take that large portion of players away from Edgeville and then when new players that comes to tryout Alora or old players returning to Alora see Edgeville is empty they would most likely see the server as being dead as that large portion of players have moved away from where new players first spawn. Newer players wouldn't know how to check server statistics for the amount online and they wouldn't be able to see that large portion of players before they go on to purchase a Donator Rank themselves. Players first impression of Alora is what draws their attention and it's most likely what makes them stay and try it out.


"Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+." :awkward:

#397462 Staff Update 5/15/21

Posted by Champ on 15 May 2021 - 06:03 PM

@A Welcome back baby mama. Good to see you back in action.


@Stone Massive congratulations on reaching the yellow club. Best of luck with your new position and the responsibilities that comes with it.


@Ky Congratulations, best of luck with your new position.


@Livn Country Congratulations, good to see you finally climb. Best of luck with your new position.


@Monaco Congratulations, best of luck with your new position.


@Amica Congratulations, best of luck with your new position.


@hc ashley Congratulations Miss Ashley. Best of luck with your new position.

#389493 Your favorite quote ?

Posted by Champ on 17 February 2021 - 10:29 AM

"Your account has been disabled, please appeal on the forums"

- Alora.io

#387826 Things that are wrong on Alora

Posted by Champ on 30 January 2021 - 12:48 PM

6 - Staff are still too harsh with some rules, literally no improvement since I came back from 2018. Some staff jump at every opportunity to punish players when Alora isn't as popular as it used to be. Need to be more lenient.


The Staff Team is way more lenient than they should be. As someone with almost 2 years of Staff expereince I can deffinitely speak to that.


7  - Punishment wipe should've been advertised in some way, although it could cause some issues at the beginning.


I guess your items was wiped cause you got your account back? If you didn't break any rules they wouldn't have had to take actions in the first place. I think you should be happy with getting your account back however I'm sure the items could be returned and your account could go back to being permanently banned.


8 - Group ironmen can kick/invite people that have already played on their GIM accs(in other words, trading with other gim). Might as well remove the ''ironman'' part?


This has been adressed multiple times however taking action and making changes would simply be unfair since a lot of people already took advange of how that gamemode works.


14 - Still no tournament system coded. Admins/event managers are still forced to make their own brackets and teleport fights to each other. This isn't 2013. Every other server has some sort of tournament system in place. utorrent was asking for this back in 2016 when he was an event manager.


I was fortunate enough to have the oppurtunity to host events for the community on mutiple occations and setting up brackets, teleporting people in/out etc is not too much of a hassle.


17 - Discord is dead. Pretty sure every message in the past week has been !jay


Not sure what you have in mind about this one. Most people are tied to a clan in some way so they prefer using that Discord over the Alora one.


21 - Presets loc?


This is a thing with the RuneLite plugin called Inventory Setups.


I'm not sure what you're hoping to achieve with this post since you only mentioned a few potential fixes to a few of the points you made. A large percentage of the Alora community are well aware that there are deffinitely things that could use a rework/fix however without any suggestion(s) on how these things could potentially be fixed action probably won't be taken.

#385762 Staff Update 1/10/21

Posted by Champ on 10 January 2021 - 11:11 AM

Was a pleasure being on the team and serving the commumity for as long as I did.


@Adex Congratulations, best of luck with the powers and responsibilities that comes with your new position.


@Classic Congratulations brother, best of luck in your new position.


@Stone Congratulations, best of luck in your new position.


@Smope Jr Congratulations, best of luck in your new position.


@Yautja Congratulations, best of luck in your new position.


@J boogs Thank you for your service father.

#385717 Oh wellllll

Posted by Champ on 09 January 2021 - 07:15 PM

There could be a handful of reasons as to why your account is all of the sudden banned out of the blue. There is always a reasoning behind any ban that's placed so you could simply ask any of the staff members (Moderator+) if you're unsure about the reasoning and I'm sure they would give you an answer. But posting stuff like "How about a mass ban event" is definitely not the way to go.


Best of luck on your future endeavours.

#384132 Nice alora rates

Posted by Champ on 20 December 2020 - 11:22 AM

So here is a few examples of dry streaks from OSRS for comparison:


- 217 Barrows Chests without ANY item.

- 17.000 Cerberus kills without Hellpuppy pet.

- 50.000 Imp kills without the Imp Champion Scroll.

- 23.456 Kraken kills without the Kraken Pet.

- 9.946 Basilisk Knights for the Basilisk Jaw

- Synq is like 208 Purples dry for the Olmlet.


Just because a few people are unlucky at certain places don't necessarily mean it requires a rework. Also, I'm not sure how the time it takes to complete raids etc is a factor in this since you would expect end game content to require more time invested. I myself am dry for both the pet and the dust in ToB but I've gotten lucky a few other places.


In the end it depends on RNG. You can be Eternal and go 40 dry at CoX or you could be non-donator and get a B2B.

#382285 The Veteran Rank

Posted by Champ on 27 November 2020 - 07:24 PM

Changes takes effect as of November 27th, 2020.


Removed the following:

  • Players may only hold the Veteran rank on 1 account at a time.
  • Players may transfer their Veteran Rank to a new account that also meets all of the requirements. However, once the rank is moved, it is PERMANENT and can not be transferred again.

Previously we did not allow players to hold the Veteran rank on multiple accounts, but moving forward this is no longer the case. Players may hold the Veteran rank on as many accounts as they like as long as the account they wish to hold the rank on meets all of the requirements.

#381979 Nerf/Fix Abyssal sire rates

Posted by Champ on 24 November 2020 - 02:52 PM

I feel like all I've seen the past couple of days is you complaning about bad luck at Abyssal Sire. As far as I know you had 4 Kraken drops in 10 kc and 3 Zenytes in 100 kc but then you have bad RNG at one boss and it needs a change? Droprates doesn't need to be changed just because you and a few other people had some bad RNG. I'm currently 247 dry for an Unsired but some people get 3 Unsired in 10 kc that's just how RNG works.

#381964 Combat Achievements

Posted by Champ on 24 November 2020 - 12:40 PM

What is your suggestion?: Adding the Combat Achievements which is currently being polled on OSRS.



Is this in OSRS?: Not yet as it's still being polled.



Has this suggestion been accepted already? No.



How would this benefit Alora?: It would give Hardcore PvM'ers a lot of new stuff / goals to aim for.











 (These are still currently being polled)

I will only list the ones I think would actually makes sense on Alora. The rest can be found using the source link at the top.



I think this has a lot of potential for PvM. Let me know what you think down below.


