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Member Since 23 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active May 07 2024 05:28 PM

#398398 Clans

Posted by Champ on 27 May 2021 - 07:25 AM

What is your suggestion?: Add the new Clan system that has just be released on OSRS.

Is this in OSRS?: Yes.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.

How would this benefit Alora?: There is quite a few large clans on Alora so I think this would be very convenient. More settings, more customization, more specific permissions, events, recruitment board etc.


Maybe also add ;;clans to teleport players to the Clan Hall area for drop parties, gatherings, etc


Link to the new Clans system:




#398337 365 Days without planking /Hc Fopanz

Posted by Hc Fopanz on 26 May 2021 - 02:01 PM




So these are my current stats and boss killcounts 2021-05-26




Collection logs=







Bank pictures=



Important drops=










New goals=

-Complete Chambers of Xeric

-Learn Theater of Blood (if anyone wanna bring me send me a pm)

-Climb to rank 10 on hardcore ironman highscores (currently rank 15)




Best regards Fopanz! #ICE

#396055 Add Mythical Cape to Guild Trophy Space in Quest Hall of PoH

Posted by Real Alan on 02 May 2021 - 04:49 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Add Mythical Cape to Guild Trophy Space in Quest Hall of PoH




Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

This was released in Jan 2018 on OSRS, so adding this in 2021 seems only logical.

This would allow players to teleport to the myth's guild (the closest cooking range to bank).


Current options



While the mounted glory is cool and all, the jewelry box is just a much better alternative.

Today's update made mounted glories removable, so why not allow players to upgrade to mounted mythical capes!

#396076 Staff Update 5/2/21

Posted by Moe on 02 May 2021 - 09:25 AM

Hello gamers, Lowkey has taken a vacation to undergo a hair implant surgery. You'll have to deal with the latest staff news from me :'(

Here are the staff changes since the last update. We are still looking for more staff, so don't hesitate to apply if you meet the requirements and are interested in joining! https://www.alora.io...f-applications/




99 has been promoted to Global Moderator.

gim supor has been promoted to Forum Moderator.

Memento Mori has been promoted to Forum Moderator.

Shazadeh has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Don Fiji has returned to the Staff Team as Server Moderator.

JimmyHC has been promoted to Server Support.



Adex has resigned from Administrator.

Fear7heduck has resigned from Server Moderator.





Alora Administration Team

#396031 [2/5/21] Nightmare Instances, Seed Vault, Fossil Island Content, PoH House Vi...

Posted by Omicron on 02 May 2021 - 12:23 AM



[3/5/21] Hotfixes:

  • Fixed Draynor doors not opening.
  • Fixed a bug with Herbiboar allowing players to kick the last tunnel multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug where the main nightmare instance would have multiple sleeping nightmare npc’s there.
  • Fixed a bug where players would sometimes see duplicate chat messages pop up.
  • Fixed a bug where some players were unable to see emoji’s in yell.
  • The price of all blighted supplies (super restores, manta rays, karambwans, anglerfish) have been reduced from 150 pk points to 75.
  • Fixed a bug with sitting in chairs not working properly.
  • The Arclight's 70% accuracy and damage boost will now apply to Cerberus and Hellhounds.
  • Players can now cook giant seaweed on ranges/fires for 6 soda ash, rather than 1.
  • Players will now receive giant seaweed from the seaweed patch rather than regular seaweed.
    • This has 6x the soda ash yield compared to regular seaweed.
  • Players can now use giant seaweed to cast superglass make.
    • When used with Giant seaweed, each giant seaweed will count as 6 regular seaweed, so players will only require 1 giant seaweed per 6 buckets of sand.
      • The bonus multiplier for giant seaweed is also higher (1.6x rather than 1.3x), thereby allowing players to get a maximum of 28 molten glass per inventory (3 giant seaweed, 18 buckets of sand).
      • Any excess sand will be dropped to the ground.
  • Fixed a bug where the ensouled heads in the skill calculator wouldn't show the proper experience values.
  • The price of nightmare instances have been reduced from 5m to 3.5m.
  • Fixed an issue where players in a nightmare instance that was close in proximity to another nightmare instance may take damage from attacks such as Flower poker.



Hello everyone,
Today we're bringing a huge, diverse update to Alora with some highly requested content. First on the list is the long-awaited Nightmare instances, and we hope that this will satisfy those of you who prefer to run Nightmare on your own or in small teams. Next up is the Seed vault, which is a huge QoL update that will make seed storage a breeze. We've also expanded Fossil Island to include Ammonite Crabs, Seaweed Farming and Herbiboar hunting. In your Player-owned house, you can now quickly reorganize the layout with the house viewer interface. Aside from these there are many smaller updates, such as some core performance fixes (faster login time, better switching, improve prayer response time in PvP, etc), the ability to enter Chambers of Xeric with 50 players, some new RuneLite plugins and many bug fixes and QoL updates.

