Account Name (IGN) - Llllllllllll
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - ze recruit
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 3 september 2018 6.24pm AWST UTC +8
What rank are you applying for? - the next one, corporal beast
What are your strengths? - i have the ability to get every drop except the one i want, im good looking, friendly, im Australian, tall, strong, fit ish, very good at pvp (some would disagree), pulling the most out of a small situation, im extremely good and merchanting, and i have the ability to not give a shit if i loose alot of money or gear. im good at blackjack. i like giving away all i earn to the weak and helpless and i can make people laugh. why did the plane crash, because the pilot was a breastick. ahh ive also got the spelling ability of a 4 year old.
What are your weaknesses? - everything involving pvp gear switching, healing when low health, not bringing the correct gear, u name if it got something to do with pvp im shit at it. and apart from that theres nothing.
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - i know alot about the game even if im not good at it so im helpfull. im richish ingame so i can give away moneyys to the clan to make it grow and prosper. ive been in the clan i little while now and i think people like me. im always in discord chatting or listening to everyone usually. im here to help everyone and anyone for any reason and i would go out of my way to help people because i can. #icespecialforces #imtrashatpvp
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