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so excited for this content.
it seems Hydra method is pretty fun
Gotta lead him into the gasses to lower its defense and weaken him.
Green --> Red - Blue --> Green - Red --> Blue = Then gotta dodge a flame that follows you around (similar to vorkath) and then near the 30% hp mark he goes into enraged mode which hits up to 52 as shown in the vid.
Also : Holy $#$# lol --> https://i.imgur.com/4SYbQYY.png
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100% supprt
but its kinda unfair already cause people have already had a chance to use this many times to obtain their items already.
Also as someone stated. it would be nice if iron accounts can sell their emblems to slayer shop for slayer points or what not.
but ofcourse 1 emblem shouldnt give 200 slayer points, maybe like 30 or so depending on the tier.
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Two things that seem wrong to me on this update.
Royal seed = unavailable to iron men which is quite wrong imo, there should be a way for it to be obtainable.
Last man standing = some area's if you go upstairs on the houses, there is some area's where it makes it from really hard to impossible to get down to base floor again cause there is no option on the ladders you came up from.
but the rest of the updates are awesome gj :)
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ofcourse i come in strong, and its not my intention. i apologize for that, im merely just trying to state that it would be good for some of these little things to be fixed as they go a long way
im not blaming anyone or anything that these things dont function properly. and i am aware that omicron does a really good job at updates.
what im implying is these things arent new, and the server just reached 2 years old, i myself have been playing for almost 5 months now, i enjoy my time on allora. but its time to start looking at these little things before anything big as they are a issue themselves.
sure it takes a little time to do but not as much as you think with the help of the community, im sure im not the only one that has noticed things that need to be fixed. a thread can be opened asking the community to note down major things they have noticed that need a fix and from there it will be an easier and better experience :)
thank you for you time.
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This seems like a well and fun idea for the server and media/streamers of the server :)
How it would work =
- 10 people Selection - Discord Roll RNG ( anyone can enter and not just pkers or youtuber/streamers )
- Best out of 3 - Dharock / Nh and tank test.
- Winner gets prize pool
- each player gets 1-2 mentors to guide them before the fight, similar to a coach.
+ some extra rules.
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Any chance on a new quest being developed. something that would be quite challenging.
i know that there arent alot of rewards that could be given from new quests.
but one can be creative and add some like 5m reward or a imbue scroll or something along those lines : )
its good to sometimes get yourself away from skilling/pvm/pvp and just have fun doing a quest or two.
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i really cant be asked doing the inferno. i was wondering if it would be possible for players to have a second equally as challenging method of obtaining it.
for example : 300-500k loyalty points(loyalty points are useless anyway) for inferno cape - i know loyalty points is earned just by playing but you'd still have to be a loyal supporter and play a long time to get your points up to those numbers.
other methods include 100k slayer points. or 3000-4000 vote points. but difference is, vote points i wouldn't recommend because you can buy votes. hence buying the cape. totally eliminating your method of earning it.
that's why slayer or loyalty points would be my #1 suggestion, as it takes a really long time to earn those kind of points.
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@Omicron - does this mean some of the fastest boss time records are going to be reduced, since twisted bow i heard hit constant 68's before and was one of the main influences in fastest boss times. Since you can no longer compete due to nerf, records should get a reset, would only be more logical.