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Toxic tato

Member Since 24 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2022 08:57 PM

#311629 Donated money transfer [Custom Donation]

Posted by Toxic tato on 25 August 2019 - 07:42 AM

yes, 2.5k+ rank atleast should be able to transfer their rank more its a fuck ton of money it's the least they could get. i really want to play alora again but i dont see a point in playing a normal account and it's a waste of 5k donator rank not to use it  on a new ironman.. please make it so we can transfer more often :)

#268877 Uber/Master Donator+ DZ

Posted by Toxic tato on 14 February 2019 - 05:42 AM

sure would be cool

  • S likes this


Posted by Toxic tato on 13 February 2019 - 04:09 AM

refund status or riot

#252869 Staff Update 1/6/2019

Posted by Toxic tato on 06 January 2019 - 01:01 PM

haha yikes xd

#248747 what happened to peeks?

Posted by Toxic tato on 28 December 2018 - 12:06 PM

hahaha clan drama in 2018 hahahah xd

#248124 Staff Update 26/12/18

Posted by Toxic tato on 26 December 2018 - 02:57 PM

haha ok nice

#243067 [12/12/18] Classic mode changes, 3rd age changes, Holiday Sale, LMS improveme...

Posted by Toxic tato on 12 December 2018 - 07:26 AM

Nothing but disappointment.
You ruined the classic mode.. what incentive is there to play in a harder exp mode game with no benefits other than a cosmetic sword. My friends grinded hundreds of hours for unique items that couldn't be donated for on classic all for that to be nullified.
Thanks for making donations cheaper, I guess we all need more money over the Christmas period. And thanks for adding snow, worth the wait.
You put 3rd age in the donor store in early game and that is what ruined 3rd age... good luck seeing many iron man that can already complete a 3rd age set under 100 days game play. It's a really stupid way to recover what should be a rare item.
I remember being super impressed and excited for these updates. Things have certainly changed. :/

Dont see how items would have any more value on a gamemode that has maybe 15 active players. I just turned clsssic and it was as if nothing changed but 1x more xp

Great update keep it up @Omicron

#241669 ex-eim bank

Posted by Toxic tato on 06 December 2018 - 09:08 PM

thought i would share what i ended my elite on to make it into a classic for the upcoming eco merge..
















and yes all of those cosmetic clue items are from lucky implings trying to get ranger boots back.. so were the 6k runite bars (made like 2.5k into darts)

#240347 Shoutout for the boys

Posted by Toxic tato on 02 December 2018 - 07:31 AM

haha nice man no longer virgin xx

#237902 Content Poll: Classic Mode Changes

Posted by Toxic tato on 25 November 2018 - 09:01 AM

yes please, if this poll passes i will deiron my elite and just play as a classic i hope this will pass!



I do agree that it devalues achievements, but the whole issue is that EIM has overtaken Classic, and with the low number of Classic players at the moment it’s pretty much the same game mode with the ability to only trade one partner rather than a few remaining Classics. This becomes even worse when Group Ironman is released, where it’ll be even more similar to Classic having a handful of players that you could trade with.

So, what we’re saying is that players are already getting a very similar experience on EIM with the added fun of having a partner, which is causing Classic to die out, and because of that we’d like to spin the idea behind this game mode to make it different than EIM and the upcoming Group Ironman mode. Yes, it does change the core concept behind Classic mode, but if you’re that set out on the significance of skilling achievements, they’ll still be just as difficult on EIM or Group Ironman mode, so you could just play that instead... though statistically speaking you already are, since many Classics disbanded for EIM anyway.

you're saying this perfect this is 100% exactly what classic needs.. surely when group ironman is coming.


#236009 Theatre of Blood/ToB/Raids2 Droptable buff/Tweaks

Posted by Toxic tato on 18 November 2018 - 05:37 PM

can confirm rates are completely off im currently over 150 tob without a unique in my name.


huge support to this

#235907 3rd Age / Clue Scroll / Lucky Impling Jar changes

Posted by Toxic tato on 18 November 2018 - 12:14 PM

can't see why this would be introduced this late in the game. big no from me.

#216572 AIO Money Making Guide 2018 (Donating, Player Killing, PvM, Skilling)

Posted by Toxic tato on 11 September 2018 - 04:26 PM

very good friend@@@@@

#216236 1-10 dice bag

Posted by Toxic tato on 10 September 2018 - 12:46 PM

needs engine work but i support bj with 1-100 is cancer

#216230 Paine's Saradomin Guide

Posted by Toxic tato on 10 September 2018 - 12:27 PM

thanks for this guide, needed it alot!