Hello everyone, looking forward to applying.
Account Name: Virga
Account Type: Normie
Discord: Virga#6738
Time-zone: EST
Playtime: https://prnt.sc/ksyduh
Game Stats: https://prnt.sc/ksydy9
PVM Gear: https://prnt.sc/ksye0u
Are you in any other clans? (If so, which one?) No
Reason for joining: I enjoy PvM but have not branched into the realm of raids yet. I mainly focus on merching, because that is what I am good at. I would like master raids. I can provide value to the CC by keeping a look out for items other members need and get them a great deal since I always finding hot items for below their market value.
Recruited by: Rome Pabo
Thank you for taking your time to read my application.