  • Player Owned House Changes:
    • Portal Chamber:
      • The portals in the Portal Chamber can now properly be set by players.
        • To do so, players can use the focus in the centre of their portal chamber to select a location to redirect the portal to.
          • To set a location for a portal, players must have 100 casts worth of runes for the teleport, as well as the appropriate magic level to cast the teleport.
    • Fixed a bug with the doors in the Hosidius style house not being aligned properly.
    • Doors will no longer be spawned in rooms that don't have doors facing each other.
      • Previously, if a player’s study, for example, had doors facing to the east, and the room to the east did not have doors facing to the west (facing the study), the server would add doors there anyways, creating doors that lead to an object in the way.
        • This will no longer happen, and players will need to make sure that rooms have doors facing each other.
    • House Viewer Interface:
      • Players will now see a button to open the house viewer in their House Options interface.
        • Once opened, this interface will give players a basic layout of their house, and allow them to select rooms and make alterations.
          • Once a room is selected, a checkmark will appear on the grid to indicate which room was selected, and players will have the option to either Move, Rotate, or Delete the room.
            • Moving rooms:
              • This option will allow players to either swap or move a room to another location in the grid.
                • Players can simply swap rooms by selecting one room, clicking the “Move” button, then selecting another room.
                  • The main garden/portal room cannot be moved or swapped.
                • Players must move rooms to valid locations that keep the house structure in order; this means that rooms cannot be moved into tiles that are not adjacent to another room, and you cannot move a room that would end up creating an “island”, where there would be some houses that were not connected.
            • Rotating rooms:
              • Players can select any room on the grid and click the “Rotate” button, then select either the “rotate clockwise” or “rotate counter-clockwise” buttons to change the orientation of the rooms.
            • Deleting rooms:
              • Deleting rooms follows the same rules as moving them, that is, you can’t create “islands”, or delete the centre room containing the portal.
              • To delete a room, players can simply select the room they wish to delete, then click the delete button.
          • No changes made in the house viewer will be set unless the player clicks the “Done” button to confirm their layout, but once this has been confirmed, their changes cannot be undone, and any objects in any rooms removed will be permanently lost.
  • Pk Point Exchange Additions:
    • The following items have been added to the Pk Point Exchange:
      • Wrath runes:
        • 50 for 35 Pk points.
      • Blighted bind sack:
        • 300 for 250 Pk points.
      • Blighted snare sack:
        • 150 for 250 Pk points.
      • Blighted entangle sack:
        • 70 for 250 Pk points.
      • Blighted ancient ice sack:
        • 30 for 250 Pk points.
      • Blighted vengeance sack:
        • 50 for 250 Pk points.
      • Blighted Karambwan:
        • 12 for 150 Pk points.
      • Blighted manta ray:
        • 15 for 150 Pk points.
      • Blighted Anglerfish:
        • 15 for 150 Pk points.
      • Blighted super restore(4):
        • 4 for 150 pk points.
  • Core system improvements:
    • Login time reduced:
      • Logging in should now happen more quickly, rather than getting stuck for 10+ seconds at times. (2x faster on average, logins should now take around 3-4 seconds)
    • Switching improvements:
      • Switching items should now be smoother, especially for item switches with more than 4 items.
  • Combat changes:
    • Hit consistency:
      • In both PvP and PvM scenarios where a target is being hit by many different enemies (eg. A player getting piled in multi) some hits were occasionally being discarded if there were too many incoming hits.
        • This should no longer occur, and every single applied hit will remove from the target's health even if the hit cannot be shown that tick.
    • Prayer protection consistency (in PvP):
      • PKers may have noticed that sometimes you'll turn on a protection prayer the same tick the hit comes in, and somehow you are still not protected.
        • We've tweaked the system to attempt to check if you turned on the prayer the very same tick as the hit comes in (regardless of your PID), and apply the protection.
          • This technically gives you protection one tick earlier in certain scenarios (where you didn't have optimal PID), and applies to all protection prayers, but will primarily show significant differences for Melee-based attacks.
  • Nightmare Instances:
    • The long awaited nightmare instances are finally here!
    • Players can right click on the nightmare lobby npc and generate an instance for 5m gp.
      • The instance lasts for 90 minutes, similar to other instances.
        • Any players who are joining the nightmare instance must do so before the fight has begun, otherwise they’ll need to wait until their clan-mates finish the fight.
          • If there is no one present in the instance, the nightmare will de-spawn immediately, so be careful!
        • The mechanics of the instance will be more or less exactly like the regular nightmare room, however players will not be able to see the current status of the fight, so they’ll need to communicate with their clan-mates to figure out when they can enter the instance.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • The Harmonised nightmare staff now has a 4-tick attack speed when casting spells from the normal spellbook.
    • Fixed a bug where the daily login system would only reset players' login streaks if they hadn't logged in for over 48 hours, rather than 24.
      • This would lead to an issue where players could potentially still keep their highest login streak, and yet not complete all 14 days of the login cycle (since they missed one in between, but the streak didn’t reset).
    • Fixed a bug where the red skull wouldn't ever disappear if a player had the amulet of avarice, or skull cape equipped.
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes teleports would conflict with the wilderness obelisks, causing players to be teleported back to the wilderness rather than being teleported out.
    • Fixed a bug where the Daily login system "Current Streak" indicator would reset a player's current streak to 1 day (Rather than 0) when their streak was broken.
      • This lead to the current streak showing up as 1 day higher than the claimable days, leading to some confusion amongst players.
    • Fixed a bug where Dragonbane weapons (Dragon hunter lance, Dragon hunter crossbow) were not applying the 20%/30% damage boost to Wyrms/drakes.
    • The auto-pickup ammunition perk will now only apply to blowpipe darts if the player has the blowpipe equipped.
    • Fixed a bug where farming patches would sometimes not show up until you relogged (Fossil Island Hardwood patches, for example).
    • Fixed a bug where the Items Kept on Death interface would sometimes misplace the "items kept" section in resizable mode.
    • Fixed a bug where players would sometimes face the wrong direction when mining, particularly in motherlode mine.
    • Fixed a bug where the Hosidius Spirit Tree Patch would not visually update when raking the weeds or planting the spirit seed.
    • Fixed an issue where the potion share spells were not using runes.
    • Fixed a bug where the runelite overlays would be drawn slightly offset (about 4 pixels on the x/y axis) when in fixed mode.
    • Fixed a bug where the Runelite notifier was crashing clients when players would get a superior encounter notification if they had the "Enable game messages" option toggled in the Runelite settings.
    • Fixed a bug where trying to create another unfinished potion while already mixing potions would not allow you to make anymore unfinished potions until you moved to a new tile.
    • Fixed a bug where the vyrewatch pickpocket loot was not being properly doubled if the Rogue set effect triggered.
      • This means players will have a small chance to get a second blood shard (as well as the other basic loot) when pickpocketing Vyre’s.
    • The price of Blighted Super restores is now 20 LMS points rather than 100.
    • Fixed a bug where valuing some items in the untradeables shop would not give a cost to re-purchase it.
    • Disabled access to the Stronghold of security entrance.
    • The Bludgeon spine from the Abyssal sire will now be announced over yell.
    • Fixed a bug where Bob was replaced with Father Aereck.
    • Sotetseg's ball attack will no longer deal delayed damage to a player who was chosen to do the maze.
    • The mounted amulet of glory in a player's POH can now be removed in build mode.
    • Players will no longer be notified for nearby clan chat drops if the clan member is on a different plane.
    • The PoH telescope will now say "You don't see anything" if the first star since the last reboot has not yet appeared.
      • This is because the first star appears randomly, so it cannot be predicted.
    • Fixed a ladder near Myth's guild that allowed you to "no-clip".
  • Quality of Life:
    • Chambers of Xeric changes:
      • The maximum number of players that can be in a party has been increased from 20 to 50.
      • The Chambers of Xeric herblore secondaries (Stinkhorn mushroom, endarkened juice, Cicely) are now tradeable.
    • Emoji's will now show up in the Yell chat.
    • Burnt pages have been added to the Vote point shop for 5 points each. 
    • Reduced the price of a larger sack from Motherlode mine by 50 nuggets (from 200 to 150).
    • The number of Revenant Spawns in the Revenant caves has been doubled.
      • There are now twice as many revenants for player’s to kill in a similar area.
    • Players can now store Trailblazer Tier 1-3 outfits in their PoH armour case in their Costume room.
    • The Bounty Hunter Teleport will now use the path finder to make sure that the location it will teleport the player to is in reach of the target.
      • This fixes issues where player’s would be teleported to inaccessible islands, or areas where they would be technically close to their targets, but the path would be far/inaccessible.
        • An example of this would be using the bounty Hunter teleport, and being teleported right next to your target, but on the other side of the wilderness fence, thereby allowing them to escape.
    • Donator ranks when de-ironing:
      • In certain cases, players would lose their donator rank when de-ironing, or dying as an HCIM. This should no longer be the case, and your rank should automatically be transferred.
    • Fixed a visual bug where the Tears of Guthix interface was offset to the left.
    • Players can now pick the Flax west of the Gnome Agility Course.
    • The teleport spells in the normal spellbook will now always be lit up, as they don't have a rune cost.
    • A player’s cannon pieces will now go to their Untradeables shop for 100k per piece if they have no room in their inventory or Bank.
      • If a player has no room in their inventory, or bank, or Untradeables shop (40 item limit), then the cannon will be deleted, and they’ll have to re-obtain it.
    • Added 2 more Wine of Zamorak spawns to the Zamorak temple near the Warrior's guild.
    • All Jars from bosses will now be announced over yell, regardless of their in-game value.
    • The Runelite clue scroll plugin has been updated to recognize any villager sandals for the exam room clue scroll step, rather than just brown sandals.
    • Players can now toggle random event rewards on and off by speaking to the Alora Guide in Edgeville.
    • Players can now only purchase 1 item at a time in the Pest Control Exchange. 
    • Herbiboar has been added to the Skilling Pets section of the collection log.
    • Players will now be able to obtain duplicate Easy/Medium/Hard/Elite clues from all sources.
      • Master clues, as always, are still limited to one at a time. 
    • The Bottomless Bucket drop will now be announced when received from Hespori.
    • The Farmer's Blessing now provides a teleport to the Giant Seaweed patches underwater.
    • A tool leprechaun has been added to the hardwood tree patch on Fossil island.
    • The Jar of smoke has been added to Thermonuclear smoke devil’s collection log.
    • The Jar of spirits has been added to Corporeal beast’s collection log.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • The Easter event has been removed.
      • If any of the rewards are lost on death, you can re-purchase them from the Lost Items Manager.
    • ;;tudor command added for @Tudor's youtube channel.
  • Equipment re-balance:
    • OSRS has launched Part 1 of their equipment rebalance, which mostly targets lower tier items, with a few notable changes.
    • The following changes have been made to the following item categories:
      • Med helms:
        • The range attack bonus has been increased from -1 to 0.
      • Full helms:
        • The range attack bonus has been decreased from -2 to -3.
      • Platelegs:
        • The range attack bonus has been decreased from -7 to -11.
      • Platebodies:
        • The range attack bonus has been decreased from -10 to -15.
      • Squareshields:
        • The range attack bonus has been increased from -2 to 0.
      • Kiteshields:
        • The range attack bonus has been decreased from -2 to -3.
      • Spears:
        • The attack speed of spears has been increased from 5 ticks to 4 ticks.
          • This includes bronze->dragon spears, including poison variants, as well as the zamorakian spear.
      • Warhammers:
        • The warhammer attack requirement has been adjusted to be a strength requirement.
          • For example, the dragon Warhammer’s 60 attack requirement is now a 60 strength requirement instead.
      • Maces:
        • The attack speed of Maces has been increased from 5 ticks to 4 ticks.
      • Hastae:
        • The attack speed has been increased from 5 ticks to 4 ticks.
      • Dragonbone/Bonecrusher necklace changes:
        • The prayer requirement to equip these items has been reduced from 80 to 70 prayer.
        • The offensive stats of these necklaces has been increased from 0 on each stat to +10 on each stat.
        • The defensive bonuses have been increased from 0 on each stat to +2 on each stat.
        • These necklaces have also been given a +2 strength bonus.
  • Runelite Changes:
    • Made it so that players can now click on the Emoji's in the Emoji Palette Plugin panel to add the Emoji directly into the chat box.
      • This will add the text shortcut required to do the emoji, for example, if you click the eggplant emoji, it will append “8=D” to your chat input.
        • This feature only works if a player is logged in, and their chatbox is unlocked (meaning they don’t have their chat input blocked due to key remapping).
    • Fixed a bug where some Salamander tree traps would not work properly with the Hunter plugin.
    • The hull highlighting for NPC’s has been improved, and is no longer slightly offset.
    • Herbiboar plugin:
      • Players can use this new plugin to help them track down Herbiboar.
        • Features:
          • Show start objects:
            • This will automatically highlight the start objects players need to inspect to begin tracking Herbiboar.
          • Show End Tunnels:
            • This will automatically highlight the tunnel the player is supposed to search when they finish tracking Herbiboar (it will not highlight other tunnels).
          • Show Trail Objects:
            • This will automatically highlight Herbiboar’s tracks, and will show dots on the minimap so players can easily track Herbiboar.
    • Supplies Tracker Plugin:
      • This plugin has been added to the base Runelite plugins, and players can use it to track their supply usage.
        • This plugin tracks supplies for the following categories:
          • Food
          • Potions
          • Jewellery (including teleport tablets/scrolls)
          • Runes/Built-in spells
          • Charge weapons (blade of Saeldor, scythe of vital, etc…)
          • Cannonballs
          • Blowpipe darts/scales (approximations)
          • Farming seeds/compost
        • The plugin will log all the supplies used based on the account logged in, and will calculate the cost of the supplies based on the Alora trading post values we provide.
  • Seed Vault:
    • Players will now have access to the seed vault in the Farming Guild.
      • This vault, usable by all game modes, excluding ultimate ironmen, can store all 71 types of seeds (we’ve removed the option to store saplings, since we don’t require them for farming).
      • Players will see a list of seed types on the left hand side of the interface, an they can click the types to be taken to that section right away.
        • Players will also have buttons on the bottom of the interface, which can be used to specify a preferred left-click withdraw amount for their seeds.
        • There is also a deposit-all button, which will add all of the player’s seeds to the vault that are in their inventory.
      • There is a limit of 99999 seeds of each type that can be stored in the vault, which should be more than enough for 99.999% of players!
      • Favourite slots:
        • Players can right click any of the seeds in the seed vault to add them to their favourite slots, which is easily accessible at the top of the list.
          • The favourites section is limited to 8 seeds, so choose wisely!
      • We’ve also added placeholder functionality to the vault, so when a player removes all of a specific type of seed from the vault, it will remain in its position with an indicator showing there are 0 seeds.
        • Players can click on this seed to either release the placeholder, or add/remove it from their favourites.
      • Additionally, any seeds that are obtained from the Kingdom of Miscellenia will be automatically deposited into the Seed vault if a player already has that type of seed stored inside of it.
  • Fossil Island:
    • Ammonite Crabs:
      • Players can now find all of the Ammonite crab spawns around fossil island.
        • These crabs have the same offensive/defensive stats as rock/sand crabs, but they have 100 hp rather than 50/60.
    • Seaweed Farming:
      • Players can now farm giant seaweed underwater off the shores of Fossil island.
        • There are 2 ways to get underwater:
          • 1. The farmer’s blessing offers a teleport to the seaweed patch underwater.
          • 2. Players can board the boat on the north-eastern shore of fossil island to take them to the small island offshore where they can dive down underwater.
        • Farming the Giant seaweed will require at least level 23 Farming, and will take 20 minutes to fully grow.
          • Once the seaweed is grown, players can harvest it for 19 Farming experience each, and each patch will output approximately 15-32 seaweed, depending on if super/ultracompost is used.
            • Magic secateurs do not increase the yield for seaweed.
        • In the underwater area, there has also been a single seaweed spore spawn that has been added.
    • Herbiboar:
      • Players can now hunt Herbiboar on Fossil Island.
        • Doing so will require at least level 80 Hunter to start tracking it, and at least 31 Herblore to harvest the Herbiboar once caught.
          • To begin tracking a Herbiboar, players can visit one of the 5 starting points on the island (marked by a hunting symbol on the minimap) and inspect the rocks nearby.
            • This will uncover tracks which the player must follow and will lead them to more objects they must inspect to find more tracks.
              • Inspecting these objects will provide 50 base Hunter experience.
              • At a certain point, the tracks will lead players to the tunnel that Herbiboar is within, and they must attack it.
                • Once a player attacks the tunnel, Herbiboar will likely appear, stunned, and the player will receive between 1,950 and 2,461 base Hunter experience (based on their current level).
                  • Players can then harvest Herbiboar to obtain various herb rewards, which are better with higher Herblore levels.
                    • Extreme donator+ players will obtain these herbs noted, but there’s also a tool leprechaun at the nearby patches players can use to note the herbs.
                  • There is also a 1/4000 chance to obtain the Herbiboar pet when harvesting the herbs.



