05 August 2023 - 07:07 AM
31 March 2023 - 09:49 AM
This time around I let the community decide where we'd like to focus our fundraising efforts. A charity event for mental health won by a LANDSLIDE. With that being said, I know it is something that a lot of us can relate to and may be afraid to share. I can say from experience, that NAMI is an excellent resource for anyone who may be struggling or just looking to learn more.
If you'd like to learn more about the organization we will be raising money for you can check it out here: https://www.nami.org/Home
You can donate via this link: https://donate.nami.org/alora
For daily giveaways, more information and updates please join the discord: https://discord.gg/2WT97SX5Eh
RULES: This event will start as soon as this is posted and will end May 1st 2023.
1. You must donated at least $5 to participate. Please either include a picture of your donation via the discord https://discord.gg/2WT97SX5Eh)or forums or include your in game name on the donation. If you forget to do this, you will not be entered into the prize pool.
2. Please do not get upset if you do not win. This is not to make money, it is to raise money for charity.
3. Have fun, help advertise the event.
Giveaway: @Omicron will be matching 100% of the custom donations that I have given to this event, making the total $3,000 worth of custom donations.
25 February 2023 - 09:55 AM
For the next charity event I will leave it up to the community on what we should donate to... Previously we have raised money for things that are close to me: Breast Cancer Awareness, St Judes, and CMTA. In total, we have raised ~$5,000 throughout the three events.
I will be giving away ~75b in cash, items and custom donations for this event. It will be a longer event with smaller prizes throughout. Please vote for which sector you'd like to support the most!
Prior events ^^
If we get equal votes on all three charities when event starts, will automatically be doing an event with all three.
11 February 2023 - 02:13 PM
Buying $1,000+ in customs and bonds. PM ME!!!!
14 January 2023 - 09:30 PM
The beginning of 2023 brings another charity event. This time for a disease called, Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT). This disease attacks the nerves that control the muscles which makes the muscles lose normal function/sensation in the arms and legs. One of our fellow gamers and my good friends on Alora, @January 25th, 2023, PUSHED TO FEBRUARY 1ST AND THE PRIZE POOL HAS DOUBLED!!!
@Omicron will be matching all custom donations in which are given away. Currently I'll be providing $200 with Omi matching $200. If we hit our goal, $1,000 donated, I will add another $300, making it $500 total with Omi matching the $500, we will have $1,000 in custom donations being given away!!!!
You can donate via this link: https://www.justgivi...om/page/alora23
For updates, giveaways and more information please join the discord: https://discord.gg/2WT97SX5Eh
1. You must donated at least $5 to participate. Please either include a picture of your donation via the discord https://discord.gg/2WT97SX5Eh)or forums or include your in game name on the donation. If you forget to do this, you will not be entered into the prize pool.
2. Please do not get upset if you do not win. This is not to make money, it is to raise money for charity.
3. Have fun, help advertise the event. If we start poppin' off I will run giveaways throughout the event, not only at the end.
Current giveaway:
4x $100 custom donations +
If you are unable to donate via credit/debit card please join the discord for an alternative donation link.