- Alora
- → Viewing Profile: Awards: Elsa
Member Since 23 Jul 2016Previous Username: Love Lain
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2025 06:54 AM

About Me
Hi! or hello again perhaps? :)
Thanks for visiting my page, here I uhh.. post stuff I'm currently buying/selling, aswell as some music I've recently found and enjoyed enough so to share it :)
I try to update this page somewhat frequently, feel free to check back whenever!
LOOKING TO BUY: (pls lmk if you've got any for sale) (updated 7 March 2025)
Buying for pretty standard prices
- phats
- ?
What are your accounts?
I currently only play on this account.
What's your playtime?
300+ something days
Where do you live?
In Edge Bank, By Trading Post
How much have you donated to the Well of Goodwill?
Somewhere over 8b I'm sure, I think
How much have you hosted trivias for?
I think we're up to.. 5b maybe? guesstimate
some of the bigger ones(3366m)
Favourite Drugs?
The tamer kind of uppers for non-party purposes
What's your IG?
Why are your response times horrendous?
I easily get socially exhausted
Why are you so mega super smart?
brain good
Theatre of Blood Guide (rather outdated, sorry!)
Bloody Chest Drop Rates & Drop Table
My Accounts
I currently only play on "Elsa".
Normie: Elsa
Other: Too many to count
Some music: (updated 9 June 2024)
Community Stats
Veteran - Active Posts 238
- Profile Views 43,321
- Time Online249d 22h 12m 40s
- Member Title Professional Dancer
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Prophets of Profit
Game Activity
Elsa received the elusive Trollweiss from Mithril seeds!
Jun 20, 2024 2:42 pmElsa received 1 x Crystal seed (12th) from Zulrah! (#1,308)
Dec 29, 2023 3:06 pmLatest Visitors
User's Awards
The Generous :: Awarded to those who continuously show their generosity by often hosting events/giveaways
Awarded to those who continuously show their generosity by often hosting events/giveaways
Given on 07 March 2025 - 06:51 AM by LoganAward Hoarder :: Awarded to those who've collected more than 25 forum awards.
Awarded to those who've collected more than 25 forum awards.
Given on 20 June 2024 - 03:07 AM by TauriSkiller :: Given to players that achieve 200M experience in every non-combat skill.
Given to players that achieve 200M experience in every non-combat skill.
Given on 20 June 2024 - 03:03 AM by TauriWarrior :: Given to players that achieve 200M experience in every combat skill.
Given to players that achieve 200M experience in every combat skill.
Given on 20 June 2024 - 03:03 AM by TauriVocal :: You speak your mind, and back it up with evidence. You always get some controversy, but are always civil in discussions.
You speak your mind, and back it up with evidence. You always get some controversy, but are always civil in discussions.
Given on 20 June 2024 - 03:02 AM by TauriThe Nex :: Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on the Nex.
Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on the Nex.
Given on 20 June 2024 - 03:02 AM by TauriCollector II :: Achieved by collecting 300 items in the collection log.
Achieved by collecting 300 items in the collection log.
Given on 20 June 2024 - 03:02 AM by TauriCollector I :: Achieved by collecting 100 items in the collection log.
Achieved by collecting 100 items in the collection log.
Given on 20 June 2024 - 03:02 AM by TauriThe Nightmare :: Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on the Nightmare.
Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on the Nightmare.
Given on 21 August 2021 - 03:00 PM by OmicronGeek :: Awarded to those who've acquired 200M exp. in each skill.
Awarded to those who've acquired 200m experience in each skill.
Given on 27 June 2021 - 01:05 PM by OmicronBug Knight :: You have reported many bugs, and vulnerabilities while Alora has been up.
You have reported many bugs, and vulnerabilities while Alora has been up.
Given on 07 January 2021 - 07:18 PM by MoePet Collector :: Awarded to those who have obtained at least 15 individual pets.
Awarded to those who have obtained at least 15 individual pets.
Given on 26 December 2020 - 02:10 AM by OmicronDaily Gamer :: Achieved by reaching 100 days playtime in-game
Given on 29 November 2020 - 02:21 PM by Champ Forum Lurker :: Achieved by reaching 200 days time online
Given on 02 May 2020 - 09:54 AM by Moe Goodwill :: Donated at least 500m in the Well of Goodwill
Donated at least 500m in the Well of Goodwill
Given on 26 November 2019 - 07:46 PM by UltisticEvent Champion - Boss Massacre :: Given to the player who was MVP during the event.
Given to the player who were MVP during the event.
Given on 25 November 2019 - 10:47 PM by UltisticUnforgiven :: Awarded to those with over 1000 kills on 3 different non-wildy bosses.
Awarded to those with over 1000 kills on 3 different non-wildy bosses.
Given on 25 November 2019 - 10:42 PM by UltisticAward Collector :: Awarded to those who've collected more than 10 forums awards.
Awarded to those who've collected more than 10 forum awards.
Given on 24 November 2019 - 03:36 PM by UltisticScroll Sack :: Awarded to those who’ve acquired a Scroll Sack
Awarded to those who’ve acquired an Scroll Sack
Given on 24 November 2019 - 03:36 PM by UltisticBug Finder :: Awarded to members who have helped identify bugs!
For finding the multi-step clue scroll bug. Awarded to members who have identified major bugs, or small bugs on a consistent basis.
Given on 24 November 2019 - 01:18 PM by OmicronMinigamer :: Completed the Mage Arena and Pest Control section of the minigames tab in your collection log
Completed the Mage Arena and Pest Control section of the minigames tab in your collection log
Given on 18 November 2019 - 01:58 PM by KharyrllForum Junkie :: Awarded to those who have reached 100 days time spent online
Awarded to those who have reached 100 days time spent online
Given on 16 March 2019 - 01:18 PM by Doc HellishStar :: You're well known, and respected in the community.
You're well known, and respected in the community.
Given on 01 February 2019 - 12:41 AM by JoshQuality Approved :: Given to those with a bunch of likes on their forum posts.
Given to those with a bunch of likes on their forum posts.
Given on 01 February 2019 - 12:41 AM by JoshSticky :: Given to those who have created quality content worth pinning on the forums.
Given to those who have created quality content worth pinning on the forums.
Given on 20 July 2018 - 09:41 AM by DanteVeteran :: Given to those who have been part of Alora for a long time, and those who have stuck around.
Given to those who have been part of Alora for a long time, and those who have stuck around.
Given on 19 April 2018 - 09:55 PM by UltisticOldschool :: Awarded to anyone who has been part of Alora since 2016.
Awarded to anyone who has been part of Alora since 2016.
Given on 17 March 2018 - 04:46 PM by Thorr2Test of Time :: Given to people who have a bunch of hours logged on the Alora forums.
Given to people who have a bunch of hours logged on the Alora forums.
Given on 17 March 2018 - 08:38 AM by Mewtwo