We hope you enjoy this update as much as we've enjoyed putting it together!
Omicron & Chad

#395660 Schizco's Goal's

Posted by Schizco on 27 April 2021 - 05:23 AM



- Get 100 kill's of each boss!

- Get the Max cape

-  200m exp in all skill

-  Fist figth Callisto and Vet'ion

- Solo Barrow's with a Whip ( Nude Edition ) 

- Walk from the end of the map too the other end ( why not? ) 

-  get 99 in all skills

- Get all the set's in the game! 



so thats my goal's soo far. may not be the best goal's but yhea! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO!


#395314 good bye Alora

Posted by Shamrock on 22 April 2021 - 12:12 PM

I went back & forth on making this topic, It's time for me to say goodbye for now. The journey I have had & people I have had the pleasurer to meet I will always remain fond of those memories good & bad. I am glad to see player still remain to experience the true wonders Alora has to offer & community that I think at it's base, players stay here for the sense of  connection & social interaction. I hope the golden age can be re-created in the future & players get to experience the true potential Alora hold's. I am very thankful for Alora it defiantly got me through some hard times an escape.. that helped me more than I could possibly put into word's. a period of time that I lost the agility to physically walk and pain I would not wish on anyone. thankfully through hard work that has changed & well with this new found inspiration, I have come to the conclusion its time to move on. I truly want to thank ICE clan & countless friends I have made in my time on this amazing world we have all created together  :lol:   & most of all A MASSIVE THANKS TO DAN & HIS BROTHER <3  <3  <3 , you guys created something very special & for that I am very grateful I truly wish all of you the best & truly appreciate the small things in life ;)  <3  



P.S ICE #1 clan - without question  :P

#395042 Chambers of Xerics suggestions

Posted by Omicron on 17 April 2021 - 07:25 PM

The fixes/changes are all great and make a lot of sense except for the last one. The CoX reward system is based on points, not team size, so if solo’s want to grind and do more work for a better chance at a reward, then it should be allowed, as each raid will take longer to do. If larger teams would like a better chance at a reward, they can right click the entrance to the chambers and set the layout to a larger one so that the team can farm more points by the end of the raid, but otherwise your last suggestion would require adding artificial boosts for larger teams which isn’t something we’re willing to do, since it would punish smaller teams even though their raids take longer/require more effort. I’m going to leave this suggestion open for now since it’s still new and we won’t be able to squeeze it in this update, but the changes will most likely be accepted as they would only improve the experience for all players.

