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Member Since 13 Aug 2018
Offline Last Active Feb 29 2020 06:15 AM

#211119 Defensive Casting

Posted by PewPewM8 on 20 August 2018 - 11:44 AM

That would be nice to have, but as we know, mage is not too useful in game. If mage attacks ever got a buff, then I would support it, but at this moment, it would be just waste of time to code it in.

I think mage is very useful, in near max mage gear, using fire surge and killing zulrah I'm faster than using max range with a blowpipe. Also good for camping kraken, and any of the barrage slayer tasks, and barrows.

#210537 Fix Vorkath's damage

Posted by PewPewM8 on 17 August 2018 - 04:19 PM

What is your suggestion?: Fix almost all of Vorkath's damage, this would include lowering/properly negating all 4 dragon fire hits, buffing the rapid-fire hits, and the fireball damage.


Detailed list: The yellow/green/purple dragonfire attacks should do NO damage if a super anti fire and pray mage are on when hit (that's how it is in OSRS), something on Alora isn't coded right and those 3 still smack you for 15s. The white dragonfire that summons the undead spawn should do NO damage, as it never does in OSRS, it's just an animation to summon the undead spawn. The rapid fire phase is a joke here, with the max I've been hit is a 10, and half the time it hits 0s, on OSRS with mage prayer+super anti fire it will kill you in 3-5 hits. The fireball attack here is underwhelming and needs a damage boost to match that of OSRS. The light blue ball is the magic attack and protect from magic should block it 100%.


Is this in OSRS?: Yes


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: I suggested this before on June 2nd, 2018.


How would this benefit Alora?: As of right now killing Vorkath doing EVERY mechanic correctly, you still chomp through quite a bit of food per kill, and this damage is from the dragonfire hitting incorrectly. With fixes to the dragonfire, and buffs to the rapid-fire and fireball attacks, this boss would be much better to kill, as long as you can do the mechanics properly.


