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Sick Skiller

Member Since 02 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 07 2021 09:13 AM

#377484 HCIM Sick Skiller's Progress Thread [Updated 10/30/2020]

Posted by Sick Skiller on 19 October 2020 - 11:28 PM

I am still working on organizing my bank, slowly.  I'm sorry it's taking so long!

Lasted Updated on: November 1st, 2020


Lucky Imps: 315/1,000
Dragon Imps: 510/1,000

I found a new meta for HCIM Skilling crafting XP, and that's chiseling amethyst bolt tips at 83 crafting, which of course turned all my previous plans on their head.  I have been all over the board lately in terms of skilling.  I have just gotten 99 mining as I was collecting coal to get 99 smithing.  I plan on getting 99 smithing with only runite bars at the blast furnace.  I won't smith the bars until post 99, to get the most XP out of it.  I also recently got 95 fletching, and with that I have been able to use my dragon dart tips.  I currently have 57/100 unidentified minerals for superior mining gloves. 

In between those major tasks, I am thieving to try and make a 100M cash stack, as well as occasionally mining coal to stock up for future smithing efforts.


This post is to help me keep track, and anyone else that is interested, in the progress of my hardcore ironman skilling account, Sick Skiller. My ultimate and end goal is to achieve every 99 in non combat related stats, while keeping all combat related stats at level 1 (10 for hitpoints). It shall also have all non skilling pets as well, and a well organized bank.


Beaver Pet - 04/09/2018
Rock Golem - 14/09/2018 (Second one, came 2 inventories of coal after the first)
85 Mining - 15/09/2018
90 Thieving - 29/02/2019
Heron - 10/03/2019
Baby Chinchompa - 24/03/2019
89 Hunter - 24/03/2019
99 Agility - 29/03/2019
99 Cooking - 7/7/2019
99 Fishing - 10/7/2019
99 Thieving - 10/7/2019
Rift Guardian Pet - 20/7/2019
Prospectors Set - 30/10/2020

99 Mining - 1/11/2020

Current Pets:

Rock Golem (3)
Baby Chinchompa
Rift Guardian

Old Stats: Current Stats:

AaqxwOT.png 7GyLBT8.png



Current Goals:

99 Crafting
90 Farming
80 Agility
90 Runecrafting
80 Herblore
99 Fishing
-- Previous List--
80 Construction
90 Thieving
60 Agility
60 Runecrafting
70 Mining
70 Smithing


I am in the process of trying to organize my bank for a picture. This is proving to be more difficult as I gain more stuff. I also am not having much lucky with getting the thriving pet, Rocky, from the master farmer.

I have quite the variety of a bank with the option to go in several directions in many skills. My pet tab is also filling up and I only have one of my "current goals" left even though I haven't been paying attention to that much. I am trying to collect irit herbs through farming whilst I hammer away on hunting.

I have 99 Construction banked with the double xp book and plan on getting that in the upcoming week. I made a lot of progress on several skills and I feel like it was an over all good weekend for levels gained. I took note that I hit my first level 90+ skill, and soon will have the first level 99 skill. Things on this account are starting to shape up!

#377337 Opinion: Should I Restart My HCIM Update Thread?

Posted by Sick Skiller on 18 October 2020 - 06:13 PM

A couple years ago I started this HCIM Skilling account, and with it, I started an update/progress thread.  A few months later, my computer busted and I did not get back onto Alora until 3 days ago.  My total time away was about a year and a half.


My old thread still exists, although it is locked.  If you can still view it, it can be found here: https://www.alora.io...ogress-updates/


My question is, should I copy the original format and restart the thread, continuing to update it?  Should I also add video progress updated and/or stream to YouTube? 


Please comment your feed back below.

  • Moe likes this

#302804 Buff Impling Drop Table

Posted by Sick Skiller on 29 June 2019 - 10:59 PM



-Please read the entire post to get the full concept and impact to the game-


In the following post I am going to present some buffs the the Ninja, Dragon, and Lucky impling drop table that would be very appealing to Ironmen, especially those ironmen skilling accounts.  My proposed buff would be adding rune woodcutting axe, dragon woodcutting axe, dragon pickaxe, dragon harpoon, and smouldering stone into the drop table at a low drop rate (proposed drop rates will be mentioned later on in the post).  For ironmen, it is very risky and extremely hard to get the latter of above mentioned items, and for ironmen skillers, it is literally impossible to get the rune pickaxe or any of the dragon tools.


