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EIM Django

Member Since 12 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2020 06:11 PM

Topics I've Started

Puro Puro Fix

11 December 2018 - 07:33 PM

What is your suggestion?:


Increase spawns of the higher level implings within Puro Puro.  To my understanding the top few implings are on the same spawn table, which leaves Puro Puro in a broken state.  Currently speaking I've ran around Puro Puro for 30mins+ and seen zero Magpie, zero Ninja, and zero Dragon Implings.  However, there were two lucky implings.


Is this in OSRS?:


Yes, OSRS has more spawns of these implings in-game than we do here in Alora.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


No, there have been suggestions towards Binding implings and buffing exp rates though. (Puro Puro Remake?)


How would this benefit Alora?:


Currently for ironmen the best way to get dragon darts and arrows is through dragon implings, and currently with the minigame as it is, grinding hunter past 73 (Black Chins) is pointless, as no higher level implings are around.  (Unless going for Lucky Implings 89 Hunter)

Slayer: Fixing The TzTok-Jad Task

07 December 2018 - 09:42 PM

What is your suggestion?:


Apply a fix to the current TzTok-Jad task in the Extreme slayer tasks.


Is this in OSRS?:




Has this suggestion been accepted already?:




How would this benefit Alora?:


Currently doing a TzTok-Jad task gives you only the experience for the HP of Jad (250HP) which translates to 1,000 Slayer xp for doing the entirety of the fight caves.  Currently the Slayer helm does not work against the lower levels along the way, nor do you receive slayer experience for killing those either. 


In OSRS doing a Jad task offers a reward of 25,250 for killing Jad plus slayer experience for each lower level killed along the way as well.  Fixing these issues would make doing Jad tasks worthwhile, as of right now they are pointless and merely there for us to block and waste slayer points on.

LMS Changes

06 December 2018 - 12:44 PM

Thanks in advance for reading my post! Currently with the release of LMS i've taken notice that the new minigame isn't currently overly popular, especially with ironmen. Considering a large portion of the Alora player base is indeed Ironman, I figured I would suggest a couple different changes to the minigame to make it more popular among the community.

Introduce an LMS point system. Earn points by placing in the top 5 in a match and you'll earn bonus points, scaling with 1st place recieving the most amount of points and 5th place recieving the least. Also including a standard set of points for all participants.
Example: 1st place wins 50 bonus points plus 10 points for participating total points: 60.
Example: 5th place wins 10 bonus points plus 10 points for participating total points: 20.
Example: Last place recieves 10 points for participating.

With an introduced point system there would also be a shop with PVP gear such as Zuriels, Vestas, etc. Shop items can be changed to preference.

Other suggestion for point rewards: Ability to purchase Tiered emblems (1-10) for use with the emblem trader for GP/PKP. This also appeals to ironmen due to need for PKP for ring imbues.

Thank you for reading my suggestion, please do give feedback as I encourage seeing what all you have to say!

Server Staff Appreciation

06 December 2018 - 12:29 PM

Hello everyone, I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all the server staff, Admins, Mods, and Server Supports. Without the work you all do the server wouldn't be the success it is. Every day that I play I see respectable individuals that take their roles professionally, and ofcourse you all like to have your fun as well! When I joined the server just weeks ago I took note of the staff presence and how they reacted towards rule-breakers and those in need of support both in-game and on the forums. Needless to say, you guys were a factor in my staying on the grind train on Alora. It's hard to find a community that is well supported by its staff, and quite obviously by doing so Alora continues to thrive. Just remember the Alorians appreciate all your hard work!

EIM Django Goals

30 November 2018 - 02:13 AM

Hey everyone! I wanted to post my goals for my Elite Ironman and update them as I accomplish them.  Feel free to post here, PM in-game, anything!  Hope you enjoy my progress as I move towards my goals!



04 / 37


99 Attack

99 Strength

99 Defence

99 Range

99 Prayer

99 Magic

99 Runecrafting

99 Construction

99 Hitpoints

99 Agility

99 Herblore

99 Thieving

99 Crafting

99 Fletching

99 Slayer

99 Hunter

99 Mining

99 Smithing

99 Fishing

99 Cooking

99 Firemaking

99 Woodcutting - 12/30/18


99 Farming

Max Total 2277

All Quests Complete - 11/23/18


All Achievements Complete

Infernal Cape

"Completionist Cape"

All GWD Uniques

All Raids 1 Uniques

All Raids 2 Uniques

All Skilling Pets

All Boss Pets

200M XP Non-Combat Skill

200M XP Combat Skill

200M All Non-Combat Skills

200M All Combat Skills


Item Completion:
