Forever a beast KP
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Posted by Dumdum
on 31 January 2019 - 08:30 AM
You've kinda motivated me to make an account like this...But I think I wanna go the 75 atk/99 str/1 def route. With 99 range/mage/prayer. Kind of a random account, but mainly just like a 1 def bossing account kind of thing.
Posted by Dumdum
on 22 January 2019 - 01:51 PM
Hey people With life finally settling down and me getting back into the swing of things, I am able to start playing Alora again! I missed most of you a lot and am super excited to play again, and super stoked about Group Ironman mode.
Posted by Dumdum
on 21 January 2019 - 05:17 PM
Posted by Dumdum
on 21 January 2019 - 07:47 AM
Posted by Dumdum
on 26 November 2018 - 06:39 PM
Hello everyone.
So today has been a very sad realization for me. With the way life is going with my new job, and school coming up (finally going back at 25 years old), I have had to step down from Alora staff, and also ICE staff. And along with that, I will be at the least taking an extended break from Alora. Since I joined this server, I have had such a great time on here. Alora fulfilled something I had been sorely lacking since the day EOC was announced on Runescape years ago. The community on here is hands down the best I have come across on not just any rsps, but any game I've ever played. Thank you so much for the great times Alora.
Special shoutouts to ALL of ICE. Being staff there has been amazing, and I appreciate @king purple @
To @
To all the Admins , all of you, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be on the Alora staff team. The team you have right now is so strong, and I just know Alora will greatly benefit from all of you.
@Noobair thank you for being the model clan member, and community member that you are.
To all of PEEKs, thanks for making me afraid of going in the wildy :'(
I love you all. Thanks for the memories. Hopefully I can comeback one day.
Dumdum out.
Posted by Dumdum
on 19 November 2018 - 01:04 PM
Best Admin: @
Best Global Moderator: @
Best Forum Moderator: @
Best Server Moderator: @
Best Event Manager: @king purple
Best Server Support: @Mhk
Most active on Discord: @Moral truth
Most active In-game: @Moral truth
Most active on Forums: @Moral truth
Most Respected: @
Most Potential Promotion: @Moral truth
Funniest Staff Member: @
Overall Best Staff Member:
Most Active In-game: @
Most Active on Forums: @Ragragrag
Most Active on Discord:
Most Active Overall: @Noobair
Most Wealthy: @
Most Addicted to Gambling:
Most Friendly: @
Most Respected: @
Coolest Veteran: @glen
Best Helper: @
Best Edgeville Pker: @MKI
Best Hybrid: @
Best NH Pker: @
Best PvMer: @Noobair
Best Raider: @Noobair
Best Skiller: @
Best Clan: ICE
Best Ironman: @
Best Hardcore Ironman: @200m dancing
Best Ultimate Ironman: @Diseased
Best Elite Ironman: @cahsay
Best Classic Player: @
classic joke
Best GFX Designer: @
Best Youtuber: @
Best Streamer: @
Top Overall: @
Posted by Dumdum
on 17 November 2018 - 08:36 AM
It's going to be a long grind but you've got what it takes.
I myself would never have the patience to do such a thing but my hat goes off to you @Dumdum
Slayer is the ONLY skill i'm looking forward to grinding to 200m lol. I've done so much Slayer over the years on Runescape/OSRS it's nuts
Posted by Dumdum
on 15 November 2018 - 02:36 PM
DB obviously stands for Designer Beast. Great work man. And the signatures are getting better everytime!
Posted by Dumdum
on 14 November 2018 - 10:15 PM
Hello everyone! So Slayer has been and probably always will be my favorite skill in Runescape. A buddy of mine gave me the idea to finally say screw it and go for 200m on here, and with that I wanted to document my progress in detail (xp/gp gained, xp/gp per hour, gear upgrades, etc), and this is where I will be documenting that progress!
Day One (11/14/2018)
So it was fairly late in the evening when I started, so I only got a solid hour of slayer in unfortunately. In that hour I did the two tasks listed below. I did do a God Event too, so that cut into my hour, but also boosted xp per kill for the duration.
55 Black Demons, which I made 852k on. (3,120xp per kill without bonus, 3,744xp with God Event xp)
87 Hellhounds, which I made 1.3m on. (2,262xp per kill without bonus)
Ending Cash stack for the day = 5,891,365 (Started at 3,724,855)
Ending Slayer XP for the day = 14,510,320 (Started at 14,075,050)
Ending Defense XP for the day = 19,294,145 (Started at 17,635,611)
Ending Hitpoints XP for the day = 20,041,288 (Started at 19,533,321)
Day One Slayer Gear
I am very poor I know
I am very excited to go for this grind, and even more excited to share the "stats" I gather while doing this as I hope it can answer a lot of questions for some people in terms of xp/gp related things and what the most efficient slayer tasks are. Thanks for tuning into the journey