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Member Since 23 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Mar 21 2024 09:18 AM

#65917 What kind of updates would you like to see?

Posted by Flexicution on 30 March 2017 - 06:45 PM

I would like to see Construction implemented, as well as More Skeletons added in ape atoll dungeon.

#56987 Suggestion List

Posted by Flexicution on 25 February 2017 - 11:46 AM

Slayer Suggestions:
-New / Another slayer cave(Possibly Donator only)
-Ability to block/prefer/extend Tasks
-Duo Slayer
-Number of slayer task's completed counter
-Increase the amount of xp gained by killing bosses on Extreme Slayer Tasks
-instanced rooms for monsters that you get on an extreme slayer task
-Make mutated Bloodvelds give slayer xp
Skilling Suggestions:
-ZMI runecrafting
-Private red chin hunter room on karamja
-Magic Secetuers for additional crop yield
-Motherlode mine
-Wooductting guild/Zeah features implemented
OSRS Item Suggestions:
-silver jewerly recently added to osrs
-Platinum Tokens(Poll Value)
-Add the "arclight" weopon from osrs
-Add Falador Shield to the achievement shop for Mole Locator
Miscellaneous/QOL Suggestions:
 -Increase quantity and spawn rate of skeletons in ape atoll dungeon
-Add the teleports to max capes
-Ability to change UIM to regular IM
-Make raid drops more common or raids will die
-Gear loadouts
-Bank pins
-Instance the Giant Mole or add more of them
-Ability to pause Bonus xp given by vote books
-Increase the amount of cannonballs a cannon can hold.  Say 100 max?