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Member Since 19 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active May 31 2020 02:38 PM

Topics I've Started

Players vs Staff

19 May 2017 - 07:37 AM

The game is very simple: start from 1 and continue the # sequence until a staff member (support/mod/fmod/gmod etc..) posts and interrupts the game! When this happens we will have to start over at 1 and continue again. Each time we reach a mile stone I will edit this post to include our highest number achieved. ALSO - if someone posts at the same time as yourself make sure to edit your post to make sure the flow of the game continues!


Example (for the visual learners):


Stephanie: 1

Sir Snuffles: 2

Lowkey: I like dingleberries!
Stephanie: 1




I'll start off the game: 1


Highest Score: 48 (WE WERE SO CLOSE!)


Milestones: 50  100  150  200

Will strike out when milestone has been reached!


Please don't double post ~ have fun!