Account name: DIF rang4
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- KP likes this
Posted by Icy Rang4
on 16 September 2019 - 05:52 PM
Posted by Icy Rang4
on 14 September 2019 - 12:17 PM
I guess I didnt add the full context:
*Gets Marble Block*
KP: L0l
Me: Would be a lot less funny if the staff would do something about my report
KP: Someone's upset @Icy
Me: Yeah because a staff member is being facetious with me over getting a troll drop @ a boss i shouldn't have to be grinding a second time
And then it proceeded to go into a back in fourth of Mack and KP telling me to calm down and let them joke around harmlessly, and myself and others responding with the fact that it was never about the "l0l" drop, it was the whole interaction. But to @MCMUFFIN177 's point, I felt better after a day's work and a night's rest, and see now how this may have been a tad unnecessary.
Do I think the staff is unprofessional? No. Do I think they are never in the wrong? No because in a rare situation where im getting trolled while im trying to recover items lost to a bug, it is a little out of place for the admins to chirp. @king purple you are a fine staff member, thanks for your efforts.
Posted by Icy Rang4
on 13 September 2019 - 04:14 PM
I have no problem with the staff messing around with the player base. But for context:
I lost my Tent Whip and Daxe to a bug related to raids 1. I won't go into the details but I submitted a bug report on 9/10/19 (It is now 9/13/19) and have had not a single response despite being viewed by multiple staff.
Today, I was grinding Kraken in anticipation that I will not get my items (I am okay with grinding my items back, a response to my report would be nice tho), and got a Marble block on my 750th kill (boosted droprate). @king purple chimed in yell chat with a "l0l". Normally a response like that would not bother me or many other people, but the fact that the very admin who advised me to even make the bug report in the first place is trolling me over an item I should not have to grind for a second time again is simply unprofessional. Not to mention @
I am not calling for any ramifications against anyone,m just making public the problem so things can improve moving forward! The staff can be fun and ALSO professional. Pick your spots, be appropriate, and grow from this.
I am choosing to be late to work over this, so before anyone points out the obvious, i am SALTY :)
P.S. I got a trident 3 kills later >.<
P.S. I had to grind 3268 kc for my first prim
P.S.S. 1.5k+ crystal keys no rangers
P.S.S.S. 800kc hydra claw
P.S.S.S.S. I say all this because i really dont mind grinding for items! I just have shit luck as it is and cba.
EDIT: typos
Posted by Icy Rang4
on 17 August 2019 - 11:08 AM
3,268 Kills for Prims
Dropped a few crystals, and got 2 eternals before the collection log. Cheers boiiiiiiiz
Posted by Icy Rang4
on 12 August 2019 - 08:12 AM
Account Name: Bae is hard