Account Name (IGN) - Hetskeapje
Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Davi do#1433
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Sergeant
Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) - NA
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 19 Nov.
What rank are you applying for? - Corporal if im correct
What are your strengths? - i'm a really good farmer, playing a lot on my HC atm, because i didnt like the 40x xp yes i know im x40 again if i die to a Kraken.
What are your weaknesses? - My English is still not that good, and i need to work on my attention for the game when im playing the HC.
Is there a change i can get 2 ranks if not, can i get my rank on Hchets because im playing that acc the most atm.
- Sassa fras and Arosa like this