hey man, if you rather be given .60 cents/1m rather then .67/1m (by just selling the gold) and donating and taking advantage of the 25% more tokens, be my guest, but what you stated, is he can write it down as a mm fee of it being a min $1.12 fee for him to personally go and get it from you? when you can use a certified website known and not have to deal with any of these "fee's" just this week, I was quoted .67/1m which was on Tuesday
Would you rather be given .67 or .60/1m for the same amount of time span? and not be charged a fee(for automated donation)/be charged a fee for just meeting the owner
But I thank you for your comment, and your opinion on this matter, I am simply trying to help show the motivations of encouraging donating
to me, just seeing the owner profiting, by just accepting a donation where he can just resell it, when I could just sell, then donate for a better RATE via cash, is just VERY off putting.
No support. The system is perfect as is. Rates are adjusted based on the market for 07 so the current/future rates are completely reasonable. Also, we don't need this as an inventive for voting. That's what the 25% bonus tokens are for.
Also, to your point about Omicron profiting off 07 donations. I'm not particularly certain whether he profits or not but if he does it's minuscule. Anyway, it'd go down as a MM expense, seeing as he has to go through the trouble of handling ALL 07 donations on top of his other responsibilities.