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Member Since 11 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Nov 01 2020 01:53 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Immortal Dynasty Clan

27 April 2020 - 02:51 PM

Account Name(s): I Iz Realz
Account Type(s): Realism
Discord: chop#0416

Playtime (Screenshot)https://gyazo.com/e7...b5010b130bb5808

Game Stats (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/c2...9496d6b8c6d5345

Efficient hours spent bossing (More info can be found in Clan Requirements) (Screenshot):https://gyazo.com/81...dde04286e44d3d9

PVM Gear (Screenshot):https://gyazo.com/69...00cb5f3e8ef5a06

Are you affiliated with any other clans? no
Reason for joining: all my realism friends wanted me to join, and they were right. I think it would be fun to be apart of the best clan;)
Recruited by: All your Realism players

Your application has been accepted. Welcome to #Dynasty! I will send you a pm via Alora forums with the Discord link.

In Topic: [February] Community Awards

25 February 2020 - 02:31 PM




Best Event Manager: @Moe / @To gain


Best Administrator: @Doofy


Best Global Moderator: @Kharyrll / @Iron Champie


Best Forum Moderator: @Vape Tricks


Best Server Moderator: @elite yin


Best Server Support: @NOT TROTZ / @F


Most active on Discord: @Morgen


Most active In-game: @Adex


Most active on Forums: @God


Most Respected: @Doofy


Most Potential Promotion: @Kharyrll


Funniest Staff Member: @Doofy


Overall Best Staff Member: @Doofy






Most Active In-game: @Gonansson


Most Active on Forums: @J boogs


Most Active on Discord: @janice


Most Active Overall: @Kharyrll


Most Wealthy: @S


Most Addicted to Gambling: @janice


Most Friendly: @UIM Gp


Most Respected: @Jisoo


Coolest Veteran:  @Jisoo


Best Helper: @NOT TROTZ


Best Edgeville Pker: @ Jon Zoo


Best Hybrid: @ Jon Zoo


Best NH Pker:@Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: @elite yin / @2 Ridiculous 


Best Raider: @No


Best Skiller: @Noobair


Best Clan: @DynastyClan


Best Ironman: @2 Ridiculous


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Fear Nothing


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Variance


Best Elite Ironman: @Gonansson


Best Group ironman (Team): @Feraligatr


Best Group Ironman (Player): @ SuperiorIQ


Best Realism Player: @Realism mode


Best Classic Player: @No


Best GFX Designer: @RFD


Best Youtuber: @NOT TROTZ


Best Streamer: @NOT TROTZ


Top Overall: @Tdlarppa

In Topic: [January] Community Awards

16 January 2020 - 08:25 PM




Best Event Manager: @IM Moe / @To gain


Best Administrator: @Doofy


Best Global Moderator: @sycamore


Best Forum Moderator: @Jisoo


Best Server Moderator: @elite yin


Best Server Support: @Moral truth


Most active on Discord: @Vape Tricks


Most active In-game: @Doofy


Most active on Forums: @gim deathkid


Most Respected: @elite yin


Most Potential Promotion: @Jisoo


Funniest Staff Member: @Jisoo


Overall Best Staff Member: @Doofy






Most Active In-game: @Gonansson


Most Active on Forums: @A BJ


Most Active on Discord: @janice


Most Active Overall: @F


Most Wealthy: @Hki


Most Addicted to Gambling: @janice


Most Friendly: @NOT TROTZ


Most Respected: @Yeah Ez Bro


Coolest Veteran: @arcadus


Best Helper: @Gonansson


Best Edgeville Pker: @not search


Best Hybrid: @ Jon Zoo


Best NH Pker: @Ra


Best PvMer: @Fear Nothing


Best Raider: @ SuperiorIQ (400 raids in a month???)


Best Skiller: @Wheat Bread


Best Clan: @DynastyClan


Best Ironman: @F


Best Hardcore Ironman: @Fear Nothing


Best Ultimate Ironman: @Ult 420


Best Elite Ironman: @Yeah Ez Bro


Best Group ironman (Team): @dynastybigboyz


Best Group Ironman (Player): @Kharyrll


Best Realism Player: @janice


Best Classic Player: @No


Best GFX Designer: @RFD


Best Youtuber: @NOT TROTZ


Best Streamer: @Roofy


Top Overall: @Taxic9

In Topic: Development Blog #8: Achievement Diaries, Last Man Standing overhaul, Chamber...

30 December 2019 - 11:36 PM

Can't wait for the CoX rework! Pog update  B)  Thanks for all the great work dad <3

In Topic: I shall call this piece: Rates Are Fine

30 December 2019 - 08:47 PM

At least you'll stay safe in the wildy with those chestguards...