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Member Since 27 Dec 2016
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In Topic: Ironman to "normal"?

28 December 2016 - 07:35 PM

Your given the option to be a normal player at the beginning of the game..Why not chose it then?? This is ridiculous; its called iron man "Do it yourself" for reason. 

You don't understand what im trying to say lmao, i'm saying what if the person is just done being a iron man after a long while of grinding, have a option to change it. It doesn't hurt to have a option to revert back to normal.

In Topic: Ironman to "normal"?

28 December 2016 - 07:24 AM

The thing here is, Iron Man accounts aren't supposed to be staking and trading etc. As far as pking is concerned, I can support that. I feel like there is a certain challenge to Iron Man accounts, that they have to work for their stuff from scratch. Basically, do things the hard way. I can certainly say that there won't come a day where normal accounts have the option to switch to iron man accounts. So, if ironmen are given the ability to switch over to normal, one day they may want to go staking, make or lose bank, and the next day they want to be back to ironman because it is more fun (undoubtedly). This won't be possible then.


I do not support this idea.

I see what your getting at, but its a choice made by the iron man account, if you can it do on osrs, why not on alora? People can get bored of grinding on a independent account, or even the server. Which then leads to he/she wanting just to go all out, abandoning the iron title. I'm pretty sure if you choose this choice as well, you will know 100% you won't get this title back. I also suggest the option to have  a 'permanent' ironman and 'non-permanent' iron man to take away that 'not going back on your choice' issue, just like osrs.