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Brain off

Member Since 03 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2024 03:54 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Use of Treasure Trail room & Dungeons in POH

05 November 2018 - 04:44 PM

+1 I can only support this. It would be really nice to have this in the game, especially for uim.

In Topic: Hidey Holes

05 November 2018 - 04:29 PM

Support! An insanely convenient QOL for UIM.

In Topic: Implement the destroy option on the looting bag

05 November 2018 - 04:26 PM

From the osrs wiki: 

Players used to be able to "deny" their killer from getting items in the bag by destroying the bag, as it destroyed all the items inside it. This was changed in an update on 5 April 2018 so that if the bag is destroyed, all items (except food and potions) would be dropped to the ground.


The loot then stays on the ground in osrs for about one minute i believe. And yes you wouldnt have time to pick everything up if your looting bag is full. But  if that's the case then you can just use the suicide method and get another looting bag, or maybe just keep the same mechanic as there is now, where u wont have to get a new looting bag.  But i do still think it would be nice if you could implement the destroy option and then the looting bag would disappear (else it would be too op). 

I think it wouldn't hurt if you keep the mechanic with the looting bag exactly as it is now, but add the destroy option as well. The only reason i really thought of this is because i just got a pet which i want to keep, but i also need the magic logs which i have in my looting bag, but i dont have enough coins to ensure my pet, nor get a house and store the pet there. It wouldn't take long to get the 10m to ensure my pet but still i feel like if the destroy option is in osrs and it is a method that uim use, it should be added here as well. It might not fit alora or it would be unneccessary but i feel like it would be a nice feature.


@UIM Georgie 

Btw i just realized that i used your guide when i made my UIM, it gave me a really good understanding of the gamemode when i started, thank you very much for that :D