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Icy Rang4

Member Since 29 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active Jan 18 2022 05:03 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: $500 Hardcore Champion Challenge

16 September 2019 - 05:52 PM

Account name: DIF rang4

Screenshot of your http://ironmanosrs.com/ log:

In Topic: Staff Professionalism

14 September 2019 - 12:17 PM

I guess I didnt add the full context:


*Gets Marble Block*

KP: L0l

Me: Would be a lot less funny if the staff would do something about my report

KP: Someone's upset @Icy

Me: Yeah because a staff member is being facetious with me over getting a troll drop @ a boss i shouldn't have to be grinding a second time


And then it proceeded to go into a back in fourth of Mack and KP telling me to calm down and let them joke around harmlessly, and myself and others responding with the fact that it was never about the "l0l" drop, it was the whole interaction. But to @MCMUFFIN177 's point, I felt better after a day's work and a night's rest, and see now how this may have been a tad unnecessary.


Do I think the staff is unprofessional? No. Do I think they are never in the wrong? No because in a rare situation where im getting trolled while im trying to recover items lost to a bug, it is a little out of place for the admins to chirp. @king purple you are a fine staff member, thanks for your efforts.