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Oh Du Hast

Member Since 26 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Jul 01 2024 01:56 PM

#314236 $500 Hardcore Champion Challenge

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 14 September 2019 - 04:13 PM

cyu all on the frontline of this one and thanks for putting all of this together

  • KP likes this

#309388 ALORA HCIM ep. 1 - Humble beginnings

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 10 August 2019 - 11:44 AM

omfg I miss ur voice I love u marry me this is dope <3



#169456 Flowers' Public Announcement (Inactivity)

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 09 March 2018 - 07:56 PM

Thanks for having the decency to let us know you'll be away.

Best of luck.

#167557 Elite Ironman mode

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 03 March 2018 - 07:36 AM

You're all just giving me another gamemode to dominate though.

#164340 Rule suggestion.

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 19 February 2018 - 05:50 PM

These are simply the rules for server run clan chats, clan chats run by players can create and enforce their own rules. I don't see the purpose of this suggestion to be brutally honest. Like I have literally no clue what you want changed.

I tried not to go into details about events that have occurred recently between clans. (If you hadn't noticed)

I suggest you take a more thorough read of what has been explained here, considering players are the ones suffering rival clan behaviour when there aren't ranks online.


I'm asking for an elaboration on rule 16. Which @Savitr was kind enough to give me.


I'm also asking for rule 15 to be re-vamped, so this rule would apply to ALL clans rather than just the official clans, 'Help1' being a completely dead clan. 


I'll break it down for you. Pick number 1 or 2.


1. Leave the behaviour to continue between clans, making this behaviour evolve and evolve more over time. (Which assists rule breaking to an extreme extent)


2. Implement a rule which will deter players away from toxic behaviour between clans. (Where it will have no opportunity to evolve if it's monitored in the correct way)

#164335 Rule suggestion.

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 19 February 2018 - 05:24 PM

Please move this thread to a more suitable place if need be.


Hello & welcome to another one of my threads. In this thread I'll be briefly discussing a rule(s) which I personally, along with many other Ironmen would greatly appreciate the implementation of. I thought I'd be that voice to write this thread out.


As a great deal of you know, I work actively alongside staff & other members of our clan at 'Iron Help' to ensure that new Ironmen are given an extremely comfortable clan to be in, where they can receive the best help possible, while importantly giving & receiving advice to other Ironmen. Our ranks at 'Iron Help' are passionate about making such a clan work, we try our best to hold a huge portion of the foundation for Ironmen together, we want to keep it this way.


Now, I'm not saying there's something wrong with the competition, because that's what the two Ironmen clan's thrive off. Who will be the best clan in the end? But there genuinely comes a point where enough is enough in regards to toxicity. It completely ruins any fun competition we're meant to have in the first place.


Here are two current rules below.




First of all. 'Server Clan Chats'


I believe that this particular rule should be re-vamped. Why? There's a few very well known clans on this server which can reach anywhere up-to 70 players at peak times. I've popped into 'Help1' myself & sadly it's completely empty, meaning there's no home for it on the rules thread. I believe there's a way this can be changed so this rule benefits the well-being of ALL clans and players, obviously making certain exceptions & excluding certain things from this rule.


Second of all. 'Invading Other Communities'


I need a slight bit of elaboration on this rule. I've asked for a bit of feedback & a-lot of players are unaware of the meaning of this rule. Are we talking invading other communities in-game? Or are we talking invading other server communities? Because this would be the best way to explain situations that are currently occurring in the political area of the two clans.


I created this topic to see SOME sort of implementation after revising the behaviours of individuals who are currently amongst us within the Ironman community, though this ISN'T a personal attack on anyone in particular. I'm simply trying to help find a way to deter behaviours such as flame-bating, harassment, encouraging others to break rules, discrimination & disrespect. Continuous toxicity which I'd personally love to see stamped on.


Our ranks at 'Iron Help' would be more than happy to help enforce & implement such a rule.


Many thanks for reading.  ^_^ 


Any posts which stray off-topic or consist of meaningless posts will be reported.

#163290 Banned, the game.

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 16 February 2018 - 04:54 AM

@Vollker Has been banned for opening a cold one WITH the boys WITHOUT female presence.

#157400 Suggestion for Exp lamps/book, Exp point use in PC

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 29 January 2018 - 06:35 PM

No support.


Regular is the primary game-mode on Alora, as nice as the suggestion is though there's simply no need for it as realistically it will only benefit players who play on a game-mode where the experience yield rate is slower than the rest.

#144425 Small suggestion.

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 26 December 2017 - 06:06 AM


A toggle-able option though? Everything is soon going to have a toggle option at this rate.

Though unique to Alora I guess.

#142022 How Famous is the person above you 1-10

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 19 December 2017 - 05:59 PM


#141515 What happens once every year?

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 18 December 2017 - 12:16 AM

Ahhh. Thought all Rank 1's were simultaneously going to have a bath on the same day. ^_^
Happy birthday to you!

#138139 Rune Pouch Update Suggestion

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 08 December 2017 - 11:57 AM

Support. It's in the current game so it should belong in Alora.

#137726 Castle Wars

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 07 December 2017 - 07:38 AM

I don't think Castle wars will be popular enough if I'm honest. Maybe for the first day or two, but I can see it dying down very quickly if it's implemented. Majority of players DO complain about lag frequently, I don't think adding a huge minigame as such is going to make that any better.

Though if it can be implemented without such troubles I wouldn't mind seeing it in-game. Though I can see it playing a huge part in the 'Events' aspect of the server.


#136950 [12/5/17] Public house list, Revenant fixes/nerf & bug fixes!

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 05 December 2017 - 06:57 AM

Thanks Omicron, great updates as always.
You still planning to implement a safe death at Zulrah for HCIM?

#131142 Make Solo-Raids

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 16 November 2017 - 10:07 AM

Or even if there was a second dungeon added for solo and duo only which is smaller with lower drop rates, just so people still try to get a team rather than be antisocial xD

With a pre-game lobby type area similar to Barbarian assault. On a serious note, I’m pretty certain a second dungeon isn’t possible, though I like the ideas.