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Member Since 06 Jun 2018
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2019 12:18 PM

Topics I've Started

Kc item memories

05 January 2019 - 08:54 AM

So what i was thinking of was dat if you do get a rare item of a boss or monster it save as the kc you got  the item on.

Example i get prayer scroll on kc 12 it saved as kc 12 or kc 100 or whenever u get items :D and it saved on droplog or collection log of how many prayer scrolls you had so far or in 100 kc ect.

Everytime i get rares i always have to take picture of it and it bother me abit couse i wanna actully see my progess of what ive killed and got so far :D.

Thanks for reading and hopefully it can be added to Alora.

Like a collection log thing where you can see when you get items of whatever boss you been hunting/killing kind of a progress log ect.