By introducing these dragon tools into the impling tables a low drop rate, the items shall still retain their value in the totem poll as they will be a rare drop from implings that are already uncommonly found in Puro Puro itself.  By adding the most expensive of the items (Dragon pickaxe, harpoon and smouldering stone) to an impling that is rarely spawned in Puro Puro at a low drop rate, you will hardly see an increase of these items coming into the game, however you will be giving ironmen another option to obtain these items safely, and you will be giving ironmen skillers their only chance to obtain these items at all.


Being as these items are solely used for resource collecting, adding the safer option to obtain these items will add no PVP or PVM advantages to the game, they will not be able to be farmed for money.


The proposed drop rates are as follows:


Ninja Impling

Rune axe, drop rate 1/60


Dragon Impling

Rune pickaxe, drop rate 1/100

Dragon axe, drop rate 1/250 

Smouldering stone, drop rate 1/25,000


Lucky Impling

Dragon pickaxe, drop rate 1/600

Dragon harpoon, drop rate 1/600

Smouldering Stone, drop rate 1/6,000


Bonus Proposal


When trying to equip an infernal (and only infernal) tool with out the 60 attack requirement, a message shall appear stating that you do not have the requirements to wield this item.  Accompanying this message shall be an option to "wield anyways," or "do not wield." 


Choosing "Wield anyways"

When a player chooses this option, the particular infernal tool that the player was trying to wield will lose all offensive and defensive stats, essentially reducing the tool to a cosmetic item.  The tool will still be able to be used for its primary purpose (chopping trees, mining ore, fishing), however the rate at which the infernal tools special ability occures will be reduced by 15%.  The purpose for which a player would choose this option would be to:

a.) Show off their accomplishment (achieving the drop of both a dragon tool and smouldering stone) in a cosmetic fashion

b.) To save 1 inventory space per trip while still using their infernal tool.


Choosing "do not wield"

Choosing this option will result in the tool being left in the inventory.  The tool's special affect shall remain at 100%.




Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.  It's primary focus is for the ironman skilling community, but would be available across all game modes. 


Please leave your comments on what you think below.  Did you like this idea/concept?  Would you change anything about it, if so, what?

#283425 Buff Impling Drop Table

Posted by Sick Skiller on 29 March 2019 - 07:17 PM



-Please read the entire post to get the full concept and impact to the game-


In the following post I am going to present some buffs the the Ninja, Dragon, and Lucky impling drop table that would be very appealing to Ironmen, especially those ironmen skilling accounts.  My proposed buff would be adding rune woodcutting axe, dragon woodcutting axe, dragon pickaxe, dragon harpoon, and smouldering stone into the drop table at a low drop rate (proposed drop rates will be mentioned later on in the post).  For ironmen, it is very risky and extremely hard to get the latter of above mentioned items, and for ironmen skillers, it is literally impossible to get the rune pickaxe or any of the dragon tools.


By introducing these dragon tools into the impling tables a low drop rate, the items shall still retain their value in the totem poll as they will be a rare drop from implings that are already uncommonly found in Puro Puro itself.  By adding the most expensive of the items (Dragon pickaxe, harpoon and smouldering stone) to an impling that is rarely spawned in Puro Puro at a low drop rate, you will hardly see an increase of these items coming into the game, however you will be giving ironmen another option to obtain these items safely, and you will be giving ironmen skillers their only chance to obtain these items at all.


Being as these items are solely used for resource collecting, adding the safer option to obtain these items will add no PVP or PVM advantages to the game, they will not be able to be farmed for money.


