After playing this game for three days now, we have noticed some major differences between Alora and OSRS. No, they are not the same game, but these improvements will definitely improve the PVP side of the server and will make the game more appealing to a bigger playerbase.
1. Wrong areas of multi/single combat.
There are a few areas of the wilderness where this is an issue. Mainly near revenant caves.
e.g. Alora-
e.g.2 Alora-
2. Resource area- Few issues
When in the resource area, high rewards are presented at high risk. With Alora, if there is any semi-decent pker skillers have absolutely no chance in escaping the area if attacked. When logging out on OSRS the player is returned to the entrance where as with Alora a player can remain logged in the area and instantly get a click on the player the same tick they log in, making it inescapable for skillers. The Resource Area should be changed so if players are logged out in the area they are returned to the entrance, to give skillers a chance.
Secondly, the resource area gate is bugged. When a player clicks to leave the gate and is caught in any type of freeze the player is unable to click anything meaning a pker has potentially 20 seconds to put damage into the player free of them eating.
3. Healthbars going full red at sub 3hp.
I'm sure this issue has already been raised so i'll just leave it at that.
4. Venom/ Anti-venom
When entering the wilderness a player should be prepared, with OSRS this usually means bringing an anti-venom but with Alora without this aspect it gives players far too much free roam in the wilderness. Including pkers themselves.This should be included to make the wilderness more dangerous.
5. Spearing
Currently, spears are not working, this is a crucial change that needs to be implemented and will affect both the multi and single scenes, giving players a greater chance to kill higher risking pkers (elysians and so on). I'm sure this is something that players would like to see changed to the game.
Current situation-
6. Delays/1 ticking
As many players know, the delays on Alora are quite significant relative to other servers which eliminates the differentiation between higher tier pkers. Currently you cannot 1 tick barrage on Alora, if this was changed im 100% sure Alora will take many players from competing servers.
Alora rsps-
What it should be like-
Hope you take into account our suggestions so we can continue to play this server and produce some content on our YouTube channels.