#391417 Goodbye for Now

Posted by A on 08 March 2021 - 01:46 AM

I wasn't going to make one of these, but I've been MIA for a while now so I think I owe it to this lovely community. I've been going through a lot IRL recently, and on top of this I do not really have a passion for RS at the moment. I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for making my experience that much more enjoyable. Thank you to everyone who has added value to Alora through their presence, and a special thank you to our staff team who work very hard in keeping everything a float. Also I want to thank all our previous staff members for all the effort and time they have put in as well, as I've worked alongside a lot of you. I also want to apologize to anyone I may have upset/wronged, and I hope that you can forgive me. It was a real pleasure, and I hope that Alora continues to thrive! Thank you to our lovely developers Chad & Dan who work day and night on improving our lovely home known as Alora. Most of all, thank you to @Lowkey who has stuck around for 4 years and kept Alora going even through the hardest of times. 


Take care everyone, and best of luck! <3

#391167 DZ Tele Wizard + Dark Mage

Posted by Kyle on 05 March 2021 - 03:16 AM

Teleport wizard has been declined several times, will take the edgeville traffic away and make it look less populated. Not sure about dark mage but I don't think it'll happen.

#390661 [28/2/21] PvM Accuracy Rework, Bank Tab Swapping, Revenant Cave Changes, New...

Posted by Omicron on 28 February 2021 - 11:05 PM



[2/3/21] Hotfixes:

  • Accuracy formula fixes:
    • Based on player feedback, we've increased overall accuracy boost to make it easier to hit on enemies across the board.
      • To understand this change, we were previously boosting player accuracy by 20% over OSRS's formulas.
      • Now, we've kept that boost at 20%, but we also decrease enemy defence by 20%, improving your chances to land a hit dramatically.
        • This will make all PvM slightly easier, including the Gauntlet.
    • Twisted bow accuracy formula has been corrected and now works as intended.
      • Keep in mind that the Twisted bow is most effective against enemies with high Magic level or Magic attack bonus, so that is where you will see the bow perform best.
    • Reduced the defensive bonuses for Venenatis and Callisto by a further 20% for all combat styles.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Made the warning when using a Vorkath's head on a ranging/max cape clear that a player will not get an assembler cape from doing so, just the effect of the assembler.


[1/3/21] Hotfixes:

  • Killtime wipe:
    • Due to the changes in the accuracy formula, we've reset the killtimes for bosses and players now have a chance to make a name for themselves on a fresh scoreboard.
  • Ranged combat fixes:
    • Adjusted Twisted bow formula to match OSRS 1:1 and tested on a number of different NPCs. It should match any online calculator that you use to determine the max hit.
      • The Twisted bow also received a +4 prayer bonus that was not correctly being applied.
      • In the Chambers of Xeric, the maximum hit with the Twisted bow is 99.
    • Heavy ballista ranged bonus will now appear in your equipment interface.
  • Revenant caves fix:
    • Sometimes, you would be unable to attack a player in the Revenant caves even though they were able to attack you. This bug has been fixed and will no longer occur.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • XP counter/tracker fixes:
      • Fixed a bug where the XP tracker would think your boosted stat level was your real level when calculating remaining experience/progress.
      • Fixed a bug where players would sometimes get stuck when teleported near KBD.
      • Fixed a bug where the XP counter would sometimes show negative remaining XP.
      • Fixed a bug where the XP counter would count experience over 200m for individual skills, and over 4.6b for fully maxed players.
    • Fixed an issue where players could not empty their birdhouses.
    • Removed a duplicate house teleport option from the max cape interface.
    • Fixed the stats on Olm's Left and Right claws, so players should hit a lot more accurately using the appropriate attack styles.
    • Fixed the stats for the 3 types of Vanguards, so players will now be required to use the appropriate attack style to fight them.
    • Adjusted the bonuses of the various forms of Verzik Vitur to match OSRS.
    • The XP Counter yellow box will no longer draw outside of the client bounds if it's aligned to the left side of the screen.
    • Fixed an issue where the Void Knight Mage set wasn't adding 45% to a player's magic accuracy in certain scenarios.
    • Fixed an issue where the special attack button on the 2010 game frame wouldn't be clickable when first launching the client.
    • Fixed some wrong def for the smaller Nylocas variants.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Clicking the "Show Xp Drops" button near the minimap will now force the context menu to open so that new players can easily see the ability to customize their Xp counter.
    • All of the text on the Boost display interface (for experience boosts, vote boosts, etc) will now be purple, to make it more readable.


Hello everyone,
Today's update features a full PvM accuracy rework which has been long overdue. We began writing the code for Alora as far back as 8 years ago, and at the time not only did we not fully understand the accuracy system, but servers were not focusing on perfecting PvM to match it to OSRS. We've taken the time to ensure that PvM now feels identical to OSRS, with certain weapons being more powerful against different enemies. For example, you'll now need to use stab weapons against Corporeal beast, and crush weapons will perform best against The Nightmare. This also means that we are able to make the Twisted bow 100% accurate to OSRS in terms of damage against different bosses, and it will now be most powerful against NPCs with high magic attack bonuses (or level), such as Commander Zilyana, Alchemical Hydra, and brutal black dragons.
Aside from these PvM changes, we made sure to bring in a bunch of QoL changes and content updates as well. Firstly, you can now swap bank tabs around to quickly organize your bank without having to move a single item at a time. Simple drag a tab over to another tab to swap them, or right-click a tab and select "Swap tab". The Revenant Caves now implement a "Singles-Plus" mechanic, which means that although it is now a single-combat zone, you can attack players while they are in combat with NPCs. Two new Daily login reward patterns have been added to spice up the rewards, and a bunch of other updates for both the server and RuneLite client are listed below, which we're sure you'll enjoy:

