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Member Since 17 Aug 2018
Previous Username: Maniack
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2024 03:43 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [November] Community Awards

24 November 2019 - 10:50 AM



Best Event Manager: Lowkey


Best Administrator: Mack


Best Global Moderator: Smiv


Best Forum Moderator: Laardii


Best Server Moderator: J boogs


Best Server Support: Death kid


Most active on Discord:


Most active In-game: Mack


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected: Lowkey


Most Potential Promotion: Death kid


Funniest Staff Member: Lowkey


Overall Best Staff Member: Mack






Most Active In-game: Noobair 


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord: 


Most Active Overall: Noobair


Most Wealthy: Tdlarppa


Most Addicted to Gambling:Ra


Most Friendly: Elite Yin


Most Respected: Elite Yin


Coolest Veteran: Noobair


Best Helper: Elite Yin


Best Edgeville Pker: THE SEARCH


Best Hybrid: Ragragrag46


Best NH Pker: Ragragrag46


Best PvMer: Noobair


Best Raider: No


Best Skiller: Noobair


Best Clan: Immortal Dynasty


Best Ironman: Noobair


Best Hardcore Ironman: Snakelings


Best Ultimate Ironman: Sycamore


Best Elite Ironman: Elite Yin


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): Gimgim


Best Realism Player: Realism mode


Best Classic Player: No


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:Jace


Top Overall: Elite Yin

In Topic: Looking for Partner

30 September 2019 - 02:27 PM

Found one. N

In Topic: Immortal Dynasty Clan

21 September 2019 - 12:36 AM

Account Name:Maniack
Account Type:Elite Ironman
Time-zone:GMT-4 Eastern

Playtime: https://gyazo.com/59...9ada8da9873f2e9
Game Stats: https://gyazo.com/49...a473eaa77775db5
PVM Gear: https://gyazo.com/aa...036e99626016b1a
Are you in any other clans? (If so, which one?) no
Reason for joining:I wanna get better at raids and I wanna learn with a good team and reliable one aswell as finding a clan I can max and finish my account.
Recruited by: Seen ad on Yell, forget who it was.

In Topic: Radio "Josh" event

26 August 2019 - 10:48 AM


Ehh I don't ever really post On these type of events because I don't think I'll ever win but this one I enjoyed doing . This song basically describes the situation I was in at one point in life and how I overcame it so listening to it and thinking back to those memories and how I overcame it and bettered myself really inspires me each time I listen to it that if I got through those days nothing can hold me back, plus the beat goes hard lmao.