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Member Since 23 Jul 2016
Previous Username: Love Lain
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#489226 Looking for Alora lore book/scroll item! 150m Reward!

Posted by Elsa on 20 June 2024 - 04:57 AM


I was starting to question my sanity a bit when literally everyone I asked had no clue what I was on about

Here's the text:


thread can be closed if thats an option

#489147 Looking for Alora lore book/scroll item! 150m Reward!

Posted by Elsa on 19 June 2024 - 07:12 PM

I recall that many years ago there used to be book/scroll item ingame which contained some Alora lore  :lol: 
I came to remember it like a year ago and couldn't find it in my bank, and then I kinda just forgot about it...Until now!
If you're an old Alora player.. Check your bank incase you happen to have it in there!!

I don't remember the name of the item, I just recall that it was something readable like a book or scroll..
It was a single interface (no pages) with a bunch of text.
I don't recall much (if any) about what it said, all I've got is a vague memory about it talking about Omicron as some higher being(?) (emperor? god? idk I could be quite off the mark)  :blind:

I don't recall how it was obtained at all (it's been AGES, 2016-2019???)

Help me find this Alora lore relic!!
If anyone happens to find this item in their bank, please post a screenie of the interface with the lore written and I'll happily give you 150m for the trouble!!!!


#489146 Add permanent Snow Pile at i.e Wintertodt / Ice Mountain

Posted by Elsa on 19 June 2024 - 06:32 PM

What is your suggestion?:
Add a permanent Snow Pile(s) to i.e: Wintertodt / Ice Mountain

Is this in OSRS?:
No, not that I'm aware

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

How would this benefit Alora?:
It's simply fun to throw snowballs around and have snowball fights ^_^ 
Having a source of obtaining them year-round would be great  :lol:

Wintertodt and Ice Mountain sound like fitting places to place them
Location pics:



#489001 Summer Giveaway!

Posted by Elsa on 18 June 2024 - 04:05 PM

Thanks for hosting the giveaway :) Been a good and relaxing summer for far for me, quite alot of rain, but I don't mind that honestly! I hope everyone elsas summer has been atleast equally as good  ^_^ 

My perfect summer would consist keeping up with alora trading post, travelling around Europe some, some reading, and generally lots of relaxing and just enjoying the summer temperature whilst it lasts!  ^_^

#488325 Alora Newspaper [June 2024]

Posted by Elsa on 09 June 2024 - 10:07 AM

Sounds like a plan!!

Also, great edition H! Thanks for writing this up :)

#481367 What Song Are You Currently Listening To? (Pt. 2)

Posted by Elsa on 19 March 2024 - 06:46 AM


#464129 What Song Are You Currently Listening To? (Pt. 2)

Posted by Elsa on 15 July 2023 - 11:10 AM

must listen

#452539 Buff Nightmare & TOB drop rates

Posted by Elsa on 02 February 2023 - 05:22 AM

That's a clip from a year ago.  Alora has updated mage/range accuracies, so I recommend you test this again before stating it as fact. 


It's the same players that got drops early on that are refusing to give way for positive change in the present.

It's not a new clip, you're right. I made it to highlight my issue with Phosanis though, doesn't that show that my intent is also for positive change?
sidenote is that I had only gotten 1x inq skirt when that video was made (from 650 kc), which really isn't anything to flex about

Anywho, if the range accuracy for Phosanis has been updated, then that's a positive thing! I'm glad to hear it :]
Admittedly though, I hadn't noticed that change XD

I logged on to re-test Phosanis in my usual gear (justi & ely)
And I still don't have to swap prayers, and I only ate 2 mantas.




(if I was the Supreme Ruler of Alora, 'Elsacron'), then I'd still like to make phosanis more difficult, I don't think camping mage pray should be possible.. (especially if we're to increase the droprates.. ?)
And I'd also like to increase the incentive for doing Nightmare in teams, as I really enjoyed the times when teams of 3-4 would grind nightmare together.

#452455 Buff Nightmare & TOB drop rates

Posted by Elsa on 01 February 2023 - 10:39 AM

Hello, I haven't really read the thread at all, but I got a @Mention and figured I'd link the video in question, aswell as leave some smol thoughts, and then go back to watching anime.