  • PvM Combat Accuracy Complete Rework:
    • The PvM Combat system has been completely changed and re-worked in terms of accuracy.
      • Previously, accuracy was calculated by only taking into account an NPC’s magic defence bonus, ranged defence bonus, or melee defence bonus.
        • There was no differentiation between the stab/slash/crush attack styles, so selecting these styles made no difference for accuracy.
        • We also did not take into account an NPC’s magic or defence level for accuracy calculations.
        • Overall, this system severely limited the combat system in terms of accuracy and individual weaknesses, and made it so that most NPC’s had similar defensive stats, and would be susceptible to all attack styles and skills (magic/ranged/melee).
          • This also meant that we had to use custom formulas for weapons that based their damage off of these stats, such as the twisted bow.
    • The New System:
      • We’ve changed the system entirely, so that it now uses a combination of an NPC’s level (magic level for mage defence, or defence level for range/melee attacks), as well as the NPC’s defensive bonus (crush/stab/slash/magic/ranged) to calculate the accuracy/effectiveness of an attack.
        • These changes will mean that players will now need to consider an NPC’s weaknesses and strengths before fighting them.
          • Here are a few examples:
            • Corporeal beast:
              • Previously players could use the slash style while attacking it with a zamorakian spear, and it would have the same accuracy as the stab style.
                • Now, players will notice they will hit far less frequently if they’re not using the stab attack style.
            • Dagannoth Rex:
              • The accuracy of magic attacks for Dagannoth Rex (as well as other NPC’s with very low magic levels, such as barrows melee brothers) will be far more accurate (nearing 100%) with a low magic accuracy bonus on the player’s end.
        • Along with these new changes, the Twisted bow’s formulas for boosting accuracy and damage have also been reworked, so they now exactly match the ones used in OSRS.
          • That is, the accuracy boost (capped at 140%), as well as the damage boost (capped at 250%), will now be based off of the NPC’s magic level or magic accuracy bonus (the higher of the two).
    • We want players to have an immersive and positive experience when playing Alora, so this system is going to be tested for a few weeks, and tweaked in any way we feel is necessary. It will require more strategic planning for different bosses, but it will also make certain weapons more useful and powerful in different situations.
      • If players hate the new system, we’ve made it simple to revert.
        • We’ve also added ways to tweak the accuracy so that it’s slightly boosted if we deem that it’s necessary to do so.
      • We encourage players to provide us with feedback on the new system, and we’ll make a poll in the future voting to see if we should keep the changes, or revert them back to the original system.
  • Weapon changes:
    • Verac's set effect boost:
      • The Verac's set effect (ignoring enemy defence) now occurs 25% of the time, it was a bit lower at 20% previously.
      • Additionally, the Verac's set always adds +1 to your damage as intended when the effect occurs, making it impossible to hit 0 when it occurs..
    • Abyssal bludgeon's effect now matches OSRS, dealing extra damage for every missing prayer point (0.5% extra damage for every prayer point missing).
    • Zamorak Godsword:
      • The ZGS special attack freeze will now be removed if a player is more than 12 tiles away, similar to all other freeze spells.
      • The ZGS special attack freeze timer will no longer be halved if a player is praying magic.
  • Max hit changes:
    • The melee max hit formula was slightly tweaked to match OSRS, in most cases you will not notice this as the changes are very slight, but it will push the damage up in a few cases for special attacks, including godswords.
      • If you'd like to confirm that the max hit is accurate, our formula is the same that Oldschool.tools uses, so your ;;maxhit results should be identical to their results.
  • PvP changes:
    • Players will no longer be able to exploit a bug which allowed them to use a Granite maul and Armadyl godsword special attack both in the same tick (Gmaul->AGS)
  • Bank updates:
    • Tab swapping:
      • You can now drag an entire tab to move it around in your bank, to properly rearrange your tabs without having to drag every item 1 by 1.
      • You can also right-click the tab header and type in the # of the tab you'd like to swap it with.
    • Filler fix:
      • Using the "clear-all" feature on fillers was sometimes missing some fillers in tabs. It will now remove all fillers as intended.
  • Daily Login System Changes:
    • Adjusted the text on the daily login rewards interface.
      • The “Current Streak” label will now be “Claimable Rewards”, since that’s what it indicates.
      • The “Highest Streak” label will now be “Current Streak”, since this actually tracks your current standing streak.
    • Added 2 new rotations of 14 rewards, so there are now 5 possible rotations on 14 day-streaks.
  • Chambers of Xeric changes:
    • Olm changes:
      • Olm will no longer execute any special attacks if there aren't any players he is able to target (based on the direction he is facing).
        • This allows players to continuously "run" Olm's head without having to worry about special attacks.
  • Runelite/Client Changes:
    • The clue scroll tag feature now works properly with the bank tags/clue scroll plugin.
      • This means that once a player has opened their clue scroll and has the instructions on how to complete the clue, they can open their bank and search for the items they need quickly and easily.
        • Searching “clue”, will return all items that contain clue, as usual, but will also add the items required for the step of a player’s clue scroll.
        • Searching “tag:clue” will only return the items necessary to complete the clue step.
    • Fixed an issue where the clue scroll emote overlay wouldn’t work properly on the 2010 gameframe.
    • The Configurations on the Mouse Tooltips Runelite plugin now work properly.
      • Previously the UI/Chatbox/Spellbook tooltip toggles didn’t do what they were supposed to.
    • A player’s donator icon will now show up next to their name if they’re private messaging a player.
      • This icon only shows up for regular players (ironmen/classic/realism/etc… rank images will still take priority).
      • The donator icons will not show up if a player has toggled the “Hide all donator icons” feature in the client settings.
    • The Youtuber icon will now show up if a Youtuber pm’s a player (assuming they’re playing the regular game mode).
    • Fixed a bug where the "Next combat level" overlay would appear on tabs other than the combat information tab.
    • A configuration has been added to Entity Hider Plugin that allows players to hide ignored players.
    • The player name of the client which sends tray notifications is now included in notification title.
    • The chat notifications plugin has a new option to send you notifications for receiving private messages.
    • A Use swap has been added for battlestaves in the Menu Entry Swapper plugin.
    • The screenshot plugin now has an configurable threshold for which Valuable drops to screenshot. This allows setting a very low valuable drop notification in order to see the drops in the chat box, but still screenshot certain valuable ones.
    • The XP Globes plugin can now show your virtual level in the tooltip.
    • The Idle Notifier plugin now supports low & high run energy notifications.
    • Many of the existing color configuration options for overlays now support adjusting their transparency too.
    • The Zalcano plugin now includes a damage counter to track how much damage you have done to the health and shield, to let you easily track if you've done enough damage to be eligible for drops, uniques, or the pet.
    • The status bars health bar is now recolored when infected by a parasite.
    • Added a config to the menu entry swapper plugin to swap the "eat" option with "Guzzle" on the dwarven rock cake.
  • Quality of Life:
    • Players now have an option to filter the Yell tab by to only show news messages rather than all Yell related messages.
      • If this filter is selected, players will only see messages pertaining to new kildcount records, and player drops, excluding all yell messages.
    • Lucky implings will now announce many different rare drops over yell, such as Ranger boots, rather than only 3rd age items.
    • The Slayer Exchange "Reward Points:" indicator will now update after purchasing items from the Slayer Exchange.
    • Players now have a "Claim-all" option in the Daily Login Rewards interface which will claim all of the available rewards.
    • The Achievement cape now supports teleports to all the achievement diary NPC locations.
    • The Max cape will now list teleports to all of the POH portals around the map when a player clicks the POH portals option with the cape equipped.
    • The Max cape will now show all the teleports to the POH portals along with all of the previous teleports when a player clicks the “teleports” option on their max cape through the inventory.
    • The Construction Skillcape (as well as the max cape) now has the option to teleport to any of the POH portals around the map.
    • The "Valuable Drop" notifcation will now list the Trading Post value of the item.
    • Npc's that are spawned and in the event area will now drop loot under the players, similar to how Kraken/Zulrah do.
    • The Maiden of Sugadinti's attack speed has been reduced from 4 ticks to 10 ticks.
    • Alchemical Hydra's attack speed has been reduced from 4 ticks to 6 ticks.
    • The logout button in the top right corner of the screen in the 2010 gameframe will now change a player's tab to the logout tab.
    • The Tekton Onyx drop will now be announced in Yell when a player receives it.
    • The Uncut onyx from bird's nests will now be announced when a player receives one.
    • Players will now be asked to confirm their trading post purchases if they select the All or Buy-x options.
    • Added a countdown timer to show when the next round will start for Tournaments.
    • The Energy well that players use before fighting Olm will no longer lower your hitpoints if they were boosted past your current level.
    • Players will no longer have their boosted stats reduced to the normal level when entering a new CoX session.
    • Chest counters:
      • When opening the Bloody Chest or Wilderness Supply Chest, you will now be notified of how many chests you've opened.
        • The counter starts at 0 as of this update, so previous chests you've opened do not count towards it.
      • If someone receives a rare drop from the Bloody or Wilderness Supply Chest, the drop announcement will now show the # of chests they've opened.
