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#399640 Maniacal Monkeys -- Fast Range/Mage XP (ironman friendly)

Posted by Swipes on 10 June 2021 - 11:32 PM






Welcome to the Maniacal Monkey guide -- you truly don't need much in order to get a lot out of training range and mage the easy way on Alora. I've recently created a new ironman and have asked if there's any decent places to train range (and obviously mage) on this server. I've gotten a lot of the typical slayer, etc. I've even asked several people if there's a good place to chin/burst your stats and nobody has come up with a decent answer. One person suggested this because not many people scroll to the very bottom of the list to find this NPC, so I feel like it's potentially overlooked in terms of being utilized. You truly don't need a lot in order to get your range/mage up on these NPCs -- I will be showing you below. This guide is geared toward ironmen and harder tiers of accounts. You can obviously do this on a normal account, but it might be a waste of time because you can get it so easily anyway.








55 Range/65 Range for Red and Black Chinchompas respectively.


68 Magic for Blood Burst.


Ironmen Range Option: 63/73 Hunter for Red/Black Chinchompas



You can obviously have higher stats than these, and if you have the money then use higher tier magic spells. *NOTE: DO NOT USE ICE SPELLS ON THE NPCs. BLOOD SPELLS HEAL YOU, AND ICE SPELLS WILL FREEZE THEM AND WON'T BE ABLE TO RESET CORRECTLY.*









This is the section where you can honestly use what ever you have available to you. My suggestion is the best prayer and range/mage gear that you have. You don't need the highest tier gear in order to get your stats up, I will be showing you what I use on my one-day old ironman in order to chin my range/mage currently.











These set up's are clearly budget/early game. Obviously, if you have better gear expect better XP rates and to be able to last there longer. USE WHAT YOU HAVE - I don't have prayer/restore/range pots but the XP is still enough that you can get 99 Range in an hour and a half on Ironman XP rates with this set up... You really don't have to have better gear.






Q: Why don't you have prayer/restore potions?

A: Maniacal Monkeys drop (1) dose Prayer Potions pretty frequently; enough that you won't need to bank to restore your prayer unless you get some horrible RNG and they don't drop any for an extended period of time. If you have the pots, use them. If not, don't stress, it's okay.


Q: I don't have any good prayer bonus gear on my ironman, how do I get some?

A: You can get monk robes for free in the Edgeville Monastery. It's okay if you don't have d hide, your prayer will hold you out that it basically equals out your XP rates if you had a full set up d hide in terms of length of time/XP drops per hour. If this is a confusing concept (monk robes vs. dhide, etc.) feel free to PM me and I can explain it in more detail.


Q: I don't have prayer potions and I didn't get good RNG so none dropped and I had to tele out. I'm not a donor... How do I get my prayer back fast without dying?

A: The fastest way that I've found is you can go in and out of the boat for Pest Control. White portal Clan Wars does not restore your stats like it does on 07. There could potentially be an easier option, if so, please post a comment and I'll update the guide with credit to your name.







Resetting and grouping the monkeys is super easy. It's not rocket science, and works in every area throughout the caves. I will be showing you the closest one to the teleport - I don't foresee them being overly crowded after this guide, or ever.






Edgeville wizard --> Monsters --> Scroll all the way down and select Maniacal Monkeys







Run to this tile that I'm standing on because they will all aggro on you.




Stand in the tile that I'm standing on in the picture above. To get the best XP and attack the maximum 3x3 area allowed, attack the center monkey of the group of 9. If you cannot identify the center monkey, here is a simple diagram:


"X" = Monkey

"O" = Your character


This is your character



X   X   O

X   X   X

X   X   X


Always attack the monkey on the green X. If this monkey dies, simply wait until another monkey fills it's place.


NOTE: If there is not a monkey in one of those 8 spots - RESET: Simply walk into the first tile that you came to when you walked into the group of monkeys (picture one in "grouping" section) and then walk into the tile shown in picture two.








This method is fast and easy experience in Magic and Range. There's not a whole lot to it, but I figured since nobody seemed to know a good method for training range, then this was a guide that would benefit those who just want experience. It can be costly, specially if you're training mage or purchasing the chins yourself. 73-99 Hunter on Ironman will net you roughly 400 Black Chinchompas which got me from 76-86 Range in about 20 minutes. Obviously this will scale given your account type.


If anybody has:



Something I missed?

Something I can do differently?


Please post a comment, send me a DM on forums, or PM me in-game at OPPSBERUNNIN. I appreciate you taking time to look over the guide - good luck on your 99 Range and Mage.

#399045 Account Recovery Feedback

Posted by Swipes on 03 June 2021 - 02:06 PM

First, I'd like to thank @Amica and who ever else helped behind the scenes to help get my account recovered - I'll go into detail.


I haven't played in over a year and a half and forgot the username to my account like some people do. I remembered an account that I played back then that wasn't the account I was looking for, but it was the only piece to the puzzle that I had. The typical recovery process is giving your MAC address, your email attached to the account, or the donation confirmation code(s) that you used when you donated via email/paypal. 


I had moved houses, got a new computer, never donated (with IRL, I used in-game GP), and 2FA was not set up back then. I quite literally didn't have anything that was capable of them helping me - but they managed. After some digging, and going through back doors they were able to recover the username of the account that I'm currently on. They went out of their way to look at certain things that I figure they wouldn't normally do, and I appreciate their help.


I'm not saying that the success of recovering the name to this account via the routes that the staff took in order to find it is some sort of disclaimer that they'll be able to find anything and everything for everybody. I knew the password already, I just forgot the username.


Simply put, just a small appreciation post for @Amica and those who helped behind the scenes that don't get recognition sometimes. Support your staff team, they will go out of their way to help if you're willing to be patient and respect the job that they can and can't do.



Thanks again.