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Member Since 24 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 14 2021 06:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Immortal Dynasty Clan

21 April 2020 - 04:52 AM

Account Name(s): Banksale
Account Type(s): Normie
Discord: Banksale#9151

Playtime (Screenshot)https://gyazo.com/f1...de435670d5731f4

Game Stats (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/af...9e9ac2397b71f26

Efficient hours spent bossing (More info can be found in Clan Requirements) (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/8b...f168ce00e65c6e2

PVM Gear (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/71...61258977b525885

Are you affiliated with any other clans? Nope
Reason for joining: PVM is what I enjoy, been waiting to try join for awhile now
Recruited by: Seen advertised ingame by many, mainly found on forums



edit- forgot to add seers to inv here it is - https://gyazo.com/11...7bbac58aadaa684


edit - 15 days now ingame!!! https://gyazo.com/3e...5bc0c1f9cc8ddfe

Your application has been accepted. Welcome to #Dynasty! I will send you a pm via Alora forums with the Discord link.

In Topic: Immortal Dynasty Clan

19 April 2020 - 11:08 AM

Account Name(s): 40H, Maddox, Fake ironman 
Account Type(s): Ironman (previous HCIM) , Realism, Normal
Discord: Elugii#7466

Playtime (Screenshot): Fake Ironman Playtime:  https://gyazo.com/98...736abec25f8480f

                                     40h Playtime: https://gyazo.com/50...29634bc6fc7e65a

Game Stats (Screenshot):  https://gyazo.com/53...af60fe851032ae3

Efficient hours spent bossing (More info can be found in Clan Requirements) (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/72...f8a90b31362e46c 

PVM Gear (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/e7...9cb2ef4210a6005


People who Referred me: Real Cream, Real Alan


Are you in any other clans? (If so, which one?): No.


reason for joining : I used to be in dynasty for a long time back when 40h was a maxed HCIM I quit the game for a long time after I lost it at cerberus on a DC but now im back and I miss everyone that was in Dyansty. 

Your application has been declined at this time. Please feel free to re-apply once you have more time and experience in-game.


- Your application did not pass the poll for various reasons, one of them is the PVM gear , Keep grinding!

In Topic: Immortal Dynasty Clan

18 April 2020 - 11:00 AM


playtime : https://gyazo.com/1f...2c7a7a1d86b3574



game stats : https://gyazo.com/d6...27a7f963a091a30


pvm gear : https://gyazo.com/bd...d49b006f2256811



Hours bossed : https://gyazo.com/38...3d9e95b1e4de6dd


account name : Nahv


account type : classic



discord : Nahv#3781


time-zone GMT-5


Are you in any other clans? (If so, which one?): No.


reason for joining : looking to pvm with some brozzers been solo for past 2-3 years 


recruited by : Aryan Dream


Your application has been accepted. Welcome to #Dynasty! I will send you a pm via Alora forums with the Discord link.