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Iron Pohuj

Member Since 16 Aug 2018
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2024 04:58 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Konar slayer improvements

04 April 2019 - 01:42 PM

Would be nice, if we could kill Cerberus, while we have Hellhounds task at Taverley dungeon.

In Topic: CVI Killing Members of ICE/Peeks/Dynasty Alliance

04 April 2019 - 01:32 PM

Is it me, or this new clan is full of mentaly unhealthy members?

In Topic: The Hall of Fame - RNG edition

31 March 2019 - 12:01 AM


You've forgotten one... 3 tbows in 35 raids.. Mr. Shitfuckpiss

In Topic: Show me your bank organization!

28 March 2019 - 10:33 AM

THIS. this potions tab is what I remember seeing somewhere and tried to recreate it. Can you go over what each herb is, the secondary, and what potion it is? I tried to mimic it from memory but I have some stuff that makes no sense (eye of newt being used for Guams and irits). I also wanna know which potions you make for each herb!



It's pretty simple, he has the seed>the herb> secondary > potion 4/3/2/1 doses.


1) Torstol > super cmb

2) Toadflax, crushed nest > brew 

3) Snapdragon, red spider egg > super restore

4) Dwarf weed, wine of zammy > ranging pot 

5) Lantadyme, potato cactus > magic pot 

6) Ranarr, snape grass > prayer pot

7) Kwuarm, limpwurt root > super strength

8) Irit, eye of newt > super attack

9) Cadantine, white berries > super defence 

10) Avantoe, mort myre fungus > super energy

11) Marrentil, unicorn horn dust (I think so) > antipoison

In Topic: Alora Poker

22 March 2019 - 11:30 AM

Support, cus I overall love playing Poker, and it would be a fun way to make money.

As a bonus, it could increase the playerbase, because I've no idea if there are any other servers out there, that have Poker.