Using bandos and a zammy hasta, not prayer switching. First food eaten at 4 mins 40sec

*edit: On the topic of "afk", I'd consider it afk in terms of brain usage, not physically afk like sandcrabs.

My 5 cents on Phosani is that its not very punishing, and I generally wouldn't support buffing the droprates unless its made a challenge.
Nowadays if I go nightmare, I bring ely, full justiciar, and inq mace and some fun series to watch


On another note, all nightmare drops are super low in price, people are struggling selling eldritch orbs at 150m, helm and skirt is only like 100m ea, and I bought a staff for 160 not long ago.
I realize 510% of everyone in thread are probably super chad ironmen, and I can see how lowering droprates would be nice for ironmen who want to fill logs and get cool items etc, but the value increase for normies is None.
If there's 0 demand for an eldritch orb at 150m, lowering the droprate for an eldritch orb would just result in the player having to obtain more eldritch orbs than before to get the same amount of gp value as before. (dont yall dare to go on yell when there's 5x more pkers running around with harm staffs in wildy (jkjk idc))


If I was the Supreme Ruler of Alora, 'Elsacron'...
Then I'd want to increase the incentive of doing Nightmare in teams, as I really enjoyed the times when teams of 3-4 would grind nightmare together.
I'd also make phosanis more difficult. Maybe increase its ranged & melee so that its not possible to just camp mage prayer? It really feels like camping prayers shouldn't be a thing for Phosanis.

#447255 Staff Update 12/5/22

Posted by Elsa on 05 December 2022 - 02:30 PM

Gzz on promotions & wb :]]  :10out10:

#436038 lottery winner listing

Posted by Elsa on 20 July 2022 - 04:00 AM

Can view lottery winners here:


Have to enter each profile & view awards to find out the prize total & tickets purchased though, which is a little tedious!

Especially when wanting to compare alot of users... hehe

I wouldn't be against having a better way to access/list details for lottery drawings, so long as it doesn't interfere with more important development :)

#431951 Increasing “Gravestone” timer

Posted by Elsa on 25 May 2022 - 09:11 PM

I'm definitely in support of increased gravestone timers! :)

Anything beyond 10 minutes I'm not a fan of though! That would absolutely compromise on the risk associated with dying out on the map...
My reason for wanting to increase it from 4 minutes is... Well...
It's honestly just a bit too brutal for those who have yet to become proficient at Aloras teleportation system...
For example: If you die during your Steel Dragon task in Brimhaven Dungeon... And you choose the Dungeons > Brimhaven Dungeon teleport to get back ...
Well.. you don't have much room for mistakes let's put it that way :mellow: God forbid you missed bringing your axe, took the wrong path, didn't notice dying straight away... or have low agility level  :unsure:

4 minutes is a short fuse to be pinned against... It can absolutely stunt ones experience with the game...
I remember losing my bank to this in 2016/17(?) <_< I wasn't happy about it  :unsure: 


Posted by Elsa on 04 May 2022 - 04:01 PM

Congratz on getting your account back!
Jagex has for sure been stepping up on the unbans as of some time now!
I also had an account that was permbanned in ~2013-14 for botting
It randomly got unbanned without me doing anything this year, and then a goldfarmer botted green drags on it.. and it got banned once again....
Sent in an appeal and they verified that it wasn't me botting, and now I have my account back once again lol

#427636 Sailing Skill Development Blog

Posted by Elsa on 01 April 2022 - 12:57 PM

Gl on the race to 99&200m all!

I'll be sailing under the hosidius flag btw #bestflag
In preparation of the release, I'm buying the materials needed for mithril cannons @15m ea, hmu if you got!

(reenactment of what the highscores will look like at release)

#423817 Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by Elsa on 04 February 2022 - 12:09 PM

Username: Elsa

Discord Name: SailorSaturn

Game Mode: Normie

Playtime: 150+ days

Proof of Combat/Skills: https://gyazo.com/f1...849535351e94dd3

Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yess

Reason for applying to Paragon?: Good chunk of friends in there

Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): Too many to mention