    • Players will now be guaranteed a Weapon frame after killing the third weak monster in the Gauntlet if they haven't yet received one.
    • Any gems earned from mining will now be automatically added into an open gem bag.
    • Players can now speak to Watson to see which clues they've handed in/which are left to be handed in.
    • All items in Alry the Angler's fishing shop have been reduced to half the amount of Mulch Pearls that they used to cost.
    • Added placeholders for the twisted clothing (T1, T2, T3) and twisted banner
    • Players can now speak to Bryn to re-obtain their Gauntlet Cape if they've previously emptied or destroyed it.
    • Correctly praying against The Nightmare’s default trybrid attacks will now block 85% of the incoming damage rather than the previous 70%.
    • Players can now use the left-click "Build" option on an empty bird house space.
      • This will automatically build the best birdhouse available in the player’s inventory, given that they have the proper hunter level to build it.
    • Made it so that players will no longer need to have their statius warhammer/any other hammer-type weapon (excluding the DWH) equipped to smash/restore a jewelled crab.
    • Clue boosters will now last for 60 minutes rather than 30 minutes.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed an issue where Fixed mode would extend by 3 pixels creating a thin black strip on Mac Clients.
    • Fixed the animation and graphics for the Skeletal Wyvern's magic attack.
    • Blood blitz will now provide extra magic experience for any damage done, as with all spells.
    • Fixed a bug where players would get 2 notifications that they cut a log, and one would say "Evergreen logs".
      • Players will now only receive 1 notification stating “You get some logs.”.
    • The VLS slash animation will no longer make your player do a broken animation.
    • Trying to build a CoX medium storage unit by clicking on it will now only require 4 planks rather than 6.
    • Fixed a bug where players couldn't trim topiaries with magic secateurs equipped.
    • Fixed a bug where players would temporarily got invisible if they were wearing specific items while a graphic was playing.
    • Fixed a bug where players would zoom in/out when scrolling through the kill records if they didn't have their zoom locked.
    • Fixed a bug with 2010 gameframe where the quest icon would draw a regular blue quest icon over the proper quest icon.
    • Fixed a bug where the XP counter setup button would not be positioned properly on Fixed mode when first logging on if you were using the 2010 gameframe.
    • Pet fixes:
      • Balloon animal was following players too closely, it will now keep a bit more distance.
      • Badger & other daily login reward pets are no longer broken on 2010 mode.
    • Reduced the item value of superantipoison potions.
    • Fixed an issue where clearing private messages wouldn't remove them until a player changed chatbox tabs.
    • The boosted basilisk jaw drop rate will now apply to regular basilisk tasks (rather than just basilisk knights).
    • The elder (+) potion will now boost your attack/strength/defence by 5 + 13% of your base level, rather than 3 + 10% of your base level.
    • Fixed an issue where if a player died with a master clue and then relogged before it disappeared, they wouldn't be able to get another one.
    • The Keystone crystal will now be properly removed when exiting a raid.
    • Fixed a bug where the bounty hunter teleport wouldn't properly display the target's wilderness level if they were in some dungeons.
    • Added a placeholder for the orange Vet'ion Jr variant.
    • If a player loses a master clue to the Zulrah death box clearing, they will now be able to get a new one.
    • Fixed an issue where demonic gorillas could sometimes attack a player with melee but the player would not be able to attack them.
    • Adjusted the spawn positions of Wingman Skree and Flight Kilisa so that it's no longer possible to be out of their range when they respawn.
    • Fixed a bug where some pieces of Black graceful did not have any weight reduction.
    • Fixed a bug where players couldn't properly exit The Gauntlet during a session.
    • Fixed a bug where the Attas Seed was not providing the proper yield boost.
    • Players can no longer setup their cannons in the Revenant area.
    • Fixed an issue where K'ril tsutsaroth's respawn time was still 40 seconds rather than 38.
    • The Nightmare's Parasites will no longer heal it after they've died.
    • Increased The Nightmare’s Ranged and Magic defensive stats from 250 to 600.
    • The Nightmare will no longer temporarily disappear when using the spore attack in phase 3.
    • The nightmares attacks will now be every 6 ticks (3.6 seconds) instead of 5 ticks (3 seconds).
    • Players can no longer pickup their pets while in the gauntlet.
    • Removed some debugging related text when using the Silver sickle ( B).
    • Fixed a bug with placeholders not working for the trailblazer outfits.
    • The item value for shrimp (used for item overlays) has been fixed as it was far too high.
    • Dragon claw special attack changes:
      • The animation has been changed to the OSRS one (dumped directly from OSRS this time to ensure accuracy).
  • Cape Rack Changes:
    • The cape rack functionality now fully works.
      • This means that players can now right click items hanging on their cape rack to teleport to the appropriate location, with some exceptions.
        • Not all skillcapes have an option when right-clicking, since they don’t all have teleports/features.
        • The Max cape has a “Perks” option which will allow players to either spell book swap, choose from the normal max cape teleports, or the POH portals.
        • The Magic cape has a spell book swap option rather than a teleport.
  • Revenant Cave Changes:
    • The Revenant cave is now a Singles-Plus combat area.
      • This means that the previous parts of the Revenant cave that were multi-way combat, as well as singles combat, are now singles-plus, which is effectively the same as singles, except for that if a player is in combat with an NPC, other players will be able to attack them.
    • All regular monsters have been removed, and the revenants have been spread out around the cave to match this map:
    • The risk required to enter the Revenant caves has been increased to 750k, rather than 250k.
      • This change was justified by the fact that we haven’t nerfed the loot from revenants at all, as well as the fact that we don’t have a fee required to enter.
    • There is a new exit to from the revenant caves in level 26 wilderness.
  • Xp Counter Changes:
    • The Xp drops will now be aligned with the xp counter position.
      • This means that if you have your XP counter aligned to the right, the xp drops and text will be drawn on the right-edge of the counter to take up the least amount of space (and same goes for the centre/left).
        • If players group their xp drops, and receive multiple drops in 1 tick (So that the grouping actually takes effect), it will always be right-aligned.
    • Adjusted the spacing of grouped skill icons so that they don’t look so strange.
    • Adjusted the positioning of xp drop text so that it's not so far away from the xp icons.
    • The Xp counter will now centre text better, and no longer have strange offsets.
    • The Xp counter will no longer show “Lots!” when your experience has exceeded 2.147b for total experience, and will now show up to 4.6b (the max amount of experience).
  • Gauntlet Changes:
    • Players will now be guaranteed to receive a weapon component for another type of weapon when killing the same Demi-boss 2 or more times.
      • For example, the first time killing a corrupted dark beast, the player will get a corrupted bowstring, but each time after that, they’ll get either a corrupted spike or corrupted orb.
    • The max hit of the crystal staves in the Gauntlet has been increased from 35 to 39.
  • Varrock Diary Perk Addition:
    • The Varrock diaries now have 4 new perks:
      • Varrock easy diaries:
        • 5% decrease in the cost of making planks (spells and manually).
      • Varrock medium diaries:
        • 10% decrease in the cost of making planks (spells and manually).
      • Varrock hard diaries:
        • 15% decrease in the cost of making planks (spells and manually).
      • Varrock Elite diaries:
        • 20% decrease in the cost of making planks (spells and manually).
  • Collection Log Additions:
    • All Pets:
      • Little Nightmare has been added to this log.
    • Slayer:
      • The following items have been added to the log:
        • Crawling hands
        • Cockatrice heads
        • Basilisk heads
        • Kurask heads
        • The Slayer Ring (eternal)
        • The Dust battlestaff
        • Wyvern Visage
        • Dragon Thrownaxe
        • Dragon Harpoon
        • Dragon Sword
        • Dragon Knife
        • Drake’s Tooth
        • Drake’s Claw
        • Basilisk Jaw
        • Dagon’hai Hat
        • Dagon’hai Robe Top
        • Dagon’hai Robe Bottom
        • Blood Shard
    • Miscellaneous:
      • The following items have been added to the log:
        • Ecumenical Key
        • Chewed Bones
        • Xeric’s Talisman (inert)
  • Drag Changes:
    • Players will no longer be able to use the ::drag or ::dragdistance commands on the runelite client.
      • This functionality can be fully handled through the Anti-Drag plugin.
    • Anti-drag plugin changes:
      • Fixed an issue where the proper drag values would not get set when logging in.
      • Added a configuration for drag distance.
        • Drag distance controls the amount of pixels the player needs to drag an item before it registers as a drag, rather than a click.
    • The ::drag command will now properly save between logins on the vanilla client.
  • Monster Drop Searcher Changes:
    • Updated the Monster drop searcher interface to return partial matches for searched NPC's.
      • This will now allow players to partially search names of NPC’s so that they don’t need to perfectly type it out each time.
        • The results returned will try to match the typed string as best as possible, and the rest of the results will be approximations based on the input.
          • The maximum results that can be seen at any given moment are 4 npc’s.
  • Giant Mole Changes:
    • Giant mole will now only burrow if it’s health is less than 50%.
    • Giant mole will now have a chance to burrow even if a player is attacking it from a safespot.
    • The Falador Shield 3/4 now has a functional mole locator.
      • Players can right click “Check” in their inventory, or “Mole-Locator” while equipped, and it will locate the exact position of the mole whether they’re in an instance or the default mole cave.
      • The Mole Locator will automatically trigger when a player enters the regular (non-instanced) mole cave with the Falador shield 3/4 in their inventory.




