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Member Since 28 May 2018
Previous Username: Cahsay
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2024 10:34 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Removal of Booster/Vote book timer

17 July 2020 - 02:12 AM

Okay but most of the easy modes can already use the vote books and boosters without cooldown, the only modes that cant are decently time consuming to level.

Yeah I know, I agree that boosters shouldn’t have a CD. The only thing when using votes that I think should stay on CD is bxp, the rest should be able to be used as much as wanted.

In Topic: Removal of Booster/Vote book timer

16 July 2020 - 11:23 PM

EIM can transfer boosters and books, not quite sure about gim since i havent played on mine in a while. 


In terms of being able to use said votes / boosters, i half agree. Boosters i think shouldnt have a cooldown, if i buy 20 boosters i should be able to active all 20 and use them if I want. Vote books i think anything besides the BXP should be able to use as much as wanted, imo it would make the slower modes way too easy.  I also wouldnt be against shortening time between BXP, maybe even half. 

In Topic: PVP Updates

15 July 2020 - 08:15 AM

I haven't ever been much of a pker, But I understand it's part of the game and it would be awesome to see the wild be more active instead of mainly pvmers out there. 


Can definitely say I agree with you on the "it doesn't matter what gear you have" in terms of magic and range, would be cool to see that fixed in terms of it will help PvM out too.  Support this 100%.

In Topic: QOL Farmers blessing

11 June 2020 - 06:05 PM

Support for sure! I got familiar with the teleports, but I think either of the 2 ideas would be a great change to the item. 

In Topic: [9/6/20] Darkmeyer, ToB Drop rate buff, CoX updates, Achievement diary change...

10 June 2020 - 01:37 AM

Amazing update.... thank you for the hard work omi!! Looking forward to runelite as well >:)