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Lynx Iron

Member Since 20 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2024 08:38 AM

#229487 QoL Update - Tokkul Gem Shop

Posted by Lynx Iron on 30 October 2018 - 08:54 AM

Hi guys!


Lately i've been wondering why there is such little use for tokkul, other then the obsidian armour & weapons and the uncut onyx ofcourse.


My suggestion is:

Wouldn't it be awesome, mainly for ironman, to add the gem shop in the Thzaar area. 

It would work the same way as in Oldschool Runescape, where you can buy gems for tokkul.


(this would benefit the crafting skill, and thzaar's will be more packed, because most people are just skipping their thzaar's slayer tasks right now.)


I'm curious to hear your opinions.


Kind Regards,

Lynx Iron

#228945 QoL Update - Teleport Wizard?

Posted by Lynx Iron on 28 October 2018 - 11:35 AM

I've been thinking about this lately, because it's annoying me a little bit.


How awesome would it be, if we get a Teleport Wizard @ ::DZ, instead of having to teleport home after regaining Run, Health and Prayer at the pool in ::DZ.


It would make things a bit easier and more efficient, and it wouldn't affect the game in any way. 


I'm very curious what your opinions on this would be.


Kind Regards,

Lynx Iron.