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Member Since 12 Jul 2018
Previous Username: Orangepike
Offline Last Active Today, 06:47 AM

Topics I've Started

Zulrah/Vorkath Giveaway competition!

01 January 2025 - 02:56 PM

Zulrah & Vorkath Drop Hunt!

I am hosting a giveaway for both Zulrah AND Vorkath!





Skeletal Visage drop - $10 Bond
Tanzanite Mutagen - Ancient Godsword (Won by PDiddyParty)
Jar of Decay - Elder Maul + Dragon Claws
Jar of Swamp - Kodai Wand + Tormented Bracelet (Won by Seq32)
EITHER PET - 500M cash (won by PDiddyParty)





1. Each reward can only be claimed once.

2. YOU MUST POST THE SCREENSHOT on this topic to win

3. You are allowed to claim multiple prizes if you receive multiple drops first.

This event will end at 23:59 GMT on 07/01/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy)

Loot from 300 (and 1) Bloody Keys

10 November 2024 - 08:52 AM

Have you ever wondered if the Bloody Chest is worth opening?
Here's the loot from 301 keys. Keys valued at around 2b total.
Loot is around 1/4 of that if I had to guess.


Shop stock on Leagues

01 November 2024 - 05:51 PM

What is your suggestion?: Increase shop stock on Leagues OR make it private.

Is this in OSRS?: I genuinely do not know (Not an OSRS Player) But I imagine it is

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Leagues players are fighting over a shop that holds 500 chaos/death/blood runes at maximum. Which you can use in under 30 minutes. I suggest either increasing the maximum number of runes, the refresh rate of runes (drastically) or making the shop stock private.

Implement Runelite Plugin for Vanguards (COX)

08 October 2024 - 11:42 AM

What is your suggestion?: Vanguard plugin that shows which Vanguard is Melee, Range and Mage

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Not that I can see

How would this benefit Alora?: Some players (Me) struggle to know which vanguard is which. So implementing this plugin would go a long way to help.