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Blue meth

Member Since 26 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2017 04:56 PM

Topics I've Started

Fully Customizable Max Cape

11 January 2017 - 09:40 AM

Hello my fellow Alorians!!


I am here to bring my first suggestion.....




In my opinion, and im sure many others, the achievement of being maxed is a big deal, even if the xp rates are extremely fast.

I think that if anyone has put in the time and effort to max out all their stats and potentially go for 200m xp, they should be able to show it off.... but in their own way.


Not saying I dont like the uncolored max cape or the ava's version/firecape version.

those are sweet. 


But I think if everyone was given the option to design their own cape, it would give the max cape that much more of an incentive to achieve!! 


PLUS: who doesnt like seeing the ugly color combinations people create!? :P


Thank you,