but agree with what MACK said.
I would not want to see it replace the items for emotes, but even if it were to just give location of clue while wearing outfit.
(like Osbuddy) just to defeat typing ;;clues, it would be some type of benefit while running clues.
I know playing as an ironman, I do my clue's often but as a classic player I did not... it's all preference and now that I have done clue's on EIM i find them enjoyable, I have a tab with just the items needed for clue's + a glory... clue's do not take long if your setup to just bounce to them. I noticed as classic I let them stack and that was my issue... once I got so many I just could not be bother anymore. Try to do before I obtain more than 3 in my bank. (only put in bank if on BXP and having fun with my slayer task)
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