Idk about others but I'm bored of the same raid over and over, if there is a way to have each room spawn random npcs each time you enter the next room I think a lot more people would be doing it,
Or even if there was a second dungeon added for solo and duo only which is smaller with lower drop rates, just so people still try to get a team rather than be antisocial xD
- Alora
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- Bloo2 has completed the TzTok-Jad collection log entry! (#10)
Mar 22, 2021 12:57 amBloo2 has completed the Cyclopes collection log entry!
Mar 22, 2021 12:57 am#130911 Make Solo-Raids
Posted by Bloo2 on 15 November 2017 - 09:27 AM
#130566 baby troll like pet for xmas? :D
Posted by Bloo2 on 14 November 2017 - 01:33 AM
Do you have any examples of what could be used? The construction pet is literally just a downsized NPC and im fairly sure the baby troll isn't exactly in-game if you're talking about the pet troll that you can feed items to change its name (Which isn't from rs3 btw reeeeeee)
tbh I'd be happy with any christmas related pet,For example or http://oldschoolrune...earded_stranger anti-santa would kinda make sense since he's taking items :)
or this http://oldschoolrune...i/Shanty_ClawsShanty claws would look the best as a pet imo
or this http://oldschoolrune...ppy_gnome_child
or this http://oldschoolrune...Christmas_2016)
- Scenery likes this
#130558 baby troll like pet for xmas? :D
Posted by Bloo2 on 14 November 2017 - 01:02 AM
Yo guys,
So I was just sitting back enjoying some alora when a thought popped into my mind,
What if for xmas we can get a pet maybe a present that follows us or something similar,
That has the same effect as the baby troll from RS2.
For those that don't know the effect, Basically you can use any item on the pet and it renames itself to that item name(This can't be undone).
I think this would be good as an all round item sink, and could potentially remove some rare items from the game, and could help with the partyhat prices since there are wayyy too many atm.
Idk, Let me know what you guys think, thanks for reading
#122239 Lizardman caves
Posted by Bloo2 on 03 October 2017 - 10:36 AM
I like the idea, but this doesn't need to be done anytime soon
support the idea though
- Itzmigu and ClassicMax like this
#109723 So.. about "Money Sinks" & this "TAX"...
Posted by Bloo2 on 16 August 2017 - 10:43 AM
Really good idea Support 100%, for too long has the gambler npc done nothing he should sell mithril seeds for around 400-500k ea and rule books for both flower poker and dice game to help out the players wanting to learn about them.
as a dice host I usually get about 10 or so people a day asking me about those, not really needed so much as theres the thread but just another idea to add to the shop :)
- Nitsua likes this