We hope you enjoy this update! As always, please immediately report any bugs that you encounter.
Omicron & Chad

#386975 [23/1/21] Experience trackers, Item Retrieval Interface, RuneLite updates...

Posted by Omicron on 23 January 2021 - 08:57 PM




Hello everyone,
Our 2nd update of the year brings some great QoL features, such as the long awaited Experience trackers! You'll now be able to set goals and keep track of them, and you'll also have the ability to customize the speed/size/placement and color of your XP drops. We're also making Ultimate Ironmen's lives easier by updating our Item retrieval system and allowing them to individually withdraw items, effectively creating 2 storage systems (Nightmare and Zulrah) for them. Aside from this, we've implemented many of your suggestions, such as increasing Rune Shop stocks and making the stock replenish more quickly. Finally, we've updated and improved a number of RuneLite features. We'll let you check out the full list of updates below:


  • Quality of life:
    • The "Walk here" option will now be removed when a player is using an item on something or casting a spell.
      • This means that misclicks while trying to use an item or cast a spell on an object/player/npc will no longer cause a player to walk to a specific tile.
    • The clue scroll plugin will now properly highlight the emote required for the step, and automatically set your scrollbar position to the correct location.
    • The Thyria's Wares rune shop in Arceuus has been opened to all players (previously locked to League players).
    • Leaving the Grotesque guardians chamber will now heal poison/venom, as well as health, prayer, and run energy.
    • Players will now receive experience for the extra ore they mine when wearing the varrock platebody.
    • Players can now update the dragon kiteshield ornament kit as a ~1/18k loot chance from Master clue scroll caskets.
    • Players can now use the trailblazer ornament kits on the infernal skilling equipment.
    • The Godwars dungeon bosses respawn timer has been reduced from 43 seconds to 35 seconds.
    • Changed the Western provinces elite diary task to grow 2 dragonfruit trees at the Tree Gnome patch to be the fruit tree patch in the Tree gnome stronghold near the gnome agility course (this has also been clarified in the task description).
    • Made the 2010 mode Abyssal tentacle/Lava whip/Ice whip idle animations look a lot more natural.
    • Added a "Group change details" option on the Group ironman orb that will let players know how many transfers they have left, and how long until their next transfer is available.
    • Players can now trade in their extra spirit seeds to Guildmaster Jane in the Farming guild for a hard-tier seed pack.
      • To do so, just use the spirit seed on Guildmaster Jane, or speak with her and ask her to trade in your spirit seed.
    • Players can now click on another players name in the trading post to add them as a friend.
    • Players can now hover over their total level in the skills tab to see their total experience.
    • The bone crusher will no longer crush long/curved bones.
    • All left-clicks on a specific achievement diary will now be registered as right clicks, so that players will be able to easy see the "view perks" option.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where stat boosting/draining potions would not work in LMS.
    • Adjusted the position of the Inventory tag overlays so that they better outline tagged items.
    • Fixed a bug where item overlays (inventory tags, item charges, etc..) would drag the overlay of all duplicate items in your inventory when dragging one specific item.
    • Players will now stop cooking if the fire they've lit has burnt out.
    • Fixed an issue where killing some NPC's outside of GWD (bloodvelds in nieve's cave, for example), would increase a player's GWD killcount.
    • The super antifire timer on the vanilla client will now only show for 3 minutes, rather than 6 minutes.
    • Players will no longer be spammed with the "You can't reach that!" message when fighting abyssal sire with melee.
    • The Abyssal Sire respiratory systems will now be visible on 2010 mode.
    • Fixed a bug where some combat effects (for example guthan's healing) would be triggered by cannonballs.
    • Fixed an issue where checking your slayer streak using the slayer helmet wouldn't update the runelite plugin properly.
    • 2010 mode fixes:
      • Fixed a bug where the mahogany homes broken mirror in Ross’s house would be invisible in 2010 mode.
      • Norman in Falador (Construction contract) will no longer be a "Man" NPC on 2010 mode.
      • Wizard Mizgog in the Wizard tower will no longer be invisible on 2010 mode.
    • Fixed a bug which was causing a crash on the 4th floor of the Grand tree, as well as on White Wolf Mountain.
    • When hovering over the server time, it will no longer show your Runecrafting points.
    • Players can now dismantle their trailblazer tools to get the ornament kit back.
    • If you typed in your password wrong, it would sometimes say "incorrect password" and then overwrite your username with the last username you logged in with (instead of the account you're currently trying to log into). This should no longer occur.
  • Rune Shop Changes:
    • Stock increases:
      • Wizard’s guild:
        • Blood rune stock increase from 250->500
        • Law rune stock increase from 300->500
        • Death rune stock increase from 300->750
      • Baba Yaga’s Rune shop:
        • Blood rune stock increase from 250->500
        • Death rune stock increase from 500->1000
        • Cosmic rune stock increase from 250->500
        • Soul rune stock increase from 250->500
        • Astral rune stock increase from 250->500
      • Thyria’s Wares:
        • Death rune stock increase from 300->500
        • Nature rune stock increase from 300-500
    • Stock additions:
      • Added 500 blood runes to Thyria’s wares rune store.
      • Added 2500 blood rune stock to Tzhaar-Mej’s rune store
    • Restock rate changes:
      • The restock rate for rune shops has been doubled from 6 runes every 30 seconds to 12.
    • Price changes:
      • The price of all runes in all shops have been increased slightly.
        • The Tzhaar-Mej Roh’s rune store is exempt from this increase, since it uses tokkul as a currency.
  • Runelite Changes:
    • The ground item despawn timers can now be set to either seconds or ticks instead of showing the pie circle.
    • Players will now be able to set a custom overworld and cave skybox colors using the skybox plugin.
    • Players can now use CTRL-F (or any keybind they set through the Bank plugin) to search their bank.
    • The item charges plugin has been updated to show the potion doses left on all CoX potions.
    • Players can now label any tiles they've marked in the world. 
  • Extreme Slayer Task Changes:
    • The following adjustments have been made to the chances of getting an extreme slayer task from Konar or Nieve:
      • Eternal/Immortal/Master donators will now have 2x the chance to get an extreme slayer task.
        • This bumps up the chance from a previous ~7.7% to 15% from Nieve.
      • Uber/Legendary/Extreme donators will now have 1.5x the chance to get an extreme slayer task.
        • This bumps up the chance from a previous 7.7% to ~11.5%.
  • Item Retrieval Changes:
    • Zulrah:
      • We’ve updated the Zulrah item retrieval service by adding an interface which players can now use to view and withdraw the items they’ve lost when dying to Zulrah.
        • This new interface will allow players to withdraw a specific amount of a given item in the death box and leave the rest of the items there.
          • There is also an option to withdraw all, and even destroy the items in the death box.
        • NOTE: Players who die an unsafe death will still lose all the items store in the death box, this has not changed!
        • The 100k gp fee will still need to be paid before a player can view the items in the death box.
    • Nightmare:
      • We’ve updated the Nightmare item retrieval service by adding an interface which players can now use to view and withdraw the items they’ve lost when dying to the Nightmare.
        • This new interface will allow players to withdraw a specific amount of a given item in the death box and leave the rest of the items there.
          • There is also an option to withdraw all, and even destroy the items in the death box.
        • NOTE: Players who die an unsafe death anywhere else in the game will not lose the items stored in this death box UNLESS they die again to the Nightmare, in which case their items will be overridden.
          • This makes it more useful for UIM’s to store items and retrieve them individually, however we will not be refunding lost items due to player mistakes under any circumstances.
        • The 250k gp fee will still need to be paid before a player can view the items in the death box.
  • Xp Tracker Interface:
    • Players can now right-click the XP counter button near their minimap and click “Setup” to access a new settings interface that will allow them to completely customize their xp tracker progress.
      • Counter settings:
        • Position:
          • This drop down menu allows players to select a position for the XP counter/drops to be shown.
        • Size:
          • This drop down menu allows players to select a size for the XP counter and droplet text.
        • Speed:
          • This drop down menu allows players to select the speed that the droplets will rise at.
        • Duration:
          • This drop down menu allows players to select the length which the xp counter will remain visible for after gaining experience.
        • Counter:
          • This drop down menu allows players to select a skill to display on the experience counter.
            • By default this will display the current experience in that skill (or your total experience).
        • Progress bar:
          • This drop down menu will allow players to select the skill they want to show a progress bar for.
            • The progress bar will be rendered just below the experience counter.
        • Colour:
          • This drop down menu will allow players to select the color of the experience droplets text.
        • Group:
          • This drop down menu allows players to select whether they want to group all of their experience drops in the same droplet, or have them separated.
            • For example, when attacking with a whip on controlled, normally this would show 4 separate experience drops (hitpoints, strength, attack, defence), but the group setting would only display 1 droplet with the total experience.
        • Fake Drops:
          • This drop down menu allows players to toggle the fake XP drops on/off if their combat stat is locked.
      • Goals/Trackers:
        • Players will also find the option to set a goal or tracker for every skill (including total).
          • When a player clicks on the skill they want, it will open a window that will allow the player to select a series of settings to create a goal or tracker.
            • No tracker or goal:
              • This disables the tracker/goal for that skill, and won’t change anything shown on the counter or progress bar if this skill is selected.
            • Tracker:
              • This will allow players to set a starting point (experience or level) that is less than or equal to their current experience, and this will cause the counter to show only the experience you’ve gained above the start point if this skill is selected to be shown on the counter.
                • It will also show you information about your tracker when hovering over the experience counter.
                  • The information shown includes the experience above your start point, the start point itself, and the total experience in that skill.
            • Goals:
              • This option allows players to select a start/end point to create a goal for themselves in a specific skill.
                • Once a goal is set, the progress towards that goal will be displayed on the progress bar (rather than progress towards the next level) if that skill is selected to show on the progress bar.
                  • Players can also hover their cursor over the progress bar to show the following information:
                    • Percentage towards goal completed
                    • Goal start point
                    • Current experience
                    • Goal end point
                    • Remaining experience to goal

