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Iron family

Member Since 15 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2018 02:35 PM

#226067 iron family [iron man only]

Posted by Iron family on 17 October 2018 - 04:25 PM

We’re an active and sociable Ironman clan which looks to assist players in finding ironman bossing teams and a social environment for all ironmen. We can assist in any needs possible for new ironmen and veteran ironmen who wish to for advice on how to proceed from their levels towards their goal as an ironman.




what can you expect from joining iron family?


* An active player base

* friendly and sociable people

* helpful advise from experinced players

* clan events





Clan rules:

Respecting all clan members:
You are allowed to banter, and argue, because everyone has their own opinions and ideas, but you cannot insult, or put-down other clan members. We understand that people joke around, so you will only be penalized if you cross the line. When an officer rank tells you to stop, you should stop.

No leeching

Other than that, there are basically no rules. If you are doing something that isn't appropriate, an officer rank WILL tell you so that you must change your behaviour. Swearing is allowed, joking is allowed, all that jazz, but remember to be mature as much as possible.

This section can be changed at any time, and it will be current member's responsibility to keep up on new rules.



Every member of the clan has the ability to invite others, so simply joining our Clan Chat as a guest, and ask for an invite. You can also add any of the officers, or the owner and the first time we are on, we will invite you to the clan. Lastly, you can post here on the forum page, which myself, or another officer will check daily and we will get back to you when we can. Membership is NOT required, but we do SUGGEST being a member, that way you can progress the best you can, and we can help you the best we can. 


discord : https://discord.gg/QwTKrwX


To apply, reply to this post with the following format.

u get recruitment rank if u aply to our forums.

Account Name:
Account Type:
Playtime: (Please post or link a screenshot of in-game playtime if u can)
Game Stats: (Please post or link a screenshot of your statsif u can)
PVM Gear: (Please post or link a screenshot of your best in slot PVM gear if u can)
Are you in any other clans? (If so, which one?)
Reason for joining:
Recruited by: