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99 Pray Nty hasn't added any friends yet.
09 April 2019 - 11:37 AM
Just incase i wasn't added add me to pvp aswell, i'm here for everything
09 April 2019 - 05:46 AM
I'll join you???
Event(s) you're signing up for: ALL EVENTS Your IGN: Chcukoramma1 Your teammate's IGN(If applicable): Will edit when I find people later today
Event(s) you're signing up for: ALL EVENTS
Your IGN: Chcukoramma1
Your teammate's IGN(If applicable): Will edit when I find people later today
Your IGN: 99 pray nty
Your teammate's IGN(If applicable): hopefully someone puts me on their team
08 April 2019 - 03:05 PM
sounds good, I will be looking for a team for most stuff
29 March 2019 - 06:43 PM
I got you, thanks for the giveaway