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Member Since 19 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2022 09:08 PM

#319684 Back In Action

Posted by Tensorflow on 01 November 2019 - 07:56 PM

Hello (again), everyone!


I'm Dave, a maxed Ironman from way back - had to take a break from Alora due to finishing up graduate degree and relocating back to the US. I have a great new job, and time to kill after work, so I'm looking forward to jumping back into the action.

Goals: finish up my 200M RC xp, and eventually get back into maxing my UIM (ScikitLearn) once I'm back in a groove.


Good to see you all again.


- Tensorflow

#237322 [RSPS Development] Introduction

Posted by Tensorflow on 23 November 2018 - 05:23 AM

Episode 1 of a series I'll be doing.


See Topic 44434 to make a suggestion about something you want to learn about in a future episode.




EDIT: Episode 2 is coming soon, still ironing out exactly what will be talked about. However, figured I'd leave this here - here's a time lapse of a coding stream I did on the last server I worked on. This was about 3 weeks into development on the Araxxor boss from RS3, adapted to legacy style combat. A couple of months after this stream the boss went up for beta testing... Was a great project to work on. Hopefully you enjoy a look into the dev life on a late night!


#237292 200m Runecrafting

Posted by Tensorflow on 23 November 2018 - 02:40 AM

My first 200m skill I'll be going for is 200m runecrafting. I think it's a super chill skill when doing Soul runes, contrary to popular belief.


I do occasionally try-hard death runes, and bind a ridiculous amount of ess/hr, but I just finished up the last of the pure ess I've gotten from PvM, so I'll be doing souls the rest of the way (that's IF I don't break to kill zulrah if I want to do some death rc'ing). My goal is going to be between 3-5m xp per day at least, with grindy days being closer to 8-9m xp. Keep in mind I'll still be doing farm runs / playing my uim so I might not be super efficient.


Here's the current state of affairs:



Update 2:




Okay I've been going super try-hard this weekend @ soul altar... ~40m xp gained.

#237157 What do you want to learn about RSPS development?

Posted by Tensorflow on 22 November 2018 - 01:32 PM

Good evening, everyone.


Every time I get invested in a RSPS in any capacity, either as a player, administrator, or developer/co-owner (all roles I have actively participated in on numerous servers), I enjoy sharing my knowledge about the underlying aspects of private server development. I am a software developer by trade, so I feel I can offer a unique take on the private server community in general - especially the development side of things.


Alora has been one of the most receptive, awesome communities I've had the chance to be a part of, and I don't see myself playing another server for quite a while. So, I'd like to share some knowledge, experiences, and opinions I have regarding developing servers, and perhaps alter your perspective on how content is actually added to the game.


What I'm considering doing is an intro to private server development from a high level, non-instructional point of view. What I mean by that is, I'll dig up key parts of an old source I worked on as a developer (of which the server name will remain unannounced) and explain the inner workings of the game. However, this time, before making the video, I'd like some community input on what specifically they'd like to see in the code, and what they'd like to be explained.


What are you guys interested in? Is there anything you'd like explained? It can be high level abstract stuff, like instancing a region of the map for a private fight, or even specific little game interactions, like picking flax and adding the item to the inventory.


Unless you're very familiar with Java and/or object oriented programming languages, the code is going to be completely foreign to you - but I hope to illustrate how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Is this something you all would be interested in, or is it a waste of time? It'll probably take a decent amount of effort to make, so I want to be sure people will actually find value in it.


Again, just to reiterate - I'm not going to be doing a video "HOW TO GET YOUR DANK PRIVATE SERVER UP AND RUNNING IN 3 HOURS" - this is for general education purposes only, and will in no way promote moving to other servers, or branching away from Alora to compete. In fact, the source I'll be using is a 718 revision server - nothing like OSRS.


Cheers, and looking forward to hearing from you all.

Tensorflow (Dave)

#232928 HCUIM Progress Thread

Posted by Tensorflow on 09 November 2018 - 06:30 AM

At first I was like, wow this is a great idea.

Then I realized you’re a HC so you can’t suicide, which equates to no looting bag...

Now I’m like wow, this is ridiculously awesome and difficult idea!

Very cool, man - best of luck!

#232371 Tensorflow's UIM (ScikitLearn) Progress

Posted by Tensorflow on 07 November 2018 - 06:25 PM

So, I recently maxed my ironman with about 100 hours played (definitely not entirely efficient playtime), and I decided that although I'll continue playing normal ironman mode as my main, I'd like a more enjoyable, difficult challenge while maintaining an easy xp rate. Hence, I started my UIM, ScikitLearn. 



Progress Update 1



Progress Update 2:



Progress Update 3:



Current progress (Update 4):


85 slayer! However, as if not using a bank wasn't challenging enough - I have made myself another challenge! I may only obtain a whip via the Font of Consumption (AKA via Abyssal Sire). I'd like to see the time difference between the two methods, especially given my shitty range gear.


In order to efficiently kill Sire I'm going to need to get my mage to 92 for blood barrage (we'll see how many levels I get from alching the gold amulets I crafted - the rest of the xp will come from barrows, which I need to do anyway for dhally) and my range to around 95 to hit consistently with broad bolts. My kill times are going to be significantly slower (~2 mins on main w/ blowpipe, I'm expecting 3.5-4 minutes w/ rune cbow), so we'll see how this goes...


I got some nice skilling done this progress update as well! Getting the hang of doing herblore without a bank - very click intensive, but fun!