We hope you enjoy this update! Please let us know if any bugs arise so that we can patch them up.
Omicron & Chad

#386553 Realism Progress #2

Posted by Real cream on 19 January 2021 - 05:24 PM

Hello everyone, back at it again with the 1 year anniversary for this particular spoon account. A lot of gains has been made!

Time frame: 9th August 2020 - 19th January 2021

Game Panel: (Playtime)


Goals from previous thread;

- Master rank (12600/5000) (Gotta give that massive love to @Omicron )
- Unforgiven (forum award)
- Unbeatable (forum award)
- Quality approved (forum award)
- Goodwill (forum award)
- Minigamer (forum award)
- Completionist (pending eek)
- ToB log
- Corp log
- CoX (last kit)







The Nightmare;

Completed logs;

PK Events; (Hosted by @Moe <3, please attend and support)
Award loc on a few? ;) @Moe

Collection Log Pics;




The Nightmare;

Pet Collection;


Future Goals;

- ToB log
- Corp log
- 18/30 pets
- 28/40 forum awards
- 245/500 collections logged
- Eternal donor 12600/20000

Thank you for viewing, hopefully it was short and sweet, see you all around, much love <3
Big shoutout to everyone, you know who you are :ph34r: <3

Real cream x

#385342 Boss lair display

Posted by Flight Risk on 04 January 2021 - 06:15 PM

What is your suggestion?: To have the ability to store all your jars in the display case so you can switch them at any time


Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Save bank space

#385196 The Alora Times 1/01/2021

Posted by A on 03 January 2021 - 01:56 AM


Hello everyone, and welcome to another edition of The Alora Times!


I would first like to apologize for posting this month’s edition late, I was extremely busy with family over the holidays. While on the topic, we hope that you have all had happy holidays, and ate some good food! We wish you all the best as we move into 2021, may this year bring everyone happiness and success. Without any further ado, let’s kick off with the paper. 


Happy New Year! + Alora League Winners & Extension - January 1st, 2021

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas! - December 25th, 2020

Christmas Event, Sales & Donator Rank Transfers! - December 19th, 2020

Last Man Standing Loadouts, Reworked Quest Tab, New League Relics & More! - December 13th, 2020


January Vote Competition [2nd-16th] - January 1st, 2021

Bonus Schedule for January - December 31st, 2020


If you want to check out the entire update list, click here.


There haven't been any changes to the rules this month, but feel free to look them over for a refresher. 




The Official Rules can be found here.


There have been quite a few changes to the staff team this month, you can see them below.


December 22nd, 2020


99 has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Citra has been promoted to Server Support.
Fear7heduck has returned to the Staff Team as Server Support.

Secondary ranks/Name changes:
Stone has added a secondary rank to River.
hard 99 has changed his name to War.

Doofy has resigned from Global Moderator.
Kevin has resigned from Server Moderator.
A BJ has temp resigned from Server Moderator.

11 has been demoted from Global Moderator and banned for breaking Staff Rules.
Selenagomez has been demoted from Server Support and banned for breaking Staff Rules.



For more info on Staff Updates, click here.


This month we will be interviewing our new staff members: Eliteduck and Citra.
Let's start off with Eliteduck...
A: Tell us a little about yourself.
Eliteduck: Firstly I'm 23 years old and I’m from Ohio. I've personally been playing Alora for 3 years when I’m not playing Alora, ill usually be working on my motorcycle.
A: What started your obsession with ducks?
Eliteduck: So the story being my username is that when I was in 6th or 7th grade I got my first Xbox and I was trying to think of a creative username and I did some searching and there’s a phobia of ducks looking at you, and from then till now its been my username and therefore that’s where my obsession with ducks came from (Anatidaephobia).
A: What are your current in-game goals?
Eliteduck: My current in-game goals are going to be maxing and getting completionist monkey on my elite ironman! 
A: If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Eliteduck: If I could meet anyone in the world I think it would be Slash aka Saul Hudson from guns and roses, he was like my idol when I was growing up loved being able to play him on guitar hero and he actually got me into playing the guitar a little bit I don’t play much anymore I would want to me him over anyone. 
A: Do you have any IRL goals for the new year? 
Eliteduck: So I have a couple of goals this year for IRL, one of them is going to be trying to own a house by the end of this year, and another is I want to take my Harley kind of cross country with one of my good IRL friends. The biggest goal is going to be the house though.
Next up, Citra!
A: Tell us a little about yourself.
Citra: I gravitate towards electronics, I always have since I was a little kid. I would lay by my dad and watch what he was doing on windows 98-2000. After I was about 15; I created my own game. That was a great accomplishment for me and made me realize what I wanted to do in life. 
A: What is your favorite content on Alora?
Citra: I love the community-based things, Moe always does fantastic with them. ;P 
A: Do you have any hobbies outside of the game?
Citra: Snowboarding because I live in the mountains  ;)
A: If you could have lunch with any member of the community, who would it be and why?
Citra: Lowkey, he seems so chill.
A: What is your favorite show/movie and why? 
Citra: The 100. Because it pulled your interest at all times. I.E. Sometimes it was boring and then it suddenly peaked your interest again.


If you'd like to see a particular member of the Alora community interviewed and/or particular question answered, make sure leave your nomination on the Newspaper Interview Nomination thread each month. 





Here we honor our fallen comrades from the last month. We wish them the best on their new Ironman journeys and better luck next time (1000+ Total Level).



































Stay up to date with the progress threads from the following members of the Alora Community:


Smope Jr





Gamer stay hard finally gets a dragon warhammer after way too many kills



Congratulations to Ziaw on achieving 200m Hitpoints! Mans out here knocking them 200ms out like dominoes



Dab has completed the wilderness! What an achievement



Yautja gets a tiny purple/orange boi



Aeroblast gets the one of the most difficult pets, congratulations!



Our father Moe has completed his 1 year anniversary as Event Manager! Thank you for everything you do for us  <3



Make a topic in our Goals and Achievements section or PM me on the forums/Discord with your accomplishment to be featured in this section!

The winner of December MOTM is...


Congratulations! You have stood out in the eyes of the Alora community. Thank you for being a great member here on Alora and enjoy your rewards. :)

The link to the Member of the Month thread can be found here.


Also, please make sure to check out our streamers and video makers. They would love to have you keep them company during their streams and check out the content they create for Alora.







Sexy Wooxhttps://www.youtube....rdQYV0dwtKT6_KA







Slow Coachhttps://www.youtube....g9UtlA0CW1kFY0A


Video Makers





Nesterd: https://www.youtube....?v=ZvPIKsckQu4


Noobs ownhttps://www.youtube....fCnjg4Gw6GyiHlA


Skill 99https://www.youtube....kHmYFUJ6jcpnDzA




I pk max jrhttps://www.youtube....JjeeQaa7HqkyEzg








Mickey GIMhttps://www.youtube....uzS6QjE2GOR10zw





If you enjoy Alora content, make sure to hit the Subscribe button on their channels to show them your support!

If I've missed anyone I do apologize, just message me on the forums or on Discord with a link to your channel and I will add you in.

That concludes this month’s edition of the Alora Newspaper!

You can read the previous edition by clicking here.