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Member Since 05 Aug 2018
Offline Last Active Today, 09:55 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Alora's 8th Anniversary - BIGGEST DROP PARTY YET & $1200 Value G...

01 November 2024 - 01:55 PM

Really Nice! Cant believe its been 8 years already

In Topic: Buff ToB Drop Rates

01 October 2024 - 03:44 AM

Support, as others already pointed out its really a struggle to get groups going and better droprates woud probably provide an incentive for people to do Tob

In Topic: Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes

01 October 2024 - 03:30 AM

I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]

Danko, Trvppy


II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?

 Ironman, Normal


III. What is your Discord ID?



IV. What is your game-time?

 70 days on Danko and 41 days on Trvppy


V. What is your total Boss Kill count?



VI. How did you find out about us?

I've seen advertisements in yell from someone, but i don't remember the name unfortunately and also from Cous xD

In Topic: ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

22 June 2024 - 06:56 AM

Account Name (IGN) - Danko


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Danko (daemmerlicht.)


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - N/A


What rank are you applying for? - recruit


What are your strengths? - I pvm alot and can do almost everything alora has to offer pvm wise. I am a maxed ironman.


What are your weaknesses? - Not really good at pvp, but willing to learn. I don't talk alot in cc or in general, still have to improve there. Also I'm playing with rather high ping which makes things a bit harder sometimes.


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I would love to be a part of this very awesome community you all build there.