The proposed drop rates are as follows:


Ninja Impling

Rune axe, drop rate 1/60


Dragon Impling

Rune pickaxe, drop rate 1/100

Dragon axe, drop rate 1/250 

Smouldering stone, drop rate 1/25,000


Lucky Impling

Dragon pickaxe, drop rate 1/600

Dragon harpoon, drop rate 1/600

Smouldering Stone, drop rate 1/6,000


Bonus Proposal


When trying to equip an infernal (and only infernal) tool with out the 60 attack requirement, a message shall appear stating that you do not have the requirements to wield this item.  Accompanying this message shall be an option to "wield anyways," or "do not wield." 


Choosing "Wield anyways"

When a player chooses this option, the particular infernal tool that the player was trying to wield will lose all offensive and defensive stats, essentially reducing the tool to a cosmetic item.  The tool will still be able to be used for its primary purpose (chopping trees, mining ore, fishing), however the rate at which the infernal tools special ability occures will be reduced by 15%.  The purpose for which a player would choose this option would be to:

a.) Show off their accomplishment (achieving the drop of both a dragon tool and smouldering stone) in a cosmetic fashion

b.) To save 1 inventory space per trip while still using their infernal tool.


Choosing "do not wield"

Choosing this option will result in the tool being left in the inventory.  The tool's special affect shall remain at 100%.




Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.  It's primary focus is for the ironman skilling community, but would be available across all game modes. 


Please leave your comments on what you think below.  Did you like this idea/concept?  Would you change anything about it, if so, what?

#218138 Come hang out in the stream!

Posted by Sick Skiller on 18 September 2018 - 04:11 PM

#217441 Sick Skillers HCIM Progress Updates

Posted by Sick Skiller on 15 September 2018 - 07:04 PM

Going to be updating the stats and include a bank screenshot tonight!  Have made significant gains!  Hope you all are as excited as I am!

#215748 Sick Skillers HCIM Progress Updates

Posted by Sick Skiller on 08 September 2018 - 11:15 AM

My trip has been a success so far, got my eye surgery done so I no longer need glasses (: I come back in 7 days. Once I get back and have an actual computer to work with instead of just my iPhone, I’m going to clean up the first post and make it a littler more streamline and easier on the eyes.

Thank you everyone! Also, I plan to creat some HCIM skiller guides as I see there are very few of them, I have yet to come across one for skillers only.

#215400 Sick Skillers HCIM Progress Updates

Posted by Sick Skiller on 06 September 2018 - 08:24 PM


As I am progressing in hunter and have started collecting Dragon and Lucky Imps, I am contemplating 99 prayer with all the bones I have collected. I became a donator in order to collect gems faster and easier through gem rocks, however I failed to realize at the time that gem rocks were for super donators. I don't have that type of money laying around so I guess the only thing that I benefited from it is through fishing, magic net and teak trees close to a bank.


This post is to help me keep track, and anyone else that is interested, in the progress of my hardcore ironman skilling account, Sick Skiller. My ultimate and end goal is to achieve every 99 in non combat related stats, while keeping all combat related stats at level 1 (10 for hitpoints). It shall also have all non skilling pets as well, and a well organized bank.


Beaver Pet - 04/09/2018
Rock Golem - 14/09/2018 (Second one, came 2 inventories of coal after the first)
85 Mining - 15/09/2018
90 Thieving - 29/02/2019
Heron - 10/03/2019
Baby Chinchompa - 24/03/2019
89 Hunter - 24/03/2019

99 Agility - 29/03/2019

Current Pets:

Rock Golem (3)
Baby Chinchompa

Old Stats: Current Stats:




Current Goals:

99 Mining
99 Hunter
80 Agility
90 Runecrafting
Construction Pet
99 Fishing
-- Previous List--
80 Construction
90 Thieving
60 Agility
60 Runecrafting
70 Mining
70 Smithing


I have quite the variety of a bank with the option to go in several directions in many skills. My pet tab is also filling up and I only have one of my "current goals" left even though I haven't been paying attention to that much. I am trying to collect irit herbs through farming whilst I hammer away on hunting.

I have 99 Construction banked with the double xp book and plan on getting that in the upcoming week. I made a lot of progress on several skills and I feel like it was an over all good weekend for levels gained. I took note that I hit my first level 90+ skill, and soon will have the first level 99 skill. Things on this account are starting to shape up!